Examples of Trip limit in a sentence
It is in recognition of this critical need, that Government of India has in July 2021 rightly notified a new ministry called the Ministry of Cooperation, which can be expected to effect a paradigm shift to the bouquet of policies, programmes, and management of the affairs of cooperative movement in the country.
The service returns a category for each para- graph according to a predefined five-level taxonomy, from the most general category (e.g., level 1 - technology and computing), to the most specific one (e.g., level 5 - portable computer).
Exemption from trip limits on stocks for which a sector receives an allocation, 18 except for the following: 19 • Halibut: Trip limit would continue to be one fish per trip; 20 • No vessel, whether in the Common Pool or in any sector, would be 21 allowed to possess any windowpane flounder (both stocks), ocean pout, 22 or wolffish on board at any time.
A time delay of 5 seconds is kept to avoid relay chattering.9.4.5- Trip RelayTrip relay will energize, when winding temperature crosses set Trip limit.
Trip limit and trip time accuracyVoltage:+/- 1.5% of nominal voltageFrequency:+/- 0.0625 HzTime:+ 1.5 cyclesNormal operation temperature range-25oC to +50oCMaximum full range operating ambient+50oCEnclosure Rating TypeIndoor, back wall exposed to the outdoorsControl interfaceModbus RS422Figure 14 Power Inverter Specifications.
This action approves trip limit increases in both management areas (Table 3) as well as a DAS increase in the SFMA.Table 3—Trip Limit Changes in Framework Adjustment 10 * * Trip limit values are monkfish tail weights.
Exemption from trip limits on stocks for which a sector receives an allocation, except for the following: • Halibut: Trip limit would continue to be one fish per trip; • No vessel, whether in the Common Pool or in any sector, would be allowed to possess any windowpane flounder (both stocks), ocean pout, or wolffish on board at any time.
Trip limit increases for sablefish are intended to allow for increased attainment of the limited entry fixed gear and open access harvest guidelines (4,631 mt and 481 mt, respectively), by allowing for increased harvest opportunities from October through December 2020.
The USPTO continued to make improvements to decrease pendency to first action and total pendency during FY 2015, achieving 26.6 months for total pendency and 17.3 months for pendency to first action.
Trip limit of 12,000 to 15,000 pounds a week and superexclusive registration for South Peninsula.