Use of HHC Name in Business Name of Prospective Instructor Sample Clauses

Use of HHC Name in Business Name of Prospective Instructor. Prospective Instructor shall have no right or license of any kind in or to and shall not use or exploit in any manner whatsoever any HHC Xxxx, including any registered or unregistered trademark, service xxxx, trade name or trade dress of HHC, at any time prior to receiving certification from HHC as a Certified Instructor, and then only in accordance with the HHC Certified Instructor HHCIC Membership Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, Prospective Instructor shall not, directly or indirectly, use any HHC Xxxx in whole or in part as its business name, a business entity name such as a corporation or LLC (including prohibited use as a "dba"), bank account name, online name including email address, website URL, social media handle, in its advertising, or in any other manner whatsoever. However, at such time as Prospective Instructor becomes and for so long as s/he remains a Certified Instructor and authorized member of the Healthy Hands Cooking Instructor Community in good standing, certain uses of the HHC Marks will be allowed, as more fully set forth in the Certified Instructor HHCIC Membership Agreement.
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Related to Use of HHC Name in Business Name of Prospective Instructor

  • USE OF NASA NAME AND NASA EMBLEMS A. NASA Name and Initials Partner shall not use "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" or "NASA" in a way that creates the impression that a product or service has the authorization, support, sponsorship, or endorsement of NASA, which does not, in fact, exist. Except for releases under the "Release of General Information to the Public and Media" Article, Partner must submit any proposed public use of the NASA name or initials (including press releases and all promotional and advertising use) to the NASA Associate Administrator for the Office of Communications or designee ("NASA Communications") for review and approval. Approval by NASA Office of Communications shall be based on applicable law and policy governing the use of the NASA name and initials.

  • COMPANY NAME The Members may change the name of the Company or operate under different names, provided a majority of the Members agree and the name complies with Section 00-00-000 of the Act.

  • Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails.

  • FULL NAME OF AGREEMENT ‌ The full name of this Agreement is the PDL NPDL/PFLG Slot Charter Agreement ("Agreement").

  • Use of Customer Name Contractor may use County’s name without County’s prior written consent only in Contractor’s customer lists. Any other use of County’s name by Contractor must have the prior written consent of County.

  • Xxxxxxx INTERNET TELEPHONE: (000) 000-0000 FAX: (000) 000-0000 /RA Xxxxxx Xxxxx for/ Xxxxx X. XxXxxxxxx, Director Division of Materials Safety and State Agreements Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs Enclosures:

  • Print Name Designation ...................................

  • Xxxxxxxxxx Rights Upon request, an employee shall have the right to Union representation during an investigatory interview that an employee reasonably believes will result in disciplinary action. The employee will have the opportunity to consult with a local Union Xxxxxxx or Organizer before the interview, but such designation shall not cause an undue delay. (See Last Chance Agreements, Article 21, Section 12).

  • Use of Name and Logo The Trust agrees that it shall furnish to the Manager, prior to any use or distribution thereof, copies of all prospectuses, statements of additional information, proxy statements, reports to stockholders, sales literature, advertisements, and other material prepared for distribution to stockholders of the Trust or to the public, which in any way refer to or describe the Manager or which include any trade names, trademarks or logos of the Manager or of any affiliate of the Manager. The Trust further agrees that it shall not use or distribute any such material if the Manager reasonably objects in writing to such use or distribution within five (5) business days after the date such material is furnished to the Manager. The Manager and/or its affiliates own the names "Sierra", "Composite" and any other names which may be listed from time to time on a Schedule B to be attached hereto that they may develop for use in connection with the Trust, which names may be used by the Trust only with the consent of the Manager and/or its affiliates. The Manager, on behalf of itself and/or its affiliates, consents to the use by the Trust of such names or any other names embodying such names, but only on condition and so long as (i) this Agreement shall remain in full force, (ii) the Fund and the Trust shall fully perform, fulfill and comply with all provisions of this Agreement expressed herein to be performed, fulfilled or complied with by it, and (iii) the Manager is the manager of each Fund of the Trust. No such name shall be used by the Trust at any time or in any place or for any purposes or under any conditions except as provided in this section. The foregoing authorization by the Manager, on behalf of itself and/or its affiliates, to the Trust to use such names as part of a business or name is not exclusive of the right of the Manager and/or its affiliates themselves to use, or to authorize others to use, the same; the Trust acknowledges and agrees that as between the Manager and/or its affiliates and a Fund or the Trust, the Manager and/or its affiliates have the exclusive right so to use, or authorize others to use, such names, and the Trust agrees to take such action as may reasonably be requested by the Manager, on behalf of itself and/or its affiliates, to give full effect to the provisions of this section (including, without limitation, consenting to such use of such names). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Trust agrees that, upon (i) any violation of the provisions of this Agreement by the Trust or (ii) any termination of this Agreement, by either party or otherwise, the Trust will, at the request of the Manager, on behalf of itself and/or its affiliates, made within six months after such violation or termination, use its best efforts to change the name of the Trust so as to eliminate all reference, if any, to such names and will not thereafter transact any business in a name containing such names in any form or combination whatsoever, or designate itself as the same entity as or successor to an entity of such names, or otherwise use such names or any other reference to the Manager and/or its affiliates, except as may be required by law. Such covenants on the part of the Trust shall be binding upon it, its Trustees, officers, shareholders, creditors and all other persons claiming under or through it. The provisions of this section shall survive termination of this Agreement.

  • CONTRACT NAME The name of this contract is Prepaid Mental Health Plan - Four Corners Community Behavioral Health Inc.

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