Common use of TENANT'S AGREEMENT Clause in Contracts

TENANT'S AGREEMENT. Tenant covenants during the Lease Term and such further time as Tenant occupies any part of the Premises, that it will keep the Premises neat and clean and in good order, condition and repair (excepting reasonable wear and tear and those repairs for which Landlord is responsible under the terms of this Lease), and all glass and windows and doors (including interior doors) of the Premises whole and in good condition with glass of the same quality as that injured or broken, and at the expiration or termination of this Lease peaceably to yield up the Premises and all alterations and additions thereto, excluding Tenant’s trade fixtures, in good order, repair and condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, first moving all goods and effects of Tenant, including without limitation Tenant’s trade fixtures and, to the extent specified by Landlord by notice to Tenant, all alterations, additions and partitions made by Tenant (other than Landlord’s Work), and repairing any damage caused by such removal and restoring the Premises and leaving them clean and neat. Tenant shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with a ‘False Fire Alarm’, caused by Tenant, its employees, invitees and/or contractors. Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repairs that may be made necessary by reason of damage to public areas in the Building or to Common Areas by Tenant, its employees, invitees or contractors. In addition to the foregoing, Tenant will be responsible for “balancing” the HVAC system within the Premises to adjust air flows/temperatures between the separate rooms thereof. Tenant agrees to use Landlord’s HVAC contractor to perform such HVAC balancing. Tenant’s Suite contains sensitive fire detection equipment. If Tenant is the cause of tripping the fire sensors for any reason and a fire alarm is sounded without good cause and the equipment itself is not proven to be faulty, then Tenant shall be responsible for payment of any fines imposed upon Landlord by any authority for such alarm. Tenant agrees to make full payment to Landlord within ten (10) business days of receiving written notice. If repairs are required to be made by Tenant pursuant to the terms hereof, Landlord may demand in writing that Tenant make the same forthwith, and if Tenant refuses or neglects to commence such repairs and complete the same with reasonable dispatch after such written demand, Landlord may (but shall not be required to do so) make or cause such repairs to be made and shall not be responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage that may accrue to Tenant. In the event of an emergency, Landlord may make such repairs without first making written demand therefor. If Landlord makes or causes such repairs to be made, Tenant agrees that Tenant shall forthwith, on demand, pay to Landlord the reasonable cost thereof as an additional charge, and if Tenant shall default in such payment, Landlord shall have the remedies provided for the nonpayment of rent or other charges payable hereunder.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (La Rosa Holdings Corp.), Lease Agreement (La Rosa Holdings Corp.)

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

TENANT'S AGREEMENT. Tenant covenants during the Lease Term and such further time as Tenant occupies any part of the Premises, Premises that it will keep the Premises neat and clean and in good order, condition and repair (repair, excepting only reasonable wear and tear and those repairs for which Landlord is responsible under the terms of this Lease), and all glass and windows (except glass in exterior walls unless the damage thereto is attributable to Tenant's negligence or misuse) and doors (including interior doors) of the Premises whole and in good condition with glass of the same quality as that injured or broken, damage by fire only excepted, and at the expiration or termination of this Lease peaceably to yield up the Premises and all alterations and additions thereto, excluding Tenant’s trade fixtures, thereto in good order, repair and condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, first moving all goods and effects of Tenant, including without limitation Tenant’s trade fixtures Tenant and, to the extent specified by Landlord by notice to TenantTenant given at least ten (10) days before such expiration or termination, all alterations and additions made by Tenant and all partitions (provided, however that Tenant shall have no obligation to remove any of the initial alterations, additions and or partitions made by Tenant (other than Landlord’s Work), constructed at the commencement of the term of this Lease) and repairing any damage caused by such removal and restoring the Premises and leaving them clean and neat. Tenant shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with a ‘False Fire Alarm’, caused by Tenant, its employees, invitees and/or contractors. Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repairs that which may be made necessary by reason of damage to public areas in the Building or to Common Areas of the Centre by Tenant, its employees, invitees or contractors. In addition to the foregoing, Tenant will be responsible for “balancing” the HVAC system within the Premises to adjust air flows/temperatures between the separate rooms thereof. Tenant agrees to use Landlord’s HVAC contractor to perform such HVAC balancing. Tenant’s Suite contains sensitive fire detection equipment. If Tenant is the cause of tripping the fire sensors for any reason and a fire alarm is sounded without good cause and the equipment itself is not proven to be faulty, then Tenant shall be responsible for payment of any fines imposed upon Landlord by any authority for such alarm. Tenant agrees to make full payment to Landlord within ten (10) business days of receiving written notice. If repairs are required to be made by Tenant pursuant to the terms hereof, Landlord may demand in writing that Tenant make the same forthwith, and if Tenant refuses or neglects to commence such repairs and complete the same with reasonable dispatch dispatch, after such written demand, Landlord may (but shall not be required to do so) make or cause such repairs to be made and shall not be responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage that may accrue to Tenant. In the event of an emergency, Landlord may make such repairs without first making written demand therefor. If Landlord makes or causes such repairs to be made, Tenant agrees that Tenant shall forthwith, on demand, pay to Landlord the reasonable cost thereof as an additional charge, charge and if Tenant shall default in such payment, Landlord shall have the remedies provided for the nonpayment of rent or other charges payable hereunder.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Modification And (Information Holdings Inc)

TENANT'S AGREEMENT. Tenant covenants acknowledges to Landlord its agreement to lease, in an “as is” condition except for the obligation to correct minor items of construction, mechanical and electrical adjustments, and latent defects. Every six (6) months during the Term the Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, shampoo, steam clean, or otherwise professionally clean the carpeting in the Premises. Upon vacating the Premises, a “walk-through” will be made by the Tenant and a representative of the Landlord. At that time the following work must be scheduled: a) HVAC systems will be inspected by the Landlord’s HVAC contractor and all necessary repairs will be made, b) interior carpets are to be vacuumed and shampooed, c) all holes or scrapes on wall surfaces are to be repaired, d) concrete slabs in any warehouse area are to be cleaned with a power scrubber, e) all bathroom fixtures, floors and walls are to be thoroughly cleaned. Cost of repair and inspection will be at the sole expense of the Tenant. Upon expiration or earlier termination of the Term, the Tenant will remove all of its property from the Premises, except as provided in Section 5.1(g) of the Lease. If within ten (10) days after such expiration or termination, Tenant shall not have removed its property, Landlord shall give notice to Tenant, and said property shall be deemed abandoned if Tenant has not removed same within ten (10) days of receipt of said notice. If Landlord shall elect to remove and store Tenant’s property, Tenant shall pay to Landlord upon request for same, the costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in removing and storing such property. Tenant shall also pay the reasonable cost of repairing damage caused to the Premises by the removal of such property. Property so stored by Landlord shall be made available to Tenant upon five (5) days notice to Landlord and upon payment to Landlord of all sums remaining due the Landlord under the provisions of the Lease. In the event of a default under this Lease or in the event Landlord is caused to expend sums pursuant to the provisions of this Article, Landlord shall have, in addition to any other remedies herein all rights under applicable law. To the extent permitted by applicable law, all of Tenant’s property which may be on the Premises at any time or from time to time, during the Term shall be at Tenant’s sole risk. From and such further time after the Commencement Date hereof, and until the end of the Term, and for so long thereafter as Tenant occupies any part of the Premises, that it Tenant will keep the Premises neat and clean and maintain in good order, and condition and repair (repair, the Premises and every part thereof, including glass, windows, and doors, excepting reasonable wear and tear and only those repairs for which Landlord is responsible under the terms of this Lease)Lease and damage by fire or other casualty and as a consequence of the exercise of the power of eminent domain, and further excepting reasonable wear and tear; and Tenant shall surrender the Premises, and all glass appurtenances and windows and doors (including interior doors) equipment, at the termination of the Premises whole Lease, in such condition and in good condition with glass shall remove all of the same quality as that injured or broken, and at the expiration or termination of this Lease peaceably to yield up the Premises and all alterations and additions thereto, excluding Tenant’s trade fixturessigns. Further, in good order, repair and condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, first moving all goods and effects of Tenant, including without limitation Tenant’s trade fixtures and, to the extent specified by Landlord by notice to Tenant, all alterations, additions and partitions made by Tenant (other than Landlord’s Work), and repairing any damage caused by such removal and restoring the Premises and leaving them clean and neat. Tenant shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with a ‘False Fire Alarm’, caused by Tenant, its employees, invitees and/or contractors. Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repairs that repairs, excluding normal wear and tear, damage by the elements and insured casualty loss, which may be made necessary by reason of damage to public areas in the Building or to Common Areas by Tenant, its employeesTenant’s independent contractors, invitees or contractorsTenant’s invitees, agents and servants, employees and licensees. In addition to the foregoing, Tenant will be responsible for “balancing” the HVAC system within shall replace any glass in the Premises to adjust air flows/temperatures between which may be damaged or broken with glass of the separate rooms thereof. Tenant agrees to use Landlord’s HVAC contractor to perform such HVAC balancing. Tenant’s Suite contains sensitive fire detection equipment. If Tenant is the cause of tripping the fire sensors for any reason and a fire alarm is sounded without good cause and the equipment itself is not proven to be faulty, then Tenant shall be responsible for payment of any fines imposed upon Landlord by any authority for such alarm. Tenant agrees to make full payment to Landlord within ten (10) business days of receiving written noticesame quality. If repairs are required to be made by Tenant pursuant to the terms hereof, Landlord may demand in writing that Tenant make the same forthwithwithin 10 days, and if Tenant refuses or neglects to commence such repairs and complete the same with reasonable dispatch dispatch, after such written demand, Landlord may (but shall not be required to do so) make or cause such repairs to be made and shall not be responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage that may accrue to Tenant. In ’s stock or business by reason thereof, except to the event extent that such loss or damage is caused by the acts or omissions, negligence or willful misconduct of an emergencyLandlord or any contractor, Landlord may make such repairs without first making written demand thereforagent, invitee, licensee, servant or employee of Landlord. If Landlord makes or causes such repairs to be made, Tenant agrees that Tenant shall will forthwith, on demand, pay to Landlord the all reasonable cost thereof as an additional chargecosts incurred by Landlord in connection therewith, and if Tenant shall default in such payment, Landlord shall have the remedies provided for the nonpayment of rent or other charges payable hereunder.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (Service Bancorp Inc)

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

TENANT'S AGREEMENT. Tenant covenants acknowledges that, as of the date hereof, the Premises are in good order, conditions and repair and as represented to Tenant. Consistent therewith, Tenant acknowledges to Landlord its agreement to Lease, in an "as is" condition, the entire Premises without any warranty or obligation on the part of Landlord except for the work which Landlord has agreed to undertake pursuant to the provisions of Article III hereof. From and after the Commencement Date hereof, and for so long as Tenant remains in occupancy of any part of the Premises, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain and repair all equipment involved in the operation of the Premises including, but without limitation all HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems. If any HVAC, plumbing or electrical equipment or systems, fixture or appliance requires replacement, Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing thereof and Landlord shall make such replacement, and Tenant shall immediately pay to the Landlord all costs incurred by Landlord in making such replacement. Tenant shall enter into a regularly scheduled preventative maintenance service contract with a maintenance contractor for servicing all HVAC systems and equipment within the Premises. The service will include all services suggested by the equipment manufacturer within the operation/maintenance manual and will become effective within thirty (30) days of the date Tenant takes possession of the Premises. Tenant shall, upon Landlord's request provide Landlord with evidence that all HVAC systems have undergone continual preventative maintenance. Should any major component of the HVAC equipment require replacement, Tenant shall notify Landlord and Landlord shall make such replacement. If any replacement, has been made during the original or extended term of this Lease, Tenant shall, upon demand by Landlord, pay to Landlord that portion of the cost of such replacement equipment (including but not limited to installation cost thereof) as shall equal the product of such cost multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of years (and any portion of a year) remaining in the original or extended term at the time of replacement and the denominator of which is the useful life of the replacement equipment (as estimated by the manufacturer). Upon vacating the Premises, a "walk-through" will be made by the Tenant and a representative of the Landlord. At that time the following work must be scheduled: a) Interior carpets are to be vacuumed and shampooed, b) all holes or scrapes on wall surfaces are to be repaired, c) concrete slabs in any warehouse area are to be cleaned with a power scrubber, d) all bathroom fixtures, floors and walls are to be thoroughly cleaned. Cost of repairs and inspection will be at the sole expense of the Tenant. Upon expiration or earlier termination of the Term, the Tenant will remove all of its property from the Leased Premises. If within ten (10) days after such expiration or termination, Tenant shall not have removed its property, Landlord shall give notice to tenant, and said property shall be deemed abandoned if Tenant has not removed same within ten (10) days of receipt of said notice. If Landlord shall elect to remove and store Tenant's property, Tenant shall pay to Landlord upon request for same, the costs and expenses incurred by Landlord in removing and storing such property. Tenant shall also pay the reasonable cost of repairing damage caused to the Premises by the removal of such property. Property so stored by Landlord shall be made available to Tenant upon five (5) days notice to Landlord and upon payment to Landlord of all sums remaining due the Landlord under the provisions of the Lease. In the event of a default under this Lease or in the event Landlord is caused to expend sums pursuant to the provisions of this Article, Landlord shall have, in addition to any other remedies herein all rights under applicable law. To the extent permitted by Law, all of Tenant's property which may be on the Premises at any time or from time to time, during the Term shall be at Tenant's sole risk. From and such further time after the Commencement Date hereof, and until the end of the Lease Term, and for so long thereafter as Tenant occupies any part of the Premises, that it Tenant will keep the Premises neat and clean and maintain in good order, and condition and repair (repair, the Premises and every part thereof, including glass, windows, and doors, excepting reasonable wear and tear and only those repairs for which Landlord is responsible under the terms of this Lease)Lease and damage by fire or other casualty and as a consequence of the exercise of the power of eminent domain, and further excepting reasonable wear and tear; and Tenant shall surrender the Premises, and all glass appurtenances and windows and doors (including interior doors) equipment, at the termination of the Premises whole and in good condition with glass of the same quality as that injured or broken, and at the expiration or termination of this Lease peaceably to yield up the Premises and all alterations and additions thereto, excluding Tenant’s trade fixturesLease, in good order, repair such condition and condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, first moving shall remove all goods and effects of Tenant's signs. Further, including without limitation Tenant’s trade fixtures and, to the extent specified by Landlord by notice to Tenant, all alterations, additions and partitions made by Tenant (other than Landlord’s Work), and repairing any damage caused by such removal and restoring the Premises and leaving them clean and neat. Tenant shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with a ‘False Fire Alarm’, caused by Tenant, its employees, invitees and/or contractors. Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repairs that repairs, excluding normal wear and tear, damage by the elements and insured casualty loss, which may be made necessary by reason of damage to public areas in the Building or to Common Areas by Tenant, its employeesTenant's independent contractors, invitees or contractors. In addition to the foregoingTenant's invitees, Tenant will be responsible for “balancing” the HVAC system within the Premises to adjust air flows/temperatures between the separate rooms thereofagents and servants, employees and licensees. Tenant agrees to use Landlord’s HVAC contractor to perform such HVAC balancing. Tenant’s Suite contains sensitive fire detection equipment. If Tenant is shall replace any glass which may be damaged or broken with glass of the cause of tripping the fire sensors for any reason and a fire alarm is sounded without good cause and the equipment itself is not proven to be faulty, then Tenant shall be responsible for payment of any fines imposed upon Landlord by any authority for such alarm. Tenant agrees to make full payment to Landlord within ten (10) business days of receiving written noticesame quality. If repairs are required to be made by Tenant pursuant to the terms hereof, Landlord may demand in writing that Tenant make the same forthwithwithin ten (10) days, and if Tenant refuses or neglects to commence such repairs and complete the same with reasonable dispatch dispatch, after such written demand, Landlord may (but shall not be required to do so) make or cause such repairs to be made and shall not be responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage that may accrue to Tenant. In the event of an emergency, Landlord may make such repairs without first making written demand therefor's stock or business by reason thereof. If Landlord makes or causes such repairs to be made, Tenant agrees that Tenant shall will forthwith, on demand, pay to Landlord the reasonable cost thereof as an additional chargethereof, and if Tenant shall default in such payment, Landlord shall have the remedies provided for the nonpayment of rent or other charges payable hereunder.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: First Lease (Details Inc)

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