Transfers from the Plan. Subject to any restrictions imposed by the Income Tax Act, the property of the Plan may be transferred to the issuer of an RPP, LIRA, LIF, or life annuity. Where the Plan holds identifiable and transferable securities, the transfer or purchase may, unless otherwise stipulated, at the option of the Trustee and with the consent of the Annuitant, be effected by remittance of the investment securities of the Plan. Before transferring property of the Plan, the Trustee will:
(a) write to the issuer of the recipient plan to notify it of the locked-in status of the property being transferred and Pension Legislation that governs the property; and
(b) not permit the transfer unless the issuer of the recipient plan agrees to administer the transferred property according to Pension Legislation. If the Trustee does not comply with the above, and the issuer of the recipient plan fails to pay the money transferred in the form of a pension or in the manner required by the Pension Legislation, the Trustee will provide or ensure the provision of the pension in a manner and in an amount that would have been provided had such property not been paid out.
Transfers from the Plan. Subject to any restrictions imposed by the Act, the property of the Plan may be transferred to the issuer of an RPP, LIRA, a LIF, or a life annuity. Before transferring property of the Plan, the Trustee will:
(a) write to the issuer of the recipient plan to notify it of the locked-in status of the property being transferred and that Pension Legislation governs the property;
(b) not permit the transfer unless the issuer of the recipient plan agrees to administer the transferred property according to Pension Legislation;
(c) confirm that the issuer of the recipient plan is on the list of financial institutions maintained by the Superintendent of Pensions of New Brunswick; and
(d) confirm that the recipient plan is on the list of LIRAs or LIFs maintained by the Superintendent of Pensions of New Brunswick. If the Trustee does not comply with the above, and the issuer of the recipient plan fails to pay the money transferred in the form of a pension or in the manner required by Pension Legislation, the Trustee will provide or ensure the provision of the pension in a manner and in an amount that would have been provided had such property not been paid out. If the Plan holds identifiable and transferable securities, the transfer or purchase referred to in paragraphs 10 and 11 may, unless otherwise stipulated, at the option of the issuer of the recipient plan and with the consent of the owner, be effected by remittance of the investment securities of the Plan. The Trustee will make the transfer within 30 days of the later of the receipt from the Annuitant of the properly documented transfer request and the maturity of the investment to be transferred.
Transfers from the Plan. The Planholder may at any time give the Trustee instructions, together with all information necessary for the continuance of the Fund, to transfer all or part of the Fund to another carrier of a registered retirement income fund of the Planholder, provided that the Trustee shall retain an amount equal to the lesser of:
(a) the fair market value of such portion of the Fund as would, if the fair market value does not decline after the transfer, be sufficient to ensure that the minimum amount under the Fund for the year in which the transfer is made may be paid to the Planholder in the year, and (b) the fair market value of the Fund. In the case where the Planholder transfers the Plan to another financial institution, or to another line of business within BMO, the Planholder is solely responsible for ensuring the new Agent is aware of any designation of beneficiaries. Further, when the minimum payment amount is determined based on the age of the Planholder’s spouse, the Planholder is solely responsible for ensuring the new agent is aware of this election.
Transfers from the Plan. Subject to any restrictions imposed by the Act, the property of the Plan may be transferred to the issuer of an RPP, an RLSP, an RLIF or a life annuity, including an equivalent vehicle governed by provincial pension legislation. Before transferring property of the Plan, the Trustee will:
(a) write to the issuer of the recipient plan to notify it of the locked-in status of the property being transferred and the pension legislation that governs the property; and
(b) not permit the transfer unless the issuer of the recipient plan agrees to administer the transferred property according to Pension Legislation. If the Trustee does not comply with the above, and the issuer of the recipient plan fails to pay the money transferred in the form of a pension or in the manner required by Pension Legislation, the Trustee will provide or ensure the provision of the pension benefit credit equal to the pension benefit credit that was paid out.
Transfers from the Plan. The Plan will 403(b) plan, if requested by a former Participant. or will not permit Transfers from the Plan to another employer’s X
Transfers from the Plan. Subject to any restrictions imposed by the Act, the property of the Plan may be transferred to the issuer of an RPP, LIRA, life annuity, a locked-in account of a voluntary retirement savings plan (if the plan is governed by a legislative authority other than the Quebec Parliament, the member must have joined the plan as part of their employment) or a LIF. Before transferring property of the Plan, the Trustee will:
(a) confirm that the transfer is permitted under Pension Legislation and the Act;
(b) write to the issuer of the recipient plan to notify it of the locked-in status of the property being transferred and the pension legislation that governs the property;
(c) not permit the transfer unless the issuer of the recipient plan agrees to administer the transferred property according to Pension Legislation;
(d) confirm that the issuer of the recipient plan is on the list of financial institutions maintained by the Regie des rentes du Quebec; and
(e) confirm that the recipient plan is on the list of LIRAs or LIFs maintained by the Regie des rentes du Quebec. Where the property is being transferred to a LIF, the Annuitant’s Spouse must provide a consent or waiver in the manner required by Pension Legislation. If the Plan holds identifiable and transferable securities, the transfer or purchase referred to in paragraphs 11 and 12 may, unless otherwise stipulated, at the option of the Trustee, be effected by remittance of the investment securities of the Plan. The Trustee will make the transfer within 30 days of the later of the receipt from the Annuitant of the properly documented transfer request and the maturity of the investment to be transferred.
Transfers from the Plan. The Plan [ ] shall [X] shall not allow Transfers from the Plan into another employer’s 403(b) plan, if requested by a former Participant. NOTE: A Transfer occurs when a Participant moves his or her account with a Vendor from one plan to another. In this event, theParticipant’s account does not change; the account simply moves from one plan to another. This is NOT the same as a rollover. A rollover occurs when a Participant has the right under his or her plan rules and federal tax law to move thefunds in the account from one plan to another, and the funds remain tax-deferred. Rollovers of tax-deferred funds other than Xxxx 403(b) accounts are permitted under the Plan. Thereis no election option in the Written Plan to prohibit tax- deferred rollovers, other than Xxxx 403(b) accounts.
Transfers from the Plan. The Planholder may at any time give the Trustee instructions, together with all information necessary for the continuance of the Fund, to transfer all or part of the Fund to another carrier of a registered retirement income fund of the Planholder, provided that the Trustee shall retain an amount equal to the lesser of:
(a) the fair market value of such portion of the Fund as would, if the fair market value does not decline after the transfer, be sufficient to ensure that the minimum amount under the Fund for the year in which the transfer is made may be paid to the Planholder in the year, and
(b) the fair market value of the Fund.
Transfers from the Plan. Subject to any restrictions imposed by the Act and by Pension Legislation, the property of the Plan may be transferred to the issuer of an RPP, LRSP, LIF or life annuity. Before transferring property of the Plan, the Trustee will:
(a) write to the issuer of the recipient plan to notify it of the locked-in status of the property being transferred;
(b) not permit the transfer unless the issuer of the recipient plan agrees to administer the transferred property according to Pension Legislation;
(c) the issuer of the recipient plan is on the list of financial institutions maintained by the Superintendent of Pensions; and
(d) the recipient plan is on the list of LRSPs or LIFs maintained by the Superintendent of Pensions. If the Trustee does not comply with the above, and the issuer of the recipient plan fails to pay the money transferred in the form of a pension or in the manner required by Pension Legislation, the Trustee will provide or ensure the provision of the pension equal in value to the pension that would have been provided had such property not been paid out. If the Plan holds identifiable and transferable securities, the transfer or purchase referred to in paragraphs 10 and 11 may, unless otherwise stipulated, at the option of the issuer of the recipient plan and with the consent of the owner, be effected by remittance of the investment securities of the Plan. Where the property is being transferred to a LIF, the Annuitant’s Spouse must provide a consent or waiver in the form and manner required by Pension Legislation.
Transfers from the Plan. The Planholder may at any time give the Trustee instructions, together with all information necessary for the continuance of the Fund, to transfer all or part of the Fund to another carrier of a registered retirement income fund of the Planholder, provided that in the event the Planholder seeks to transfer some, but not all, of the assets in the Fund in accordance with the provisions herein, the Trustee reserves the right to require that all assets or certain assets other than those requested by the Planholder be transferred and the Trustee shall retain an amount equal to the lesser of:
(a) the fair market value of such portion of the Fund as would, if the fair market value does not decline after the transfer, be sufficient to ensure that the minimum amount under the Fund for the year in which the transfer is made may be paid to the Planholder in the year, and
(b) the fair market value of the Fund. In the case where the Planholder transfers the Plan to another financial institution, or to another line of business within BMO, the Planholder is solely responsible for ensuring the new Agent is aware of any designation of beneficiaries. Further, when the minimum payment amount is determined based on the age of the Planholder’s spouse, the Planholder is solely responsible for ensuring the new agent is aware of this election.