Species Trip Limits. There will be no species trip limit for GB cod during the 2006 fishing year. There will be trip limits for White xxxx (1000 lbs per DAS), GB winter flounder (2000lbs per trip), and all Yellowtail (100 lbs per trip). All cod harvested by Members and Participating Vessels shall be considered GB cod for the purposes of the Operations Plan and Agreement;
Species Trip Limits. Except for GB cod, participating vessels shall be subject to any trip limits imposed by the National Marine Fisheries Service for species managed under the Plan.
Species Trip Limits. There will be no species trip limit for GB cod during the 2006 fishing year. White xxxx (1000 lbs per DAS), GB winter flounder (2000lbs per trip) All Yellowtail (100lbs per trip). All cod harvested by Members and Participating Vessels shall be considered GB cod for the purposes of the Operations Plan and Agreement.