Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of this LLC shall be . The LLC shall use the method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of the LLC may be changed with the consent of all members if the LLC qualifies for such change, and may be effected by the filing of appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax authorities.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of this General Partnership shall be
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of this General Partnership shall be . The Partnership shall use the method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of the Partnership may be changed with the consent of all partners if the Partnership qualifies for such change, and may be affected by the filing of appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax authorities.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The Company's tax and fiscal years shall be the calendar year. The Company shall use the cash method of accounting, unless otherwise determined by the Managers.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of this LLC shall end on the last day of the month of December. The LLC shall use the cash method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of the LLC may be changed with the consent of all members or all managers if the LLC qualifies for such change, and may be effected by the filing of appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax offices.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of this LLC shall be 2022. The LLC shall use the Accrual method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of the LLC may be changed with the consent of all members if the LLC qualifies for such change, and may be effected by the filing of appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax authorities.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of River Edge shall end on December 31 of each year. River Edge shall use the cash method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of River Edge may be changed only with the approval of the Members, and may be effected by the filing of appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax authorities.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of the Company shall be aligned with the corresponding calendar year. The Company shall use the accrual method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of the Company may be changed with the consent of the members if the Company qualifies for such change, and may be effected by the filing of appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax authorities.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of this LLC shall be . The LLC shall use the method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of the LLC may be changed with the consent of all members if the LLC qualifies for such change, and may be effected by the filing of appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax authorities. Tax Matters Partner: If this LLC is required under Internal Revenue Code provisions or regulations, it shall designate from among its members a "tax matters partner" in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 6231 (a) (7) and corresponding regulations, who will fulfill this role by being the spokesperson for the LLC in dealings with the IRS as required under the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations, and who will report to the members on the progress and outcome of these dealings.
Tax Year and Accounting Method. The tax year of this LLC shall be January 1 to December 31. The LLC shall use the cash method of accounting. Both the tax year and the accounting period of the LLC may be changed with the consent of all members if the LLC qualifies for such change, and may be affected by the filing of appropriate forms