Using Your Card Account to Pay Bills. You may use the online bill pay service at to make one- time or recurring bill payments to merchants on your behalf from the funds available in your Card Account. The maximum amount of bill payments you may initiate on a daily basis is described in the section below entitled “Card Limitations”. Please visit our website at and log in for additional terms and enrollment instructions for the bill pay service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement
Using Your Card Account to Pay Bills. You may use the online bill pay service at to make one- time or recurring bill payments to merchants on your behalf from the funds available in your Card Account. The maximum amount of bill payments you may initiate on a daily basis is described in the section below entitled “Card Limitations”. Please visit our website at and log in for additional terms and enrollment instructions for the bill pay service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement
Using Your Card Account to Pay Bills. You may use the online bill pay service at to make one- one-time or recurring bill payments to merchants on your behalf from the funds available in your Card Account. The maximum amount of bill payments you may initiate on a daily basis is described in the section below entitled “Card Limitations”. Please visit our website at and log in for additional terms and enrollment instructions for the online bill pay service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement
Using Your Card Account to Pay Bills. You may use the online bill pay service at to make one- time or recurring bill payments to merchants on your behalf from the funds available in your Card Account. The maximum amount of bill payments you may initiate on a daily basis is described in the section below entitled “Card Limitations”. Please visit our website at and log in for additional terms and enrollment instructions for the bill pay service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement
Using Your Card Account to Pay Bills. You may use the online bill pay service at to make one- one-time or recurring bill payments to merchants on your behalf from the funds available in your Card Account. The maximum amount of bill payments you may initiate on a daily basis is described in the section below entitled “Card Limitations”. Please visit our website at and log in for additional terms and enrollment instructions for the bill pay service.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Cardholder Agreement
Using Your Card Account to Pay Bills. You may use the online bill pay service at to make one- one-time or recurring bill payments to merchants on your behalf from the funds available in your Card Account. The maximum amount of bill payments you may initiate on a daily basis is described in the section below entitled “Card Limitations”. Please visit our website at and log in for additional terms and enrollment instructions for the bill pay service.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Cardholder Agreement
Using Your Card Account to Pay Bills. You may use the online bill pay service at to make one- time or recurring bill payments to merchants on your behalf from the funds available in your Card Account. The maximum amount of bill payments you may initiate on a daily basis is described in the section below entitled “Card Limitations”. Please visit our website at and log in for additional terms and enrollment instructions for the bill pay service.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Cardholder Agreement