UNDESIGNATED TREES a. Undesignated or reserve trees that are cut or damaged as a result of Purchaser’s operations shall be considered cut in trespass and the Purchaser may be charged three times the highest Contract stumpage rate (minimum $10.00/ton) for the Contract product class(es) the tree contains.
b. If the Forest Officer determines that a suitable replacement for a reserve tree as described above is not available, Purchaser agrees to pay the State $500.00 per tree, in addition to the rates charged in Section IV.G.4.a.
UNDESIGNATED TREES. FAILURE TO REMOVE: The State may charge the Purchaser for trees that are designated for cutting under the terms of this contract and/or logs that meet the Manufacturing and Recovery Standards shown in Table 2 that are not removed from the sale area or presented for measurement. This charge may be up to triple the Contract stumpage rate plus the Forest Improvement rate for the class of material contained in those trees fixed in accordance with the terms of this Contract. If the State removes such material from the sale area, the Purchaser will be required to reimburse the State for all applicable cutting, yarding, processing, loading and hauling costs.