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Withdrawal Before Bidding. 7.1. Registered Online Bidders who have paid the 10% deposit, may withdraw from the public auction by e-mailing the withdrawal request and enclosing evidence payment of 10% deposit to Ehsan Auctioneer latest by 3PM, at least one (1) working day before the auction date.
Withdrawal Before Bidding. 7. 1. Registered E - Bidders, who have c ompleted the 10 % depos it payment, are entitled to withdraw f rom the auction at least one ( 1) working day bef ore the auction date by 5. 00 pm.
Withdrawal Before Bidding. 7. 1. Xxxxx tered E - Bidders, who have c ompleted the 10% depos it payment, are entitled to withdraw f rom the auc tion at least one ( 1) working day bef ore the auc tion date by 5 .00 pm.
Withdrawal Before Bidding. 7. 1. Xxxxx tered E - Bidders, who have c ompleted the 10 % deposit payment, are entitled to withdraw f rom the auc t ion at least one ( 1) working day bef ore the auction date by 5. 00 pm.