BIDDING PROCEDURE 1.1 Sealed bid, (formal and informal), subject to Instructions and General Conditions and any special conditions set forth herein, will be received in the office of the Purchasing Division, 440 So. 8th St., Lincoln, NE 68508, until the bid closing date and time indicated for furnishing Lancaster County, hereinafter referred to as “County”, the materials, supplies, equipment or services shown in the electronic bid request. 1.2 Bidders shall use the electronic bid system for submitting bids and must complete all required fields. If you do not care to bid, please respond to the bid request and note your reason. 1.3 Identify the item you will furnish by brand or manufacturer’s name and catalog numbers. Also furnish specifications and descriptive literature if not bidding the specific manufacturer or model as listed in the specifications. 1.4 Any person submitting a bid for a firm, corporation, or other organization must show evidence of his authority so to bind such firm, corporation, or organization. 1.5 Bids received after the time and date established for receiving bids will be rejected. 1.6 The Bidders and public are invited, but not required, to attend the formal opening of bids. At the opening, prices will be displayed electronically and/or read aloud to the public. The pricing is also available for immediate viewing on-line. No decisions related to an award of a contract or purchase order will be made at the opening.
Grievance Procedure Steps Step 1: (a) Any employee who feels aggrieved must discuss the grievance with the employee's immediate supervisor within fourteen (14) days of the date on which the employee or the Union first learned or may reasonably have been expected to have learned of its cause unless the parties agree in writing to extend the fourteen (14) day period. The employee, if he or she so desires, may be accompanied and represented by the employee's stew- ard or a Union representative. The Union also may initiate a grievance at Step 1 within 14 days of the date the Union first became aware of (or rea- sonably should have become aware of) the facts giving rise to the griev- ance. In such case the participation of an individual grievant is not re- quired. A Step 1 Union grievance may involve a complaint affecting more than one employee in the office. Whenever the facts giving rise to a grievance relate to an incident/issue occurring or arising on a specific date and in- volve more than one employee in the office, a Step 1 or Step 2 grievance may only be initiated by the Union as a Union grievance on behalf of all involved employees within a specific work location in an installation as provided in Article 17.2A or as defined by local practice. Should any grievances concerning the same incident/issue be filed at Step 1 by indi- vidual employees, the Union will consolidate all such grievances and se- lect a representative grievance which may be appealed to Step 2. Should multiple grievances concerning the same incident/issue be improperly filed/initiated at Step 1 by the Union, management shall notify the Union, and if so notified, the Union shall consolidate all such grievances and select a representative grievance which may be heard at Step 1.