Business Practices 1. Parties recognise that certain business practices of service suppliers, other than those falling under Article 14 (Monopolies and Exclusive Service Suppliers), may restrain competition and thereby restrict trade in services. 2. Each Party shall, at the request of any other Party, enter into consultations with a view to eliminating practices referred to in Paragraph 1. The Party addressed shall accord full and sympathetic consideration to such a request and shall co-operate through the supply of publicly available non- confidential information available to the requesting Party. The requested Party may also provide other information available to the requesting Party, subject to its domestic law and to the conclusion of satisfactory agreement concerning the safeguarding of its confidentiality by the requesting Party.
Professional Practice The parties agree that nurses who have professional practice complaints will make such complaint in writing to their manager and if such complaint is not resolved then it will be considered an appropriate topic at ONA management committee, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. The parties agree that ONA members may use the ONA Professional Responsibility and Workload Report Form.
AUTHORITY TO PRACTICE The CONTRACTOR hereby represents and warrants that it has and will continue to maintain all licenses and approvals required to, conduct its business, and that it will at all times conduct its business activities in a reputable manner. Proof of such licenses and approvals shall be submitted to the COUNTY upon request.
Ethical Business Practices The Contractor shall work in partnership with the State to ensure a successful and valuable contract, and ethical practices are required of State employees, Contractors, and all parties representing the Contractor. All work performed under this Contract will be subject to review by the Inspector General of the State of Florida, and any findings suggesting unethical business practices may be cause for termination or cancellation.
Data Practices The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is subject to the requirements of Minnesota’s Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.01 et seq.
Unfair Business Practices Contractor represents and warrants that it has not been the subject of allegations of Deceptive Trade Practices violations under Chapter 17 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code, or allegations of any unfair business practice in any administrative hearing or court suit and that Contractor has not been found to be liable for such practices in such proceedings. Contractor certifies that it has no officers who have served as officers of other entities who have been the subject of allegations of Deceptive Trade Practices violations or allegations of any unfair business practices in an administrative hearing or court suit and that such officers have not been found to be liable for such practices in such proceedings.
Scope of Practice The scope of practice of the Nurse Practitioner is determined by the context in which: The Nurse Practitioner is authorised to practice. The Nurse Practitioner therefore remains accountable for the practice for which they directed; and the professional efficacy whereby practice is structured in a nursing model and enhanced by autonomy and accountability. The Nurse Practitioner is authorised to directly refer clients/residents to other health professionals, prescribe medications and order diagnostic investigations including pathology and plain screen x-rays. Nurse Practitioners exhibit clinical leadership that influences and progresses clinical care, policy and collaboration through all levels of health service. Employees who are new to the industry and/or have less than three months work experience in the industry may be classified at this level. This level is designed solely as an entry level. An employee at Aged Care Level One will only be eligible for progression to Aged Care Level Two if, the employee: (a) has completed three months continuous employment; and (b) has performed basic duties. The pay points under each classification at Clause 18 – Minimum Weekly Wages have been established to assist employers to understand how existing employees will be paid under this agreement. Each pay point has the letter “A” or “C” adjacent to it, for the following reasons:
FAIR PRACTICES The Union agrees to maintain its eligibility to represent all employees by continuing to admit persons to membership without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex or marital status and to represent equally all employees without regard to membership or participation in, or association with the activities of any employee organization. The Board agrees to continue its policy of not discriminating against any employee on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status or membership or participation in, or association with the activities of, any employee organization.
Accounting Practice Except as otherwise provided herein, all Mortgage Loan account records must be maintained according to (a) the Uniform Single Attestation Program for Mortgage Bankers and (b) where applicable, sound and generally accepted accounting practices.
Best Practice NB strives to ensure that inter-country adoptions are in children's best interests and seeks to prevent the sale, exploitation, abduction, or trafficking of children. Payment for a child or an inducement to release a child for Adoption is strictly forbidden. NB does not compensate any individual providing adoption services with an incentive fee or fee contingent on each child located for Adoption. NB's employees, coordinators, and prospective adoptive parents are prohibited from giving money, gifts, bribes, or other consideration directly or indirectly to any person or entity, including any biological relative or caregiver of a child, as payment for a child or as an inducement to release a child for purposes of Adoption.