The United Nations and Women Sample Clauses

The United Nations and Women. At an international policy level, the 1985 World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace in Nairobi (the Third World Conference on Women), has been seen as the birth of global feminism. The conference acknowledged that the goals of the 1975 Second World Conference on Women in Mexico City had not been reached. The participating governments declared that there was a need to see all issues as women’s issues too (UN, 2000a).
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  • Iran, Sudan and Foreign Terrorist Organizations The Dissemination Agent and the Administrator represent that neither the Dissemination Agent, the Administrator nor any parent company, wholly- or majority-owned subsidiaries, and other affiliates of the Dissemination Agent or the Administrator is a company identified on a list prepared and maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts under Section 2252.153 or Section 2270.0201, Texas Government Code, and posted on any of the following pages of such officer’s internet website: xxxxx://, xxxxx://, or xxxxx:// The foregoing representation is made solely to enable the Issuer to comply with Section 2252.152, Texas Government Code, and to the extent such Section does not contravene applicable Federal or State law and excludes the Dissemination Agent, the Administrator and each parent company, wholly- or majority-owned subsidiaries, and other affiliates of the Dissemination Agent or the Administrator, if any, that the United States government has affirmatively declared to be excluded from its federal sanctions regime relating to Sudan or Iran or any federal sanctions regime relating to a foreign terrorist organization.

  • CRIMINAL PROVISIONS AND SANCTIONS The Contractor agrees to perform the Agreement in conformance with safeguards against fraud and abuse as set forth by the H-GAC, the State of Texas, and the acts and regulations of any related state or federal agency. The Contractor agrees to promptly notify H-GAC of any actual or suspected fraud, abuse, or other criminal activity through the filing of a written report within twenty-four (24) hours of knowledge thereof. Contractor shall notify H-GAC of any accident or incident requiring medical attention arising from its activities under this Agreement within twenty-four (24) hours of such occurrence. Theft or willful damage to property on loan to the Contractor from H-GAC, if any, shall be reported to local law enforcement agencies and H-GAC within two (2) hours of discovery of any such act. The Contractor further agrees to cooperate fully with H-GAC, local law enforcement agencies, the State of Texas, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any other duly authorized investigative unit, in carrying out a full investigation of all such incidents. The Contractor shall notify H-GAC of the threat of lawsuit or of any actual suit filed against the Contractor pertaining to this Agreement or which would adversely affect the Contractor’s ability to perform services under this Agreement.

  • Export Administration Each party agrees to comply with all export laws and regulations of the United States (“Export Laws”) to assure that no software deliverable, item, service, technical data or any direct product thereof arising out of or related to this Agreement is exported directly or indirectly (as a physical export or a deemed export) in violation of Export Laws.

  • Favored Nations The Union agrees that if, during the life of this Agreement, it grants to any other Employer in the Electrical Contracting Industry on work covered by this Agreement, any better terms or conditions than those set forth in this Agreement, such better terms or conditions shall be made available to the Employer under this Agreement and the Union shall immediately notify the Employer of any such concession.

  • Economy Act In accordance with FAR 17.502-2(b), the Economy Act does not apply to task orders awarded under XXXXX under the authority of 40 U.S.C. 501.

  • CORRUPT PRACTICES 3.1 The government requires that the bidders, suppliers, sub contractors and supervisors observe the highest standards of ethics during the execution of such contracts. In this pursuit of this policy, the government; Defines for the purpose of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

  • CRIMINAL/CIVIL SANCTIONS 1. Each officer or employee of any person to whom returns or return information is or may be disclosed will be notified in writing by such person that returns or return information disclosed to such officer or employee can be used only for a purpose and to the extent authorized herein, and that further disclosure of any such returns or return information for a purpose or to an extent unauthorized herein constitutes a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine of as much as $5,000 or imprisonment for as long as 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. Such person shall also notify each such officer and employee that any such unauthorized further disclosure of returns or return information may also result in an award of civil damages against the officer or employee in an amount not less than $1,000 with respect to each instance of unauthorized disclosure. These penalties are prescribed by IRC sections 7213 and 7431 and set forth at 26 CFR 301.6103(n)-1.

  • Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA Subrecipient shall comply with the requirements of 2 CFR part 25 Universal Identifier and System for Award Management (XXX). Subrecipient must have an active registration in XXX, xxxxx:// in accordance with 2 CFR part 25, appendix A, and must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number xxxxx:// Subrecipient must also comply with provisions of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, which includes requirements on executive compensation, 2 CFR part 170 Reporting Subaward and Executive Compensation Information.

  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act None of the Company, any of its subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of the Company, any director, officer, agent, employee, affiliate or other person acting on behalf of the Company or any of its subsidiaries is aware of or has taken any action, directly or indirectly, that would result in a violation by such persons of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder (the “FCPA”), including, without limitation, making use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce corruptly in furtherance of an offer, payment, promise to pay or authorization of the payment of any money, or other property, gift, promise to give, or authorization of the giving of anything of value to any “foreign official” (as such term is defined in the FCPA) or any foreign political party or official thereof or any candidate for foreign political office, in contravention of the FCPA and the Company and, to the knowledge of the Company, its affiliates have conducted their businesses in compliance with the FCPA and have instituted and maintain policies and procedures designed to ensure, and which are reasonably expected to continue to ensure, continued compliance therewith.

  • RECIPROCITY AND SANCTIONS PROVISIONS Bidders are hereby notified that if their principal place of business is located in a country, nation, province, state or political subdivision that penalizes New York State vendors, and if the goods or services they offer will be substantially produced or performed outside New York State, the Omnibus Procurement Xxx 0000 and 2000 amendments (Chapter 684 and Chapter 383, respectively) require that they be denied contracts which they would otherwise obtain. NOTE: As of May 15, 2002, the list of discriminatory jurisdictions subject to this provision includes the states of South Carolina, Alaska, West Virginia, Wyoming, Louisiana and Hawaii. Contact NYS Department of Economic Development for a current list of jurisdictions subject to this provision.

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