Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of this Agreement called “Where to Call or Write,” orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 27 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of this Agreement called “"Where to Call or Write,” " orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 17 contracts
Samples: Cash Rewards Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Cash Rewards Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for fo r unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of o f this Agreement called “Where to Call or Write,” orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 8 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for fo r unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of o f this Agreement called “"Where to Call or Write,” " orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Cash Rewards Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for fo r unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph section of this Agreement called “Where to Call or Write,” orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your you r liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of this Agreement called “Where to Call or Write,” orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $5050.00.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Cash Rewards Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph section of this Agreement called “Where to Call or Write,” orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify n o t if y us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of this Agreement called “Where to Call or Write,” orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for fo r unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of o f this Agreement called “"Where to Call or Write,” " orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.for
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for f or unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of o f this Agreement called “Where to Call or Write,” orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Credit Card Agreement
Unauthorized Use as Credit Card. You may be liable for the unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card. You will not be liable for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card that occurs after you notify us at the telephone number or address stated in the paragraph of this Agreement called “"Where to Call or Write,” " orally or in writing, of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for unauthorized use of your Card as a credit card will not exceed $50.for
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Credit Card Agreement