Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the Qualified Tenant that the Borrower may evict the Qualified Tenant or household members without instituting a civil court proceeding in which the Qualified Tenant has the opportunity to present a defense, or before a court decision on the rights of the parties.
Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the Tenant that the Owner may evict the tenant or household members without instituting a civil court proceeding in which the tenant has the opportunity to present a defense, or before a court decision on the rights of the parties;
Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the Tenant that the Owner/Managing Agent may evict the Tenant or hold or sell possessions of the Tenant Family if the Owner/Managing Agent determines that the Tenant has violated the lease, without notice to the Tenant or any court decision on the rights of the parties.
Waiver of legal proceedings. Author- xxxxxxx to the landlord to evict the ten- ant or hold or sell the tenant’s posses- sions whenever the landlord determines that a breach or default has occurred, without notice to the tenant or any de- termination by a court of the rights and liabilities of the parties.
Waiver of legal proceedings. Au- thorization to the landlord to evict the tenant or hold or sell the tenant’s pos- sessions whenever the landlord deter- mines that a breach or default has oc- curred without notice to the tenant or any determination by a court of the rights and liabilities of the parties.
Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the Tenant to allow eviction without a court determination.
Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the TENANT that the LANDLORD may evict the TENANT (1) without instituting a civil court proceeding in which the TENANT has the opportunity to present a defense, or (2) before a decision by a court on the rights of the parties.
Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the tenant that the Grantee may evict the tenant or household members without instituting a civil court proceeding in which the tenant has the opportunity to present a defense, or before a court decision on the rights of the parties;
Waiver of legal proceedings. Tenant shall not be required to waive a court proceeding in an eviction process.
Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the TBRA Tenant that the Landlord may evict the TBRA Tenant or household members (i) without instituting a civil court proceeding in which the TBRA Tenant has the opportunity to present a defense, or (ii) before a decision by the court on the rights of the parties.