System Gas Pricing Methodology Sample Clauses

System Gas Pricing Methodology. This issue, while not separately identified on the Board’s Issues List, arose during the Settlement negotiations in conjunction with a number of issues [Issues and 5.3]. CEED’s evidence raised certain concerns related to the pricing and components of system gas supply. By Notice of Motion dated April 28, 2000, Union moved to strike CEED’s evidence on this issue from the proceeding, given that in Union’s view, this issue was not covered within the Issues List approved by the Board for this proceeding. The following parties acknowledge and recognize that there continues to be issues and different views concerning the methodology used to price system gas: AMO; CEED; CENGAS; Comsatec; Enbridge; Xxxxxx Xxxxx; OAPPA; OESC; Union. Accordingly, the above noted parties are of the view that the Board should initiate a process to review this methodology and the terms and conditions of the system gas supply offering as soon as practicable. Accordingly, CEED agrees to withdraw its evidence on this issue and Union agrees to withdraw its motion.
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Related to System Gas Pricing Methodology

  • Calculation methodology No adjustment in the Conversion Price need be made unless the adjustment would require an increase or decrease of at least 1% in the Conversion Price then in effect, provided that any adjustment that would otherwise be required to be made shall be carried forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment. Except as stated in this Article VI, the Conversion Rate will not be adjusted for the issuance of Common Stock or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for Common Stock or carrying the right to purchase any of the foregoing. Any adjustments that are made shall be carried forward and taken into account in any subsequent adjustment. All calculations under Article V and Section 6.06 hereof and this Section 6.07 shall be made to the nearest cent or to the nearest 1/10,000th of a share, as the case may be.

  • Methodology 1. The price at which the Assuming Institution sells or disposes of Qualified Financial Contracts will be deemed to be the fair market value of such contracts, if such sale or disposition occurs at prevailing market rates within a predefined timetable as agreed upon by the Assuming Institution and the Receiver.

  • TIPS Pricing Vendor agrees and understands that for each TIPS Contract that it holds, Vendor submitted, agreed to, and received TIPS’ approval for specific pricing, discounts, and other pricing terms and incentives which make up Vendor’s TIPS Pricing for that TIPS Contract (“TIPS Pricing”). Vendor confirms that Vendor will not add the TIPS Administration Fee as a charge or line-item in a TIPS Sale. Vendor hereby certifies that Vendor shall only offer goods and services through this TIPS Contract if those goods and services are included in or added to Vendor’s TIPS Pricing and approved by TIPS. TIPS reserves the right to review Vendor’s pricing update requests as specifically as line-item by line-item to determine compliance. However, Vendor contractually agrees that all submitted pricing updates shall be within the original terms of the Vendor’s TIPS Pricing (scope, proposed discounts, price increase limitations, and other pricing terms and incentives originally proposed by Vendor) such that TIPS may accept Vendors price increase requests as submitted without additional vetting at TIPS discretion. Any pricing quoted by Vendor to a TIPS Member or on a TIPS Quote shall never exceed Vendor’s TIPS Pricing for any good or service offered through TIPS. Vendor certifies by signing this agreement that Vendor’s TIPS Pricing for all goods and services included in Vendor’s TIPS Pricing shall either be equal to or less than Vendor’s current pricing for that good or service for any other customer. TIPS Pricing price increases and modifications, if permitted, will be honored according to the terms of the solicitation and Vendor’s proposal, incorporated herein by reference.

  • Billing Method 1.5.1 To receive payment for services rendered under this contract, the Contractor shall submit a fully completed invoice for work previously performed to: Minneapolis Public Housing Authority Attention: Accounts Payable, Suite 307 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxx X, Xxxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 or:

  • Trunk Forecasting Requirements 14.2.1 Initial trunk forecast requirements. At least ninety (90) days before initiating interconnection in a LATA, Alltel shall provide Verizon a two (2)-year traffic forecast that complies with the Verizon Interconnection Trunking Forecast Guide, as revised from time to time. This initial traffic forecast will provide the amount of traffic to be delivered to and from Verizon over each of the Interconnection Trunk groups in the LATA over the next eight (8) quarters.

  • GSA Benchmarked Pricing Additionally, where the NYS Net Price is based upon an approved GSA Supply Schedule:

  • Payment Methodology The Contractor shall be compensated based on the Service Rates in Attachment for units of service authorized by the Institution in a total amount not to exceed the Contract Maximum Liability established in Section C.1. The Contractor’s compensation shall be contingent upon the satisfactory completion of units of service or project milestones identified in Attachment B. The Contractor shall submit invoices, in form and substance acceptable to the Institution with all of the necessary supporting documentation, prior to any payment. Such invoices shall be submitted for completed units of service or project milestones for the amount stipulated.

  • Unit Pricing If required by the Bid Specifications, the Bidder should insert the price per unit specified and the price extensions in decimals, not to exceed four places for each item unless otherwise specified, in the Bid. In the event of a discrepancy between the unit price and the extension, the unit price shall govern unless, in the sole judgment of the Commissioner, such unit pricing is obviously erroneous.

  • JOC - PRICING OF After Hours Coefficient What is your after hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book for work performed after normal working hours? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION) Remember that this is a ceiling price proposed. You can discount to any TIPS Member customer a lower coefficient than your proposed contract coefficient, but not higher. This is one of three pricing questions that are required for consideration for award on this solicitation. Please consider your answer carefully. An explanation of the TIPS scoring of pricing titled "Pricing Coefficient Instruction" is included in the attachments for your information. The below is an EXAMPLE of how the pricing model works (It is not intended to influence your proposed coefficient, you should propose a coefficient that you determine is reasonable for your business for the life of the contract): The most common after hours coefficient is time and a half of the RS Means Unit Price Book prices. To illustrate this coefficient, if your regular hours coefficient is .95, your after hours coefficient would be 1.45.

  • Accounting Methods Implement or adopt any material change in its accounting principles, practices or methods, other than as may be required by GAAP or any Governmental Entity.

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