Common use of SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS Clause in Contracts

SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS. HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable MARKING: Shelterwood Leave Trees are not marked. Retain at least 11-12 trees per acre, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirements. If 21- inch DBH trees are not present, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must be cut. If the Purchaser fails to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and the Forest Officer will require leave trees to be marked by the Purchaser, and the marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 2. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 6. HIGH BANKING REQUIRED 9. ADVERSE HAULING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable MARKING: Shelterwood Leave Trees are not marked. Retain at least 11-12 trees per acre, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirements. If 21- inch DBH trees are not present, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must be cut. If the Purchaser fails to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and the Forest Officer will require leave trees to be marked by the Purchaser, and the marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 2. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-1T 28-2T 28-3T 44 56 26 1,993 3,654 1,848 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Units 28-1 & 28-3T prescription is individual tree selection. Unit 28-2T prescription is shelterwood. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 9. ADVERSE HAULING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-4T 28-5T 28-6T 28-7T 28-8T 90 76 13 12 43 5,742 4,382 1,022 459 1,994 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Units 28-4T, 28-5T & 28-8T prescription is shelterwood. Units 28-6T & 28-7T prescription is individual tree selection. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-9T 50 3,365 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Old Growth Restoration Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 8. ADVERSE SKIDDING

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SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS. HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 00-00 000 0000 YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Combination: Skyline and ground-based equipment MARKING: Shelterwood Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Seed Tree. Leave Trees are not marked. Retain at least 114-12 6 trees (approximately 85 to 100 foot spacing) and two snags and snag recruitment trees per acre. Disease free western larch and Xxxxxxx-fir are preferred leave tree species. Leave vigorous looking western larch and Xxxxxxx-fir dominants and co-dominants with good crown form, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL leader growth and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH minimal disease or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirementsdamage. If 21- inch DBH trees are encountered, western white pine is also a desirable leave tree. If the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is not presentbeing met by the Purchaser, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting Forest Officer may require the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must Purchaser to sample xxxx an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be cutapproved by the Forest Officer. If the Purchaser fails continues to be unable to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and harvest prescription requirements the Forest Officer will may require leave trees to be marked marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser, Purchaser and the approval of marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements Award date though March 16, 2021; June 16, 2021 through March 16, 2022; Nov 16, 2022 through March 16, 2023; and when Soil Compaction Restrictions in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1 of this contract apply. SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 3. PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 4. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 5. FELLING OF SUBMERCHANTABLE TREES REQUIRED 6. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 57. SLASHING COMBINATION OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 6. HIGH BANKING REQUIRED 9. ADVERSE HAULING SKYLINE YARDING AND GROUND BASED SKIDDING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 34-04 74 4100 YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Combination: Skyline and ground-based equipment MARKING: Shelterwood Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Commercial thin: Leave Trees 90-100 trees (approximately 20-25 foot spacing) per acre. Disease free western white pine, western larch, and Xxxxxxx-fir are preferred leave tree species. Leave vigorous looking western white pine, western larch and Xxxxxxx-fir with good crown form, leader growth and minimal disease or damage. If preferred species are not markedavailable, western red cedar may be left in groups to facilitate spacing. Retain at least 11Unit will be harvested using a combination ground- based and skyline yarding system. Leave 10-12 trees 15 tons per acre, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirementsacre of coarse woody debris. If 21- inch DBH trees are the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is not presentbeing met by the Purchaser, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting Forest Officer may require the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must Purchaser to sample xxxx an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be cutapproved by the Forest Officer. If the Purchaser fails continues to be unable to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and harvest prescription requirements the Forest Officer will may require leave trees to be marked marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser, Purchaser and the approval of marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements Award date though March 16, 2021; June 16, 2021 through March 16, 2022; Nov 16, 2022 through March 16, 2023; and when Soil Compaction Restrictions in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1 of this contract apply. SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 3. PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 4. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 6. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 57. SLASHING COMBINATION OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED SKYLINE YARDING AND GROUND BASED SKIDDING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 2800-1T 28-2T 28-3T 44 56 26 1,993 3,654 1,848 00 000 0000 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based Combination: Skyline and ground-based equipment MARKING: Units 28Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Seed Tree. Leave 4-1 & 286 trees (approximately 85 to 100 foot spacing) and two snags and snag recruitment trees per acre. Disease free western larch and Xxxxxxx-3T fir are preferred leave tree species. Leave vigorous looking western larch and Xxxxxxx-fir dominants and co-dominants with good crown form, leader growth and minimal disease or damage. If encountered, western white pine is also a desirable leave tree. If the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is individual tree selectionnot being met by the Purchaser, the Forest Officer may require the Purchaser to sample xxxx an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be approved by the Forest Officer. Unit 28-2T If the Purchaser continues to be unable to meet the harvest prescription is shelterwood. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH requirements the Forest Officer may require marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser and xxxxx xxxxapproval of marking by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements Award date though March 16, 2021; June 16, 2021 through March 16, 2022; Nov 16, 2022 through March 16, 2023; and when Soil Compaction Restrictions in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1 of this contract apply. SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 3. PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 4. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 5. FELLING OF SUBMERCHANTABLE TREES REQUIRED 6. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 9. ADVERSE HAULING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-4T 28-5T 28-6T 28-7T 28-8T 90 76 13 12 43 5,742 4,382 1,022 459 1,994 COMBINATION OF SKYLINE YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Units 28-4T, 28-5T & 28-8T prescription is shelterwood. Units 28-6T & 28-7T prescription is individual tree selection. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL AND GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-9T 50 3,365 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Old Growth Restoration Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 8. ADVERSE SKIDDING

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SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS. HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Ground based MARKING: Shelterwood Leave Trees are not markedtrees marked with a horizontal (Orange) paint xxxx at diameter breast height(DBH) and a xxxx below xxxxx height. Retain at least 11The prescription is Shelterwood. Leave dominant and co-12 dominant crop trees per acre, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirements. If 21- inch DBH trees are not present, leave based on the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must be cut. If the Purchaser fails to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and the Forest Officer will require leave trees to be marked by the Purchaser, and the marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to harvestmarking. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements November 16, 2018 through March 1, 2019; June 16, 2019 through March 1, 2020; June 16, 2020 through March 1, 2021; June 16, 2021 through March 1, 2022 and when Soil Compaction Restrictions in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1 of this contract apply. SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 3. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION CONVENTIONAL GROUND-BASED YARDING 5. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION 6. CONSTRUCTED SKID TRAIL RECLAMATION 7. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 68. HIGH BANKING REQUIRED EQUIPMENT RESTRICTION ZONE, STREAMSIDE MANAGEMENT ZONE 9. ADVERSE HAULING PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 10. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Ground based MARKING: Shelterwood Not Marked. Operator is to select leave trees based on the following description. Prescription is Clear cut. Leave Trees are not marked. Retain at least 11-12 two snags and two snag recruitment trees per acre, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, >21 inches DBH dbh or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirementsthe largest size class present. If 21- inch DBH trees sufficient snags are not presentavailable, leave snag recruits (live trees) can be substituted. Leave 10-15 tons per acre of coarse woody debris. The primary objective will be increased growth and health of lodgepole pine regeneration. If the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting Forest Officer determines that the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must desired harvest prescription is not being met by the Purchaser, the Forest Officer may require the Purchaser to sample xxxx an additional portion of the unit to be cutapproved by the Forest Officer. If the Purchaser fails continues to be unable to meet the cutting prescriptionharvest prescription requirements, cutting operations will be suspended and the Forest Officer will may require leave trees to be marked marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser, and the marking Purchaser to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements November 16, 2018 through March 1, 2019; June 16, 2019 through March 1, 2020; June 16, 2020 through March 1, 2021; June 16, 2021 through March 1, 2022 and when Soil Compaction Restrictions in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1 of this contract apply. SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 3. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION CONVENTIONAL GROUND-BASED YARDING 5. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION 6. CONSTRUCTED SKID TRAIL RECLAMATION 7. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 9. PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 10. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 2800-1T 28-2T 28-3T 44 56 26 1,993 3,654 1,848 00 000 0000 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based based MARKING: Units 28-1 & 28-3T Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description. The prescription is individual Overstory Removal. Leave 9 trees per acre (approximately 70 feet spacing) and two snags >21 inches dbh or the largest size class present per acre. If sufficient snags are not available, snag recruits (live trees) >21 inches dbh or the largest size class present can be substituted. Disease free western larch and Xxxxxxx-fir are preferred leave tree selectionspecies. Unit 28Leave disease free western larch and Xxxxxxx-2T fir dominants. Ground-based logging system. Leave 10- 15 tons per acre of coarse woody debris. If the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is shelterwoodnot being met by the Purchaser, the Forest Officer may require the Purchaser to sample xxxx an additional portion of the unit to be approved by the Forest Officer. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxxIf the Purchaser continues to be unable to meet the harvest prescription requirements, the Forest Officer may require marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements November 16, 2018 through March 1, 2019; June 16, 2019 through March 1, 2020; June 16, 2020 through March 1, 2021; June 16, 2021 through March 1, 2022 and when Soil Compaction Restrictions in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1 of this contract apply. SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 3. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 4. CONVENTIONAL GROUND GROUND-BASED YARDING 45. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5TRAIL CONSTRUCTION 6. CONSTRUCTED SKID TRAIL RECLAMATION 7. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 9. ADVERSE HAULING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-4T 28-5T 28-6T 28-7T 28-8T 90 76 13 12 43 5,742 4,382 1,022 459 1,994 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Units 28-4T, 28-5T & 28-8T prescription is shelterwoodPROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER. Units 28-6T & 28-7T prescription is individual tree selection. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 410. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 511. SLASHING OF LOGGINGLONG DISTANCE GROUND-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-9T 50 3,365 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Old Growth Restoration Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING1,800-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 8. ADVERSE SKIDDING3,000 FEET REQUIRED

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SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS. HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Ground Based Harvesting MARKING: Shelterwood Leave Trees are not markedtrees sample marked on 17-15. Retain at least 11-12 Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Individual Tree Selection: Leave 25 trees per acre, acre (40-45’ 45 foot spacing, favor leaving healthy, well). Disease free western larch and Xxxxxxx-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet fir are preferred leave tree retention requirementsspecies. If 21- inch DBH trees encountered, western white pine and Xxxxxxxxx spruce are also an acceptable leave tree. If the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is not presentbeing met by the Purchaser, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting Forest Officer may require the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must Purchaser to sample mark an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be cutapproved by the Forest Officer. If the Purchaser fails continues to be unable to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and harvest prescription requirements the Forest Officer will may require leave trees to be marked marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser, Purchaser and the approval of marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When November 16, 2024 through March 30, 2025; November 16, 2025 through March 30, 2026; November 16, 2026 through March 30, 2027 and when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. SKYLINE YARDING PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 3. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 4. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 35. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 6. HIGH BANKING TEMPORARY SPUR ROAD CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED 97. ADVERSE HAULING LONG DISTANCE GROUND BASED YARDING OF 1800-4000 FEET REQUIRED 8. CLOSE ROADS 12. RESIDENTIAL AND OPEN-ROAD HAZARD REDUCTION 15. LYNX HABITAT PROTECTION HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Ground Based Harvesting MARKING: Shelterwood Leave Trees are not markedMarked 25 TPA of advanced regeneration for wildlife hiding cover along the highway with preference for shade tolerant species. Retain at least 11-12 trees per acre, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirements. If 21- inch DBH trees are not present, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must be cut. If the Purchaser fails to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and the Forest Officer will require leave trees to be marked by the Purchaser, and the marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to harvest. Seed Tree Unit OPERATING PERIOD: When November 16, 2024 through March 30, 2025; November 16, 2025 through March 30, 2026; November 16, 2026 through March 30, 2027 and when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. SKYLINE YARDING PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 3. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 4. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 35. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 410. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED FOR FELLING ALONG ROADS 12. RESIDENTIAL AND OPEN-ROAD HAZARD REDUCTION 13. OPERATION AROUND IMPROVEMENTS 14. OPERATION AROUND HIGH VOLTAGE POWERLINES 15. LYNX HABITAT PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-1T 28-2T 28-3T 44 56 26 1,993 3,654 1,848 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based Harvesting MARKING: Units 28-1 & 28-3T prescription is individual tree selection. Leave Trees Marked Commercial Thin Unit 28-2T prescription is shelterwood. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When November 16, 2024 through March 30, 2025; November 16, 2025 through March 30, 2026; November 16, 2026 through March 30, 2027 and when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 3. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 4. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 9. ADVERSE HAULING USE OF EXISTING SKID TRAILS REQUIRED 15. LYNX HABITAT PROTECTION HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-4T 28-5T 28-6T 28-7T 28-8T 90 76 13 12 43 5,742 4,382 1,022 459 1,994 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based Harvesting MARKING: Units 28-4T, 28-5T & 28-8T prescription is shelterwood. Units 28-6T & 28-7T prescription is individual tree selection. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. Trees Marked Commercial Thin Unit OPERATING PERIOD: When November 16, 2024 through March 30, 2025; November 16, 2025 through March 30, 2026; November 16, 2026 through March 30, 2027 and when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT 2. PROTECTION OF RESIDUAL TIMBER 3. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 4. WINTER SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 10. TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED 7FOR FELLING ALONG ROADS 11. SKID TRAIL SPACING HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-9T 50 3,365 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Old Growth Restoration Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxxHOT DECKING REQUIRED TO REDUCE LANDING SIZE AND KEEP ROADS OPEN 15. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 8. ADVERSE SKIDDINGLYNX HABITAT PROTECTION

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SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS. HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Tractor MARKING: Shelterwood Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Individual Tree Selection - Favor healthy/vigorous ponderosa pine trees for leave. Leave Trees are not marked. Retain at least 11-12 trees per acre, 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL all ponderosa pine 21” dbh and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest Remove all merchantable white xxxxx Xxxxxxx-fir. Target a residual basal area of 30 – 40, approximately 14 trees/acre (LP & GF) unless needed to meet tree retention requirementsapproximately 50 – 60 foot spacing). If 21- inch DBH trees are the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is not presentbeing met by the Purchaser, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting Forest Officer may require the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must Purchaser to sample mark an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be cutapproved by the Forest Officer. If the Purchaser fails continues to be unable to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and harvest prescription requirements the Forest Officer will may require leave trees to be marked marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser, Purchaser and the approval of marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When 11/28 – 9/1 when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 2. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5(see VII.G): 1. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 62. HIGH BANKING FELLING OF SUBMERCHANTABLE TREES REQUIRED 93. ADVERSE HAULING USE OF EXISTING SKID TRAILS REQUIRED 4. APPROVED SKID TRAILS REQUIRED HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) YARDING METHOD: Skyline/Cable Tractor MARKING: Shelterwood Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Individual Tree Selection - Favor healthy/vigorous ponderosa pine trees for leave. Leave Trees are all ponderosa pine 21” dbh and greater. Remove all Xxxxxxx-fir infected with mistletoe and/or spruce budworm. Target a residual basal area of 20 – 30, approximately 8-12 trees/acre (approximately 60 - 70ft. spacing). Where there is not markedsufficient PP to meet the residual BA/spacing, healthy DF will be left to maintain the minimum BA. Retain at least 11only disease-12 trees per acre, free DF with a minimum of 40-45’ spacing, favor leaving healthy, well-formed PP, WL and DF, in that order, 21 inches DBH or greater. Harvest all merchantable white xxxxx (LP & GF) unless needed % live crown to meet tree retention minimum BA/spacing requirements. If 21- inch DBH trees are the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is not presentbeing met by the Purchaser, leave the largest diameter trees available. All other trees meeting Forest Officer may require the minimum size for cutting in Table 2 must Purchaser to sample mark an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be cutapproved by the Forest Officer. If the Purchaser fails continues to be unable to meet the cutting prescription, cutting operations will be suspended and harvest prescription requirements the Forest Officer will may require leave trees to be marked marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser, Purchaser and the approval of marking to be approved by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When 11/28 – 9/1 when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 2REQUIREMENTS(see VII.G): Harvesting will require the use of existing trails/road prisms combined with excavated skid trails at the bottom of the unit for yarding. SKYLINE YARDING REQUIREMENTS 3Excavated skid trails will be recontoured when skidding is complete (See VII. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED M. 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5.) 1. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 2. FELLING OF SUBMERCHANTABLE TREES REQUIRED 3. USE OF EXISTING SKID TRAILS REQUIRED 4. APPROVED SKID TRAILS REQUIRED HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-1T 28-2T 28-3T 44 56 26 1,993 3,654 1,848 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based Tractor MARKING: Units 28Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Individual Tree Selection - Favor healthy/vigorous ponderosa pine trees for leave. Leave all ponderosa pine 21” dbh and greater. Remove all Xxxxxxx-1 & 28fir infected with mistletoe and/or spruce budworm. Target a residual basal area of 20 – 30, approximately 8-3T 12 trees/acre (approximately 60 - 70ft. spacing). Where there is not sufficient PP to meet the residual BA/spacing, healthy DF will be left to maintain the minimum BA. Retain only disease-free DF with a minimum of 40% live crown to meet minimum BA/spacing requirements. If the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is individual tree selectionnot being met by the Purchaser, the Forest Officer may require the Purchaser to sample mark an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be approved by the Forest Officer. Unit 28-2T If the Purchaser continues to be unable to meet the harvest prescription is shelterwood. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH requirements the Forest Officer may require marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser and xxxxx xxxxapproval of marking by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When 11/28 – 9/1 when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: REQUIREMENTS(see VII. G.): 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 72. FELLING OF SUBMERCHANTABLE TREES REQUIRED 3. USE OF EXISTING SKID TRAIL SPACING 9TRAILS REQUIRED 4. ADVERSE HAULING APPROVED SKID TRAILS REQUIRED HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-4T 28-5T 28-6T 28-7T 28-8T 90 76 13 12 43 5,742 4,382 1,022 459 1,994 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based Excaline MARKING: Units 28Not Marked. Operator select leave trees based on the following description: Seed Tee - Favor healthy/vigorous ponderosa pine trees for leave. Leave all ponderosa pine 21” dbh and greater. Remove all Xxxxxxx-fir infected with mistletoe and/or spruce budworm. Remove all alpine-fir . Target a residual basal area of 10, approximately 4T-6 trees/acre (85 - 100 ft. spacing). Where there is not sufficient PP to meet the residual BA/spacing, 28healthy DF will be left to maintain the minimum BA/spacing. Retain only disease-5T & 28-8T free DF with a minimum of 40% live crown to meet minimum BA requirements. If the Forest Officer determines that the desired harvest prescription is shelterwoodnot being met by the Purchaser, the Forest Officer may require the Purchaser to sample mark an additional portion of the unit and have that sample marked portion be approved by the Forest Officer. Units 28-6T & 28-7T If the Purchaser continues to be unable to meet the harvest prescription is individual tree selection. Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH requirements the Forest Officer may require marking of the entire unit by the Purchaser and xxxxx xxxxapproval of marking by the Forest Officer prior to continuing harvest. OPERATING PERIOD: When 11/28 – 9/1 when soil conditions meet requirements in allow (Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS VII.L.1&2) SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: REQUIREMENTS (see VII. G.): 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 72. FELLING OF SUBMERCHANTABLE TREES REQUIRED 3. USE OF EXISTING SKID TRAIL SPACING TRAILS REQUIRED 4. APPROVED SKID TRAILS REQUIRED 5. ALTERNATE YARDING SYSTEMS MAY BE APPROVED HARVEST UNIT NUMBER(S) ACRES ESTIMATED VOLUME (Tons) 28-9T 50 3,365 YARDING METHOD: Ground Based MARKING: Old Growth Restoration Leave trees are marked with a blue horizontal mark at DBH and xxxxx xxxx. OPERATING PERIOD: When soil conditions meet requirements in Section VII.L.1: SOIL COMPACTION RESTRICTIONS SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONVENTIONAL GROUND BASED YARDING 4. RESERVED SUBMERCHANTABLE TREE PROTECTION 5. SLASHING OF LOGGING-DAMAGED TREES REQUIRED 7. SKID TRAIL SPACING 8. ADVERSE SKIDDING)

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