Obligations and Activities of Business Associates (1) Business Associate agrees not to use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by this Section of the Contract or as Required by Law. (2) Business Associate agrees to use and maintain appropriate safeguards and comply with applicable HIPAA Standards with respect to all PHI and to prevent use or disclosure of PHI other than as provided for in this Section of the Contract and in accordance with HIPAA Standards. (3) Business Associate agrees to use administrative, physical and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic Protected Health Information that it creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of the Covered Entity. (4) Business Associate agrees to mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to the Business Associate of a use or disclosure of PHI by Business Associate in violation of this Section of the Contract. (5) Business Associate agrees to report to Covered Entity any use or disclosure of PHI not provided for by this Section of the Contract or any Security Incident of which it becomes aware. (6) Business Associate agrees, in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 502(e)(1)(ii) and 164.308(d)(2), if applicable, to ensure that any subcontractors that create, receive, maintain or transmit PHI on behalf of the Business Associate, agree to the same restrictions, conditions, and requirements that apply to the business associate with respect to such information. (7) Business Associate agrees to provide access (including inspection, obtaining a copy or both), at the request of the Covered Entity, and in the time and manner designated by the Covered Entity, to PHI in a Designated Record Set, to Covered Entity or, as directed by Covered Entity, to an Individual in order to meet the requirements under 45 C.F.R. § 164.524. Business Associate shall not charge any fees greater than the lesser of the amount charged by the Covered Entity to an Individual for such records; the amount permitted by state law; or the Business Associate’s actual cost of postage, labor and supplies for complying with the request. (8) Business Associate agrees to make any amendments to PHI in a Designated Record Set that the Covered Entity directs or agrees to pursuant to 45 C.F.R. § 164.526 at the request of the Covered Entity, and in the time and manner designated by the Covered Entity. (9) Business Associate agrees to make internal practices, books, and records, including policies and procedures and PHI, relating to the use and disclosure of PHI received from, or created, maintained, transmitted or received by, Business Associate on behalf of Covered Entity, available to Covered Entity or to the Secretary in a time and manner agreed to by the parties or designated by the Secretary, for purposes of the Secretary investigating or determining Covered Entity’s compliance with the HIPAA Standards. (10) Business Associate agrees to document such disclosures of PHI and information related to such disclosures as would be required for Covered Entity to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.528 and section 13405 of the HITECH Act (42 U.S.C. § 17935) and any regulations promulgated thereunder. (11) Business Associate agrees to provide to Covered Entity, in a time and manner designated by the Covered Entity, information collected in accordance with subsection (g)(10) of this Section of the Contract, to permit Covered Entity to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.528 and section 13405 of the HITECH Act (42 U.S.C. § 17935) and any regulations promulgated thereunder. Business Associate agrees at the Covered Entity’s direction to provide an accounting of disclosures of PHI directly to an individual in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.528 and section 13405 of the HITECH Act (42 U.S.C. § 17935) and any regulations promulgated thereunder. (12) Business Associate agrees to comply with any State or federal law that is more stringent than the Privacy Rule. (13) Business Associate agrees to comply with the requirements of the HITECH Act relating to privacy and security that are applicable to the Covered Entity and with the requirements of 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.504(e), 164.308, 164.310, 164.312, and 164.316. (14) In the event that an Individual requests that the Business Associate (A) restrict disclosures of PHI; (B) provide an accounting of disclosures of the Individual’s PHI; (C) provide a copy of the Individual’s PHI in an Electronic Health Record; or (D) amend PHI in the Individual’s Designated Record Set the Business Associate agrees to notify the Covered Entity, in writing, within five Days of the request. (15) Business Associate agrees that it shall not, and shall ensure that its subcontractors do not, directly or indirectly, receive any remuneration in exchange for PHI of an Individual without (A) the written approval of the Covered Entity, unless receipt of remuneration in exchange for PHI is expressly authorized by this Contract and (B) the valid authorization of the Individual, except for the purposes provided under section 13405(d)(2) of the HITECH Act, (42 U.S.C. § 17935(d)(2)) and in any accompanying regulations. (16) Obligations in the Event of a Breach. (A) The Business Associate agrees that, following the discovery by the Business Associate or by a subcontractor of the Business Associate of any use or disclosure not provided for by this section of the Contract, any breach of Unsecured protected health information, or any Security Incident, it shall notify the Covered Entity of such Breach in accordance with Subpart D of Part 164 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations and this Section of the Contract. (B) Such notification shall be provided by the Business Associate to the Covered Entity without unreasonable delay, and in no case later than 30 days after the Breach is discovered by the Business Associate, or a subcontractor of the Business Associate, except as otherwise instructed in writing by a law enforcement official pursuant to 45 C.F.R. 164.412. A Breach is considered discovered as of the first day on which it is, or reasonably should have been, known to the Business Associate or its subcontractor. The notification shall include the identification and last known address, phone number and email address of each Individual (or the next of kin of the individual if the Individual is deceased) whose Unsecured protected health information has been, or is reasonably believed by the Business Associate to have been, accessed, acquired, or disclosed during such Breach. (C) The Business Associate agrees to include in the notification to the Covered Entity at least the following information: 1. A description of what happened, including the date of the Breach; the date of the discovery of the Breach; the unauthorized person, if known, who used the PHI or to whom it was disclosed; and whether the PHI was actually acquired or viewed. 2. A description of the types of Unsecured protected health information that were involved in the Breach (such as full name, Social Security number, date of birth, home address, account number, or disability code). 3. The steps the Business Associate recommends that Individual(s) take to protect themselves from potential harm resulting from the Breach. 4. A detailed description of what the Business Associate is doing or has done to investigate the Breach, to mitigate losses, and to protect against any further Breaches. 5. Whether a law enforcement official has advised the Business Associate, either verbally or in writing, that he or she has determined that notification or notice to Individuals or the posting required under 45 C.F.R.
OBLIGATIONS AND ACTIVITIES OF CONTRACTOR AS BUSINESS ASSOCIATE 1. CONTRACTOR agrees not to use or further disclose PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR other than as permitted or required by this Business Associate Contract or as required by law. 2. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to use appropriate safeguards, as provided for in this Business Associate Contract and the Agreement, to prevent use or disclosure of PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY other than as provided for by this Business Associate Contract. 3. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to comply with the HIPAA Security Rule at Subpart C of 45 CFR Part 164 with respect to electronic PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY. 4. CONTRACTOR agrees to mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to CONTRACTOR of a Use or Disclosure of PHI by CONTRACTOR in violation of the requirements of this Business Associate Contract. 5. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to report to COUNTY immediately any Use or Disclosure of PHI not provided for by this Business Associate Contract of which CONTRACTOR becomes aware. CONTRACTOR must report Breaches of Unsecured PHI in accordance with Paragraph E below and as required by 45 CFR § 164.410. 6. CONTRACTOR agrees to ensure that any Subcontractors that create, receive, maintain, or transmit PHI on behalf of CONTRACTOR agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply through this Business Associate Contract to CONTRACTOR with respect to such information. 7. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide access, within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of a written request by COUNTY, to PHI in a Designated Record Set, to COUNTY or, as directed by COUNTY, to an Individual in order to meet the requirements under 45 CFR § 164.524. If CONTRACTOR maintains an Electronic Health Record with PHI, and an individual requests a copy of such information in an electronic format, CONTRACTOR shall provide such information in an electronic format. 8. CONTRACTOR agrees to make any amendment(s) to PHI in a Designated Record Set that COUNTY directs or agrees to pursuant to 45 CFR § 164.526 at the request of COUNTY or an Individual, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of said request by COUNTY. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to notify COUNTY in writing no later than ten (10) calendar days after said amendment is completed. 9. CONTRACTOR agrees to make internal practices, books, and records, including policies and procedures, relating to the use and disclosure of PHI received from, or created or received by CONTRACTOR on behalf of, COUNTY available to COUNTY and the Secretary in a time and manner as determined by COUNTY or as designated by the Secretary for purposes of the Secretary determining COUNTY’S compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. 10. CONTRACTOR agrees to document any Disclosures of PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY, and to make information related to such Disclosures available as would be required for COUNTY to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of Disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.528. 11. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide COUNTY or an Individual, as directed by COUNTY, in a time and manner to be determined by COUNTY, that information collected in accordance with the Agreement, in order to permit COUNTY to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of Disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.528. 12. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that to the extent CONTRACTOR carries out COUNTY’s obligation under the HIPAA Privacy and/or Security rules CONTRACTOR will comply with the requirements of 45 CFR Part 164 that apply to COUNTY in the performance of such obligation. 13. If CONTRACTOR receives Social Security data from COUNTY provided to COUNTY by a state agency, upon request by COUNTY, CONTRACTOR shall provide COUNTY with a list of all employees, subcontractors and agents who have access to the Social Security data, including employees, agents, subcontractors and agents of its subcontractors. 14. CONTRACTOR will notify COUNTY if CONTRACTOR is named as a defendant in a criminal proceeding for a violation of HIPAA. COUNTY may terminate the Agreement, if CONTRACTOR is found guilty of a criminal violation in connection with HIPAA. COUNTY may terminate the Agreement, if a finding or stipulation that CONTRACTOR has violated any standard or requirement of the privacy or security provisions of HIPAA, or other security or privacy laws are made in any administrative or civil proceeding in which CONTRACTOR is a party or has been joined. COUNTY will consider the nature and seriousness of the violation in deciding whether or not to terminate the Agreement.
Obligations and Activities of Business Associate Business Associate agrees to: a. Not use or disclose Protected Health Information other than as permitted or required by this BAA, the Agreement, or as required by law; b. Use appropriate safeguards, and comply with Subpart C of 45 CFR Part 164 with respect to electronic Protected Health Information, to prevent Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information other than as provided for by this BAA; c. Report to Covered Entity any Use or Disclosure of Protected Health Information not provided for by this BAA of which it becomes aware, including breaches of Unsecured Protected Health Information as required at 45 CFR 164.410, and any Security Incident of which it becomes aware; d. In accordance with 45 CFR 164.502(e)(1)(ii) and 164.308(b)(2), if applicable, ensure that any Subcontractors that create, receive, maintain, or transmit Protected Health Information on behalf of the Business Associate agree to the same restrictions, conditions, and requirements that apply to Business Associate with respect to such information; e. Make available Protected Health Information in a Designated Record Set to Covered Entity or to an individual whose Protected Health Information is maintained by Business Associate, or the individual’s designee, and document and retain the documentation required by 45 CFR 164.530(j), as necessary to satisfy Covered Entity’s obligations under 45 CFR 164.524; f. Make any amendment(s) to Protected Health Information in a Designated Record Set as directed or agreed to by the Covered Entity pursuant to 45 CFR 164.526, or take other measures as necessary to satisfy Covered Entity’s obligations under 45 CFR 164.526; g. Maintain and make available the information required to provide an accounting of Disclosures to the Covered Entity as necessary to satisfy Covered Entity’s obligations under 45 CFR 164.528; h. To the extent the Business Associate is to carry out one or more of Covered Entity's obligation(s) under Subpart E of 45 CFR Part 164, comply with the requirements of Subpart E that apply to the Covered Entity in the performance of such obligation(s); and i. Make its internal practices, books, and records available to the Secretary for purposes of determining Business Associate’s or Covered Entity’s compliance with HIPAA and HIPAA Regulations.
Admission of the Corporate Taxpayer into a Consolidated Group; Transfers of Corporate Assets (a) If the Corporate Taxpayer is or becomes a member of an affiliated or consolidated group of corporations that files a consolidated income tax return pursuant to Sections 1501 et seq. of the Code or any corresponding provisions of state or local law, then: (i) the provisions of this Agreement shall be applied with respect to the group as a whole; and (ii) Tax Benefit Payments, Early Termination Payments and other applicable items hereunder shall be computed with reference to the consolidated taxable income of the group as a whole. (b) If any entity that is obligated to make a Tax Benefit Payment or Early Termination Payment hereunder transfers one or more assets to a corporation (or a Person classified as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes) with which such entity does not file a consolidated tax return pursuant to Section 1501 of the Code, such entity, for purposes of calculating the amount of any Tax Benefit Payment or Early Termination Payment (e.g., calculating the gross income of the entity and determining the Realized Tax Benefit of such entity) due hereunder, shall be treated as having disposed of such asset in a fully taxable transaction on the date of such contribution. The consideration deemed to be received by such entity shall be equal to the fair market value of the contributed asset. For purposes of this Section 7.11, a transfer of a partnership interest shall be treated as a transfer of the transferring partner’s share of each of the assets and liabilities of that partnership.
Requirements Pertaining Only to Federal Grants and Subrecipient Agreements If this Agreement is a grant that is funded in whole or in part by Federal funds:
Obligation to Provide Public Access to Grant Records The Division reserves the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement in the event that the Grantee refuses public access to all documents or other materials made or received by the Grantee that are subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, known as the Florida Public Records Act. The Grantee must immediately contact the Division's Contract Manager for assistance if it receives a public records request related to this Agreement.
Project Overview Project Title [Drafting note: ARENA to complete. Insert full long name in accordance with ARENA’s naming convention] i.e. [GMS Number] [Powerworks, voltage control on the Pacific Islands Study] [GMS Number] [study/ project/ fellowship/ scholarship/ R&D Project] Contract Number [Drafting note: ARENA to complete – to be obtained from ARENA’s GMS] Recipient [Drafting note: Recipient to insert full legal name and ABN] Guidelines and policies Advancing Renewables Program – Program Guidelines, 2020 (xxxxx://xxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxx/0000/00/XXXXX_XXX_Xxxxxxxxxx_XX_Xxxxxx_Xxxxx_XXXXX.xxx) ARENA Variation Policy (xxxxx://xxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxx/0000/00/xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx.xxx) ARENA Report Writing Guidelines (xxxxx://xxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxx/0000/00/xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.xxx)
Permitted License Uses and Restrictions (a) This Order Form Supplement allows you, as an authorized User under the Master Subscription Agreement, to use the Software on any Supported Device and on no other devices. (b) You may not distribute or make the Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices at the same time. (c) With respect to updates to the Software that xxxxxxxxxx.xxx may make available for download, this Order Form Supplement allows you to download such Software updates to update or restore the Software on any Supported Device. (d) Except as and only to the extent permitted by applicable law, or by licensing terms governing use of open-sourced components included with the Software, neither you nor any other Customer personnel may copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, or create derivative works of the Software or Software updates, or any part thereof. Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of xxxxxxxxxx.xxx and its licensors. If you or any other Customer personnel violate this restriction, you or they, and the Customer, may be subject to prosecution and damages. (e) Neither you nor the Customer may rent, lease, lend, redistribute or sublicense the Software. The Customer may, however, allow other authorized Users under the Master Subscription Agreement to use the Software in connection with a re-assignment of the Supported Device to another authorized User under the Master Subscription Agreement. (f) The Software is available only for Supported Devices, and is not available for all devices. Please check xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx or contact your xxxxxxxxxx.xxx representative to determine whether a specific device-iOS software combination is supported by the Software. (g) In addition to mobile applications offered by xxxxxxxxxx.xxx (and for purposes of this section 5(g), “xxxxxxxxxx.xxx” shall include any Affiliates of xxxxxxxxxx.xxx), xxxxxxxxxx.xxx may offer platforms for the creation of third-party mobile applications, including but not limited to the Salesforce1 platform. Third parties may obtain information from, or access data stored on, Users’ mobile devices to provide services associated with any third-party mobile applications that Users download, install, use, or otherwise interact with over a xxxxxxxxxx.xxx platform. Xxxxxxxxxx.xxx’s mobile applications may also contain links or integrations to other mobile applications provided by third parties. Xxxxxxxxxx.xxx is not responsible for the security and privacy of data collected through third-party mobile applications or the privacy and security practices of the foregoing third parties. (h) Without limiting the generality of anything herein, you acknowledge and agree that the Software may collect user or device data for the purposes of providing services or functions that are relevant to use of the Software.
FALSE STATEMENTS CONCERNING HIGHWAY PROJECTS T h i s p r o v i s i o n i s applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related subcontracts. In order to assure high quality and durable construction in conformity with approved plans and specifications and a high degree of reliability on statements and representations made by engineers, contractors, suppliers, and workers on Federal- aid highway projects, it is essential that all persons concerned with the project perform their functions as carefully, thoroughly, and honestly as possible. Willful falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation with respect to any facts related to the project is a violation of Federal law. To prevent any misunderstanding regarding the seriousness of these and similar acts, Form FHWA-1022 shall be posted on each Federal-aid highway project (23 CFR 635) in one or more places where it is readily available to all persons concerned with the project: 18 U.S.C. 1020 reads as follows: "Whoever, being an officer, agent, or employee of the United States, or of any State or Territory, or whoever, whether a person, association, firm, or corporation, knowingly makes any false statement, false representation, or false report as to the character, quality, quantity, or cost of the material used or to be used, or the quantity or quality of the work performed or to be performed, or the cost thereof in connection with the submission of plans, maps, specifications, contracts, or costs of construction on any highway or related project submitted for approval to the Secretary of Transportation; or Whoever knowingly makes any false statement, false representation, false report or false claim with respect to the character, quality, quantity, or cost of any work performed or to be performed, or materials furnished or to be furnished, in connection with the construction of any highway or related project approved by the Secretary of Transportation; or Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or false representation as to material fact in any statement, certificate, or report submitted pursuant to provisions of the Federal-aid Roads Act approved July 1, 1916, (39 Stat. 355), as amended and supplemented; Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both."
Responsibilities of Business Associate Business Associate agrees: