Start-Up Services for Y5. The Parties acknowledge that either or both of the Parties and Flash Forward have incurred or will incur costs in connection with developing Flash Forward and the Y5 Facility and preparing the Y5 Facility for production, including personnel costs, materials costs and other operating expenses, for which each Party has the obligation ultimately to bear fifty percent (50%) of the responsibility (“Start-Up Costs”). The Parties shall discuss in good faith and agree upon the Start-Up Costs borne by either Party and the means and timing of each Party, as applicable, being reimbursed or credited for having incurred more than fifty percent (50%) of the Start-Up Costs or of making payments due to having incurred less than fifty percent (50%) of the Start-Up Costs; provided, that the determination and allocation of Start-Up Costs and the means and timing of reimbursement shall be in a manner substantially similar to that utilized in connection with the start-up costs of the Y4 Facility.