TENANT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DISPOSAL. It shall be Tenant's responsibility to see that any Hazardous Material which is required to be disposed of by Tenant pursuant to Environmental Law or this Section 4.03 is (i) temporarily stored on the Leased Premises in a manner consistent with all Environmental Laws, and (ii) is removed and handled by an individual or firm licensed, in the case of Hazardous Material, to dispose of such material. If Tenant fails to dispose of such Hazardous Material as required by this Lease, Landlord may (but is not required to) dispose of or contract for disposal and Tenant shall pay Landlord for the cost thereof as Additional Rent hereunder. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to impose an obligation on Landlord to see that Tenant properly disposes of Hazardous Material Waste stored or generated on the Leased Premises. Landlord's approval of a firm or individual selected by Tenant to remove such Hazardous Material shall not be deemed to constitute acceptance by Landlord of the adequacy of the services of such individual or firm nor shall Landlord be responsible for such individual's or firm's performance of such services.
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  • Tenant's Responsibility Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant or to any other person for (i) damage to property or injury or death to persons due to the condition of the Leased Premises, the Building or the common areas, or (ii) the occurrence of any accident in or about the Leased Premises or the common areas, or (iii) any act or neglect of Tenant or any other tenant or occupant of the Building or of any other person, unless such damage, injury or death is directly and solely the result of Landlord's negligence; and Tenant hereby releases Landlord from any and all liability for the same. Tenant shall be liable for, and shall indemnify and defend Landlord from, any and all liability for (i) any act or neglect of Tenant and any person coming on the Leased Premises or common areas by the license of Tenant, express or implied, (ii) any damage to the Leased Premises, and (iii) any loss of or damage or injury to any person (including death resulting therefrom) or property occurring in, on or about the Leased Premises, regardless of cause, except for any loss or damage covered by Landlord's all risk coverage insurance as provided in Section 8.02 and except for that caused solely and directly by Landlord's negligence. This provision shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease.

  • Tenant’s Responsibilities Except as expressly provided in Paragraph 10.1 above, Tenant shall, at its sole cost, maintain the entire Premises and every part thereof, including without limitation, windows, skylights, window frames, plate glass, freight docks, doors and related hardware, interior walls and partitions, and the electrical, plumbing, lighting, heating and air conditioning systems in good order, condition and repair. Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, every six (6) months during the Lease Term, a certificate of maintenance or its equivalent, signed by a licensed HVAC repair and maintenance contractor and stating that the heating and air conditioning systems servicing the Premises have been inspected, serviced and are in good order, condition and repair. Tenant's failure to deliver said certificate or its equivalent within thirty (30) days following written notice from Landlord that said certificate is past due shall be a Default by Tenant. If Tenant fails to make repairs or perform maintenance work required of Tenant hereunder within fifteen (15) days after notice from Landlord specifying the need for such repairs or maintenance work, Landlord or Landlord's agents may, in addition to all other rights and remedies available hereunder or by law and without waiving any alternative remedies, enter into the Premises and make such repairs and/or perform such maintenance work. If Landlord makes such repairs and/or performs such maintenance work, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord upon demand and as Additional Rent, for the cost of such repairs and/or maintenance work. Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant for any damage, inconvenience or interference with the use of the Premises by Tenant or Tenant's agents as a result of Landlord performing any such repairs or maintenance (unless such damage, inconvenience or interference is caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord or its agents, employees or contractors); provided, however, under no circumstances shall Landlord be liable to Tenant for claims of lost profits, loss of business or lost income. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord, on demand and as Additional Rent, for the cost of damage to the Premises and/or Common Area caused by Tenant or Tenant's agents, employees or contractors. Tenant expressly waives the benefits of any statute now or hereafter in effect (including without limitation the provisions of subsection 1 of Section 1932, Section 1941 and Section 1942 of the California Civil Code and any similar law, statute or ordinance now or hereafter in effect) which would otherwise afford Tenant the right to make repairs at Landlord's expense (or to deduct the cost of such repairs from Rentals due hereunder) or to terminate this Lease because of Landlord's failure to keep the Premises in good and sanitary order.

  • Landlord's Responsibility During the term of this Lease, Landlord shall maintain in good condition and repair, and replace as necessary, the roof, exterior walls, foundation and structural frame of the Building and the parking and landscaped areas, the costs of which shall be included in Operating Expenses; provided, however, that to the extent any of the foregoing items require repair because of the negligence, misuse, or default of Tenant, its employees, agents, customers or invitees, Landlord shall make such repairs solely at Tenant's expense.

  • Landlord’s Responsibilities Landlord shall maintain and keep in good order and repair the roof, guttering and downspouts and the structural walls and foundations (neither windows nor doors are regarded as walls for the purpose of this paragraph), of the Premises, except that Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the cost of any repair occasioned by the act or negligence of Tenant, its agents, employees, invitees or licensees. Landlord shall not be required to make any other improvements or repairs of any kind upon the Premises and appurtenances thereto. Landlord's sole liability shall be limited to the cost of the repair. Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any interruption of Tenant's business or inconvenience caused Tenant or Tenant's assigns, sublessees, customers, invitees, employees, licensees or concessionaires in the Premises on account of Landlord's performance of any repair, maintenance or replacement in the Premises, or any other work therein pursuant to Landlord's rights or obligations under this lease so long as such work is being conducted by Landlord in accordance with the terms of the Lease and without negligence or disregard for Tenant's business operations. There shall be no abatement of rent and no liability of Landlord by reason of any injury to or interference with Tenant's business arising from the making of any repairs, alterations or improvements in or to any portion of the Premises or in or to fixtures, appurtenances and equipment therein. Any and all repairs for which Landlord is responsible shall be made within a reasonable time after written notice of the necessity of such repairs has been given by Tenant.

  • Customer Responsibilities (a) The Customer agrees to (i) promptly notify the Bank of any change that the Customer wishes to make to Exhibit B, (ii) promptly notify the Bank if any information contained in the Customer Information Sheet becomes inaccurate or untrue and (iii) indemnify the Bank for any losses resulting from the Customer's failure to adhere to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section 11.

  • Contractor Responsibilities It shall be Tenant’s responsibility to cause each of Tenant’s contractors and subcontractors to:

  • ALPS’ Responsibilities In connection with its performance of TA Web, ALPS shall:

  • Tax Responsibility The Fund shall be liable for all taxes (including Taxes, as defined below) relating to its investment activity, including with respect to any cash or securities held by the Custodian on behalf of the Fund or any transactions related thereto. Subject to compliance by the Fund with its obligations under Section 7.1, the Custodian shall withhold (or cause to be withheld) the amount of any Tax which is required to be withheld under applicable law in connection with the collection on behalf of the Fund pursuant to this Agreement of any dividend, interest income or other distribution with respect to any security and the proceeds or income from the sale or other transfer of any security held by the Custodian. If any Taxes become payable with respect to any prior payment made to the Fund by the Custodian or otherwise, the Custodian may apply any credit balance in the Fund’s deposit account to the extent necessary to satisfy such Tax obligation. The Fund shall remain liable for any tax deficiency. The Custodian is not liable for any tax obligations relating to the Portfolio or the Fund, other than those Tax services as set out specifically in this Section 7. The Fund agrees that the Custodian is not, and shall not be deemed to be, providing tax advice or tax counsel. The capitalized terms “Tax” or “Taxes” means any withholding or capital gains tax, stamp duty, levy, impost, charge, assessment, deduction or related liability, including any addition to tax, penalty or interest imposed on or in respect of (i) cash or securities, (ii) the transactions effected under this Agreement, or (iii) the Fund.

  • Seller’s Responsibility If the Seller determines that the Interface Problem is primarily attributable to the design of a Warranted Part, the Seller shall, if so requested by the Buyer and pursuant to the terms and conditions of Clause 12.1, correct the design of such Warranted Part to the extent of the Seller’s obligation as defined in Clause 12.1.

  • Joint Responsibility If the Seller determines that the Interface Problem is attributable partially to the design of a Warranted Part and partially to the design of any Supplier Part, the Seller will, if so requested by the Buyer, seek a solution to the Interface Problem through cooperative efforts of the Seller and any Supplier involved. The Seller will promptly advise the Buyer of such corrective action as may be proposed by the Seller and any such Supplier. Such proposal will be consistent with any then existing obligations of the Seller hereunder and of any such Supplier towards the Buyer. Such corrective action, unless reasonably rejected by the Buyer, will constitute full satisfaction of any claim the Buyer may have against either the Seller or any such Supplier with respect to such Interface Problem.

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