Common use of Utility Relocation Clause in Contracts

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to provide the PARTIES, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s rights of way which require adjustment as part of the PROJECT. As part of its PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall identify adjustments to the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s facilities in the design of improvements. C. The PARTIES agree to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing utilities located within existing PARTY rights of way, and on proposed PARTY rights of way where improvements to the respective PARTY highways are proposed by the PARTY to be done in conjunction with the PROJECT, without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTY. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIII. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY agrees to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY for any and all utility relocation costs the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustments. G. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTY's utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the PARTY, the PARTY in question agrees to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees to reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for any and all utility relocation costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjusted. H. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities in conflict with the PROJECT, at no cost to the PARTIES. I. The PARTIES agree to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility relocation work within the PROJECT and located on its property. All such applications for permits shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During the duration of the PROJECT, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility work as documented by a Utility Work Order that is approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limits, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locations. L. In the event utility facilities are located on property transferred to any of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinance.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement, Intergovernmental Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to provide the PARTIESCOUNTY and the VILLAGE, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s rights of COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of-way which require adjustment as part of the INTERCHANGE PROJECT. As part of its INTERCHANGE PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall identify adjustments to the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s facilities in the design of improvements. C. The PARTIES COUNTY and the VILLAGE agree to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the INTERCHANGE PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing utilities located within existing PARTY rights of COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of-way, and on proposed PARTY rights of COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of- way where improvements to the respective PARTY highways COUNTY and/or VILLAGE roadways are proposed by the PARTY to be done in conjunction with the INTERCHANGE PROJECT, without charge of permit fees . The PARTIES agree that any associated costs the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAYbe adjusted will become shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and County Project costs. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTY. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIII. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY right-of-way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, COUNTY and/or the PARTY agrees to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY for any and all utility relocation costs the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustments. G. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTYVILLAGE, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTYthe COUNTY’s or VILLAGE's utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of right- of-way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the PARTYCOUNTY and/or the VILLAGE or due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY in question agrees COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE agree to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees PARTIES agree that any associated costs the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to reimburse be adjusted will become shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and County Project costs. E. At all locations where utilities are located on COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of- way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the COUNTY and/or VILLAGE agree to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). At all locations where the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY’s utilities are located on COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right- of-way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY or due to work proposed by the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to obtain from the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTIES agree that any and all utility relocation associated costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjustedadjusted will become shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and County Project costs. H. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities F. In the event that work proposed by the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE results in a conflict with the PROJECTILLINOIS TOLLWAY's fiber optic cable system, at no as shown on as built cable drawing, the cost to locate, mark, design, protect, adjust and/or relocate the PARTIES. I. The PARTIES agree to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility relocation work within the system shall become a shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and located on its propertyCounty Project cost. All such applications The COUNTY and the VILLAGE shall be notified of any conflicts prior to any adjustments or relocation and shall have the opportunity to discuss alternatives for permits shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During the duration of the PROJECT, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility work as documented by a Utility Work Order that is approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination resolution with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. G. At all locations where the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY's infrastructure (remote traffic microwave sensors, message signs, weather stations, weigh-in-motion sites, signs, roadway lighting controllers, electrical services and data connections) that are currently in place within the INTERCHANGE PROJECT limits and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE, the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE agree to mitigate the potential impacts of such changes, including bearing the costs, unless such expense is due to error or omission by ILLINOIS TOLLWAY staff, consultant or contractor. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limitscost is related to infrastructure that is in VILLAGE or COUNTY right-of-way, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property be responsible for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locationsthose costs. L. In the event utility facilities are located on property transferred to any of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinance.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to provide the PARTIESCOUNTY and the VILLAGE, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s COUNTY and/or VILLAGE rights of way which require adjustment as part of the PROJECT. As part of its PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall identify adjustments to the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s PARTIES’ facilities in the design of improvements. C. The PARTIES COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE agree to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing utilities located within existing PARTY COUNTY and/or VILLAGE rights of way, and on proposed PARTY COUNTY rights of way where improvements to the COUNTY and/or VILLAGE respective PARTY highways or facilities are proposed by the PARTY to be done in conjunction with the PROJECT, without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on existing ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way, and on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTYCOUNTY and/or the VILLAGE. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIII. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on COUNTY and/or VILLAGE rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY agrees COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE agree to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTYTOLLWAY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall be responsible for the costs of all such adjustments, and further agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY COUNTY and/or VILLAGE for any and all utility relocation costs the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustments. G. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTY's utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the PARTY, the PARTY in question agrees to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY COUNTY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees to reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for any and all utility relocation costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY VILLAGE may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjusted. H. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities in conflict with the PROJECT, at no cost to the PARTIES. I. The PARTIES agree to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility relocation work within the PROJECT and located on its property. All such applications for permits shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During the duration of the PROJECT, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility work as documented by a Utility Work Order that is approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limits, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locations. L. In the event utility facilities are located on property transferred to any of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinance.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY COUNTY agrees to provide the PARTIESILLINOIS TOLLWAY and the DEPARTMENT, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and DEPARTMENT rights of way which require adjustment as part of the PROJECT. As part of its PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY COUNTY, as lead agency shall identify adjustments to the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY COUNTY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s facilities in the design of improvements. C. The PARTIES DEPARTMENT and the COUNTY agree to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing utilities located within existing PARTY DEPARTMENT or COUNTY rights of way, and on proposed PARTY DEPARTMENT or COUNTY rights of way where improvements to the respective PARTY DEPARTMENT or COUNTY highways are proposed by the PARTY DEPARTMENT or COUNTY to be done in conjunction with the PROJECT, without charge of permit fees at no expense to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on existing ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way, and on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES DEPARTMENT or COUNTY jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTYDEPARTMENT or COUNTY. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIII. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on DEPARTMENT or COUNTY rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY agrees DEPARTMENT or COUNTY agree to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees at no cost to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY for any and all utility relocation costs the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustmentsTOLLWAY. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTYthe DEPARTMENT or the COUNTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTY's DEPARTMENT or COUNTY utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the PARTYDEPARTMENT or the COUNTY or due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY in question DEPARTMENT or the COUNTY agrees to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees to reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for any and all utility relocation costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjusted. H. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities in conflict with the PROJECT, at no cost to the PARTIES. I. The PARTIES agree to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility relocation work within the PROJECT and located on its property. All such applications for permits shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During the duration of the PROJECT, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility work as documented by a Utility Work Order that is approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limits, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locations. L. In the event utility facilities are located on property transferred to any of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinance.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to provide the PARTIESCOUNTY, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s COUNTY rights of way which require adjustment or relocation as part of the PROJECT. As part of its PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall identify adjustments to or relocations of the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s facilities or relocations in the design of PROJECT improvements. C. The PARTIES agree COUNTY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing COUNTY utilities as well as permitted utilities located within existing PARTY rights of way, and on proposed PARTY COUNTY rights of way where which will be impacted by improvements to the respective PARTY highways are St. Xxxxxxx Road Bridge as proposed by the PARTY COUNTY to be done in conjunction with the PROJECT, without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTY. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIIITOLLWAY. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on COUNTY rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY and must be adjusted or relocated due to PROJECT work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY COUNTY agrees to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees at no cost to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTYTOLLWAY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY COUNTY for any and all utility relocation out of pocket costs and expenses the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustments. G. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTY's utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the PARTY, the PARTY in question agrees to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees to reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for any and all utility relocation costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY COUNTY may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjusted. H. The D. At all locations where utilities exist on COUNTY or ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause rights of way, through prior rights/easements that must be adjusted due to work that is the respective maintenance responsibility of either the COUNTY or the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the COUNTY and the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agree to cooperate and issue all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities in conflict with permits for the PROJECT, requisite adjustment(s) at no cost to the PARTIESother PARTY. If work requested by the COUNTY results in the adjustment, relocation, etc. of a utility with prior rights, the COUNTY reserves the right to delete or xxxxxx said work to avoid conflict with the utility/utilities. The COUNTY shall be responsible for any increased costs resulting from the COUNTY’s decision. I. E. In the event that the work proposed by the COUNTY results in a conflict with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY's fiber optic cable system outside the COUNTY highway rights of way, the COUNTY shall reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for the cost to locate, mark, design, protect, adjust and/or relocate the system. The PARTIES agree ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility submit complete cost estimates and competitively bid any fiber optic cable relocation work within that is required for the PROJECT. The COUNTY reserves the right to omit work on the PROJECT and located on its propertyproposed by the COUNTY in the event there is a need to relocate the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY's fiber optic cable system for said COUNTY work. All such applications for permits There shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by be no cost to the COUNTY to omit said COUNTY work provided the COUNTY has given advance notice to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During F. At all locations where the duration of the PROJECTILLINOIS TOLLWAY's infrastructure (remote traffic microwave sensors, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits multi-mode fiber optic cable, message signs, weather stations, signs, roadway lighting controllers, electrical services and data connections) that are currently in place within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility outside the COUNTY highway rights of way and must be adjusted due to work as documented proposed by a Utility Work Order that is approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limits, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locations. L. In the event utility facilities are located on property transferred to any of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinance.the

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to provide the PARTIESCOUNTY and the VILLAGE, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s rights of COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of-way which require adjustment as part of the INTERCHANGE PROJECT. As part of its INTERCHANGE PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall identify adjustments to the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s facilities in the design of improvements. C. The PARTIES COUNTY and the VILLAGE agree to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the INTERCHANGE PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing utilities located within existing PARTY rights of COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of-way, and on proposed PARTY rights of COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of- way where improvements to the respective PARTY highways COUNTY and/or VILLAGE roadways are proposed by the PARTY to be done in conjunction with the INTERCHANGE PROJECT, without charge of permit fees . The PARTIES agree that any associated costs the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAYbe adjusted will become shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and County Project costs. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTY. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIII. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY right-of-way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, COUNTY and/or the PARTY agrees to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY for any and all utility relocation costs the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustments. G. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTYVILLAGE, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTYthe COUNTY’s or VILLAGE's utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of right- of-way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the PARTYCOUNTY and/or the VILLAGE or due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY in question agrees COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE agree to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees PARTIES agree that any associated costs the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to reimburse be adjusted will become shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and County Project costs. E. At all locations where utilities are located on COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right-of- way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the COUNTY and/or VILLAGE agree to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). At all locations where the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY’s utilities are located on COUNTY and/or VILLAGE right- of-way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY or due to work proposed by the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to obtain from the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTIES agree that any and all utility relocation associated costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjustedadjusted will become shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and County Project costs. H. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities F. In the event that work proposed by the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE results in a conflict with the PROJECTILLINOIS TOLLWAY's fiber optic cable system, at no as shown on as built cable drawing, the cost to locate, xxxx, design, protect, adjust and/or relocate the PARTIES. I. The PARTIES agree to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility relocation work within the system shall become a shared INTERCHANGE PROJECT and located on its propertyCounty Project cost. All such applications The COUNTY and the VILLAGE shall be notified of any conflicts prior to any adjustments or relocation and shall have the opportunity to discuss alternatives for permits shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During the duration of the PROJECT, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility work as documented by a Utility Work Order that is approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination resolution with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. G. At all locations where the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY's infrastructure (remote traffic microwave sensors, message signs, weather stations, weigh-in-motion sites, signs, roadway lighting controllers, electrical services and data connections) that are currently in place within the INTERCHANGE PROJECT limits and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE, the COUNTY and/or the VILLAGE agree to mitigate the potential impacts of such changes, including bearing the costs, unless such expense is due to error or omission by ILLINOIS TOLLWAY staff, consultant or contractor. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limitscost is related to infrastructure that is in VILLAGE or COUNTY right-of-way, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property be responsible for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locationsthose costs. L. In the event utility facilities are located on property transferred to any of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinance.

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Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to provide the PARTIESCOUNTY, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s COUNTY rights of way which require adjustment or relocation as part of the PROJECT. As part of its PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall identify adjustments to or relocations of the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s facilities or relocations in the design of PROJECT improvements. C. The PARTIES agree COUNTY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing COUNTY utilities as well as permitted utilities located within existing PARTY rights of way, and on proposed PARTY COUNTY rights of way where which will be impacted by improvements to the respective PARTY highways are St. Xxxxxxx Road Bridge as proposed by the PARTY COUNTY to be done in conjunction with the PROJECT, without charge of permit fees to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTY. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIIITOLLWAY. G. F. At all locations where utilities are located on COUNTY rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY and must be adjusted or relocated due to PROJECT work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY COUNTY agrees to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees at no cost to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTYTOLLWAY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY COUNTY for any and all utility relocation out of pocket costs and expenses the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustments. G. At all locations where utilities are located on rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTY's utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the PARTY, the PARTY in question agrees to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees to reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for any and all utility relocation costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY COUNTY may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjusted. H. The D. At all locations where utilities exist on COUNTY or ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause rights of way, through prior rights/easements that must be adjusted due to work that is the respective maintenance responsibility of either the COUNTY or the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the COUNTY and the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agree to cooperate and issue all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities in conflict with permits for the PROJECT, requisite adjustment(s) at no cost to the PARTIESother PARTY. If work requested by the COUNTY results in the adjustment, relocation, etc. of a utility with prior rights, the COUNTY reserves the right to delete or modify said work to avoid conflict with the utility/utilities. The COUNTY shall be responsible for any increased costs resulting from the COUNTY’s decision. I. E. In the event that the work proposed by the COUNTY results in a conflict with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY's fiber optic cable system outside the COUNTY highway rights of way, the COUNTY shall reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for the cost to locate, xxxx, design, protect, adjust and/or relocate the system. The PARTIES agree ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility submit complete cost estimates and competitively bid any fiber optic cable relocation work within that is required for the PROJECT. The COUNTY reserves the right to omit work on the PROJECT and located on its propertyproposed by the COUNTY in the event there is a need to relocate the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY's fiber optic cable system for said COUNTY work. All such applications for permits There shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by be no cost to the COUNTY to omit said COUNTY work provided the COUNTY has given advance notice to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During F. At all locations where the duration of the PROJECTILLINOIS TOLLWAY's infrastructure (remote traffic microwave sensors, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits multi-mode fiber optic cable, message signs, weather stations, signs, roadway lighting controllers, electrical services and data connections) that are currently in place within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility outside the COUNTY highway rights of way and must be adjusted due to work as documented proposed by a Utility Work Order that is approved by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limits, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locations. L. In the event utility facilities are located on property transferred to any of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinance.the

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Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement

Utility Relocation. A. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees OTHER PARTIES agree to provide the PARTIESILLINOIS TOLLWAY, as soon as they are identified, the locations (existing and proposed) of public and/or private utility facilities within existing individual PARTY’s ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, or the OTHER PARTIES’ rights of way which require adjustment as part of the PROJECT. As part of its PROJECT engineering responsibilities, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall identify adjustments to the aforementioned existing utilities. B. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make all reasonable efforts to minimize the number of utility adjustments to any PARTY’s facilities in the design of improvements. C. The OTHER PARTIES agree to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT and cooperate with necessary adjustments to existing utilities located within existing PARTY rights of wayway of the OTHER PARTIES, and on proposed PARTY VILLAGE rights of way where improvements to the respective PARTY highways OTHER PARTIES’ roadways are proposed by the PARTY to be done in conjunction with the PROJECT, without charge of permit fees at no expense to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. D. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements for and issue all permits for the PROJECT required adjustments to utility facilities located on proposed ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way which are outside areas of the other PARTIES jurisdiction, where improvements to ILLINOIS TOLLWAY facilities are proposed to be done as part of the PROJECT, at no expense to the PARTY. E. Where VILLAGE facilities are proposed to be located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way secured with right of way fence, the VILLAGE will be granted access through the right of way fence gates as described in Section VIII. G. F. C. At all locations where utilities are located on the OTHER PARTIES’ rights of way owned by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY that are planned to be subsequently transferred to another PARTY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY agrees OTHER PARTIES agree to cooperate with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY in making arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s) without charge of permit fees at no cost to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY upon transfer of that right of way to another PARTY. Subsequent to transfer of that right of way to another PARTY, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to reimburse and/or credit the PARTY for any and all utility relocation costs the PARTY may incur that are reimbursable to the utility company for PROJECT required adjustmentsTOLLWAY. G. D. At all locations where utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way owned by any PARTY that are subsequently planned to be transferred to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and must be adjusted due to work proposed by any PARTYone or more of the OTHER PARTIES, the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY agrees to make arrangements with the applicable utility and issue all permits for the requisite adjustment(s). The respective PARTY permits will no longer apply after transfer of right of way to the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and any future relocation caused by any PARTY would result in that PARTY reimbursing the utility company. At all locations where any PARTY's of the OTHER PARTIES’ utilities are located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY rights of way or on other PARTY’s rights of way and must be adjusted due to work proposed by one or more of the PARTYOTHER PARTIES, or due to work proposed by the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the PARTY in question agrees OTHER PARTIES agree to obtain from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or another PARTY, an approved permit for the facility, and to abide by all conditions set forth therein. The PARTY agrees OTHER PARTIES proposing the work agree to reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for any and all utility relocation out of pocket costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY may incur in causing the aforementioned utility or utilities to be adjusted. H. The ILLINOIS TOLLWAY will cause all utility companies to protect, adjust, relocate or remove utility facilities E. In the event that a future project proposed by the any of the OTHER PARTIES results in a conflict with the PROJECTILLINOIS TOLLWAY's fiber optic cable system, at no the proposing OTHER PARTY(IES) shall reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY for the cost to locate, mark, design, protect, adjust and/or relocate the PARTIESsystem located on ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of way. I. The PARTIES agree to accept applications for permits from utility companies to perform utility relocation work within the PROJECT and located on its property. All such applications for permits shall include an executed Utility Work Order approved by F. At all locations where the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. J. During the duration of the PROJECT's infrastructure (remote traffic microwave sensors, the PARTIES agree to issue utility permits message signs, weather stations, signs, roadway lighting controllers, electrical services and data connections) that are currently in place within the PROJECT limits in accordance with its’ regular permit process and only for utility work as documented must be adjusted due to potential future projects proposed by a Utility Work Order that is approved by any of the OTHER PARTIES, said proposing OTHER PARTY(IES) agrees to reimburse the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY and/or coordination with the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY. K. In the event utility facilities are relocated within the PROJECT limits, for any and all out of pocket costs the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY shall grant may incur in causing the aforementioned infrastructure to the utility company and its successors and assigns, owning or operating any utility facilities, the right to operate the same in the new location or locations on the property for as long a period and upon the same terms and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the facilities in their former location or locations. L. In the event utility facilities are be adjusted located on property transferred to any ILLINOIS TOLLWAY right of the PARTIES from the ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, the respective PARTY agrees to issue a permit, without charge of permit fees, for all utility work associated with or relocated as a result of the PROJECT. All subsequent maintenance, repairs or modifications to these utility facilities will require that permits be issued in accordance with the PARTIES’ current Permit Ordinanceway.

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Samples: Intergovernmental Agreement

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