County of Orange Child Support Enforcement Subrecipient certifies it is in full compliance with all applicable federal and state reporting requirements regarding its employees and with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignments and will continue to be in compliance throughout the term of the Contract with the County of Orange. Failure to comply shall constitute a material breach of the Contract and failure to cure such breach within 60 calendar days of notice from the County shall constitute grounds for termination of the Contract.
Compliance with Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance Contractor shall comply with the County Ordinance with respect to provision of jury duty pay to employees and have and adhere to a written policy that provides that its employees shall receive from the Contractor, on an annual basis, no less than five days of regular pay for actual jury service in San Mateo County. The policy may provide that employees deposit any fees received for such jury service with the Contractor or that the Contractor deduct from the employees’ regular pay the fees received for jury service.
CERTIFICATION PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST FIREARM AND AMMUNITION INDUSTRIES (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree, when it is applicable, to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: If (a) company is not a sole proprietorship; (b) company has at least ten (10) full-time employees; (c) this contract has a value of at least $100,000 that is paid wholly or partly from public funds; (d) the contract is not excepted under Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.003 of SB 19 (87th leg.); and (e) governmental entity has determined that company is not a sole-source provider or governmental entity has not received any bids from a company that is able to provide this written verification, the following certification shall apply; otherwise, this certification is not required. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Ch. 2274 of SB 19 (87th session), the company hereby certifies and verifies that the company, or association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary parent company, or affiliate of these entities or associations, that exists to make a profit, does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association and will not discriminate during the term of this contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. For purposes of this contract, “discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association” shall mean, with respect to the entity or association, to: “ (1) refuse to engage in the trade of any goods or services with the entity or association based solely on its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association; (2) refrain from continuing an existing business relationship with the entity or association based solely on its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association; or (3) terminate an existing business relationship with the entity or association based solely on its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association. See Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.001(3) of SB 19. “Discrimination against a firearm entity or firearm trade association” does not include: “ (1) the established policies of a merchant, retail seller, or platform that restrict or prohibit the listing or selling of ammunition, firearms, or firearm accessories; and (2) a company’s refusal to engage in the trade of any goods or services, decision to refrain from continuing an existing business relationship, or decision to terminate an existing business relationship to comply with federal, state, or local law, policy, or regulations or a directive by a regulatory agency, or for any traditional business reason that is specific to the customer or potential customer and not based solely on an entity’s or association’s status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association.” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.001(3) of SB 19.
Monopolies and Exclusive Service Suppliers 1. Each Party shall ensure that any monopoly supplier of a service in its territory does not, in the supply of the monopoly service in the relevant market, act in a manner inconsistent with that Party's Schedule of specific commitments. 2. Where a Party's monopoly supplier competes, either directly or through an affiliated company, in the supply of a service outside the scope of its monopoly rights and which is subject to that Party's Schedule of specific commitments, the Party shall ensure that such a supplier does not abuse its monopoly position to act in its territory in a manner inconsistent with such commitments. 3. If a Party has reason to believe that a monopoly supplier of a service of the other Party is acting in a manner inconsistent with paragraphs 1 or 2 above, it may request that Party establishing, maintaining or authorising such supplier to provide specific information concerning the relevant operations. 4. The provisions of this Article shall also apply to cases of exclusive service suppliers, where a Party, formally or in effect: (a) authorises or establishes a small number of service suppliers; and (b) substantially prevents competition among those suppliers in its territory.
Sham Contracting and Anti-Wage Theft The Parties acknowledge the importance of complying with all applicable laws prohibiting sham contracting and wage theft including, but not limited to, the: (a) Fair Work Act; (b) Wage Theft Act 2020 (Vic) (c) Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth); and (d) Independent Contractors Act 2006 (Cth).
Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements
General Enforcement Authority That the terms of this Agreement shall be enforced in accordance with the provisions, terms and authorities provided in this Agreement and under the respective laws and regulations of each Participating State.
Convicted, Discriminatory, Antitrust Violator, and Suspended Vendor Lists In accordance with sections 287.133, 287.134, and 287.137, F.S., the Contractor is hereby informed of the provisions of sections 287.133(2)(a), 287.134(2)(a), and 287.137(2)(a), F.S. For purposes of this Contract, a person or affiliate who is on the Convicted Vendor List, the Discriminatory Vendor List, or the Antitrust Violator Vendor List may not perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under the Contract. The Contractor must notify the Department if it or any of its suppliers, subcontractors, or consultants have been placed on the Convicted Vendor List, the Discriminatory Vendor List, or the Antitrust Violator Vendor List during the term of the Contract. In accordance with section 287.1351, F.S., a vendor placed on the Suspended Vendor List may not enter into or renew a contract to provide any goods or services to an agency after its placement on the Suspended Vendor List. A firm or individual placed on the Suspended Vendor List pursuant to section 287.1351, F.S., the Convicted Vendor List pursuant to section 287.133, F.S., the Antitrust Violator Vendor List pursuant to section 287.137, F.S., or the Discriminatory Vendor List pursuant to section 287.134, F.S., is immediately disqualified from Contract eligibility.
Child Support Enforcement Requirements Contractor is required to comply with the child support enforcement requirements of the County. Failure of the Contractor to comply with all federal, state, and local reporting requirements for child support enforcement or to comply with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment shall constitute a material breach of the Contract. Failure to cure such breach within 60 calendar days of notice from the County shall constitute grounds for termination of the Contract.
OBLIGATIONS AND ACTIVITIES OF CONTRACTOR AS BUSINESS ASSOCIATE 1. CONTRACTOR agrees not to use or further disclose PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR other than as permitted or required by this Business Associate Contract or as required by law. 2. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to use appropriate safeguards, as provided for in this Business Associate Contract and the Agreement, to prevent use or disclosure of PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY other than as provided for by this Business Associate Contract. 3. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to comply with the HIPAA Security Rule at Subpart C of 45 CFR Part 164 with respect to electronic PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY. 4. CONTRACTOR agrees to mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to CONTRACTOR of a Use or Disclosure of PHI by CONTRACTOR in violation of the requirements of this Business Associate Contract. 5. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to report to COUNTY immediately any Use or Disclosure of PHI not provided for by this Business Associate Contract of which CONTRACTOR becomes aware. CONTRACTOR must report Breaches of Unsecured PHI in accordance with Paragraph E below and as required by 45 CFR § 164.410. 6. CONTRACTOR agrees to ensure that any Subcontractors that create, receive, maintain, or transmit PHI on behalf of CONTRACTOR agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply through this Business Associate Contract to CONTRACTOR with respect to such information. 7. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide access, within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of a written request by COUNTY, to PHI in a Designated Record Set, to COUNTY or, as directed by COUNTY, to an Individual in order to meet the requirements under 45 CFR § 164.524. If CONTRACTOR maintains an Electronic Health Record with PHI, and an individual requests a copy of such information in an electronic format, CONTRACTOR shall provide such information in an electronic format. 8. CONTRACTOR agrees to make any amendment(s) to PHI in a Designated Record Set that COUNTY directs or agrees to pursuant to 45 CFR § 164.526 at the request of COUNTY or an Individual, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of said request by COUNTY. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to notify COUNTY in writing no later than ten (10) calendar days after said amendment is completed. 9. CONTRACTOR agrees to make internal practices, books, and records, including policies and procedures, relating to the use and disclosure of PHI received from, or created or received by CONTRACTOR on behalf of, COUNTY available to COUNTY and the Secretary in a time and manner as determined by COUNTY or as designated by the Secretary for purposes of the Secretary determining COUNTY’S compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. 10. CONTRACTOR agrees to document any Disclosures of PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY, and to make information related to such Disclosures available as would be required for COUNTY to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of Disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.528. 11. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide COUNTY or an Individual, as directed by COUNTY, in a time and manner to be determined by COUNTY, that information collected in accordance with the Agreement, in order to permit COUNTY to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of Disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.528. 12. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that to the extent CONTRACTOR carries out COUNTY’s obligation under the HIPAA Privacy and/or Security rules CONTRACTOR will comply with the requirements of 45 CFR Part 164 that apply to COUNTY in the performance of such obligation. 13. If CONTRACTOR receives Social Security data from COUNTY provided to COUNTY by a state agency, upon request by COUNTY, CONTRACTOR shall provide COUNTY with a list of all employees, subcontractors and agents who have access to the Social Security data, including employees, agents, subcontractors and agents of its subcontractors. 14. CONTRACTOR will notify COUNTY if CONTRACTOR is named as a defendant in a criminal proceeding for a violation of HIPAA. COUNTY may terminate the Agreement, if CONTRACTOR is found guilty of a criminal violation in connection with HIPAA. COUNTY may terminate the Agreement, if a finding or stipulation that CONTRACTOR has violated any standard or requirement of the privacy or security provisions of HIPAA, or other security or privacy laws are made in any administrative or civil proceeding in which CONTRACTOR is a party or has been joined. COUNTY will consider the nature and seriousness of the violation in deciding whether or not to terminate the Agreement.