STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. COME NOW Missouri-American Water Company (“MAWC” or the “Company”), the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Staff”), the Office of the Public Counsel (“OPC”), the Missouri Industrial Energy Consumers (“MIEC”), the Midwest Energy Consumers Group (“MECG”), Triumph Foods, LLC (“Triumph”), and the Missouri Division of Energy (“MoDOE”) (collectively, the “Signatories”), by and through their respective counsel, and, for their Stipulation and Agreement (this “Stipulation”), respectfully state as follows to the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Commission”):
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. COME NOW Kansas City Power & Light Company, KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company and Great Plains Energy Incorporated (“KCP&L”, “GMO” and “GPE”, respectively, and collectively referred to herein as “Joint Applicants”) and the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Staff”) (Joint Applicants and Staff are collectively referred to herein as the “Signatories” or, individually, as a “Signatory”), by and through their undersigned counsel and, pursuant to Missouri Public Service Commission (“Commission”) Rule 4 CSR 240-2.115, request that the Commission approve this Stipulation and Agreement (“Stipulation”) as a comprehensive settlement of all issues relevant to the Joint Application filed herein. In support thereof, the Signatories hereto agree as follows:
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. COME NOW Union Electric Company, d/b/a Ameren Missouri ("Ameren Missouri" or the “Company"), the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Staff”), Renew Missouri Advocates ("Renew Missouri"), the Missouri Industrial Energy Consumers ("MIEC"), the Missouri Department of Economic Development – Division of Energy (“DE”), the Natural Resources Defense Council (“NRDC”), and the Missouri Department of Conservation (“MDC”) (collectively, the "Signatories"1), and submit this Second Stipulation and Agreement (“Agreement”) and respectfully state as follows:
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. As a result of discussions among the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Staff”), the Office of the Public Counsel (“Public Counsel”), Missouri Department of Natural Resources (“MDNR”), Praxair, Inc. (“Praxair”), Missouri Industrial Energy Consumers (“MIEC”), Ford Motor Company (“Ford”), Aquila, Inc., d/b/a Aquila Networks, Aquila Networks-MPS and Aquila Networks-L&P, (“Aquila”), The Empire District Electric Company (“Empire”), Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission ("MJMEUC"), Xxxxxxx County, Missouri (“Xxxxxxx County”), City of Kansas City, Missouri (“Kansas City”) and Kansas City Power & Light Company (“KCPL”) (collectively “Signatory Parties”), the Signatory Parties hereby submit to the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Commission”) for its consideration and approval this Stipulation and Agreement (“Agreement”). The Signatory Parties state as follows:
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. COMES NOW, the Office of the Public Counsel (OPC), and The Empire District Electric Company (Empire) (collectively “the Signatories”), by and through counsel, and states as follows:
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. As a result of extensive discussions between the Staff of the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas (Staff), Westar Energy, Inc. and Kansas Gas and Electric Company (referred to herein as “Westar” collectively), Kansas Industrial Consumers Group, Inc., on its own behalf and on behalf of its members (KIC)1, Unified School District No. 259 (USD 259),2 Kansas Association of School Boards, Kroger Co. (Kroger), U.S. Department of Defense (U.S. DOD)3, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Wal-Mart), and Tyson Foods, (referred to collectively as the “Parties”), the Parties hereby submit to the Kansas Corporation Commission (“Commission”) for its consideration and approval the following Stipulation and Agreement (Stipulation):
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. COME NOW the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Staff”), The Cathedral Square Corporation (“CSC”), and Kansas City Power & Light Company (“KCP&L”) (collectively, the “Signatories”). The Signatories agree to resolve all issues in the above- captioned case as described in this Stipulation and Agreement (“Agreement”). The parties hereby state, agree and covenant as follows:
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. To resolve any issues regarding EWM and CBGC’s Joint Petition for Variance from Order No. 7575c, EWM, CBGC, and the MCC agree to the following terms:
STIPULATION AND AGREEMENT. COME NOW Southern Missouri Gas Company, L.P. d/b/a Southern Missouri Natural Gas (“SMNG” or “Company”), and the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission (Staff) (collectively, “the Parties”), and submit this Stipulation and Agreement for approval by the Missouri Public Service Commission (“Commission”). This Stipulation and Agreement resolves all remaining issues in this Actual Cost Adjustment (“ACA”) proceeding as follows: