WOOD DESTROYING INSECT INSPECTION WAIVED. The Buyer(s) have been informed that it is in their best interest to make the Contract contingent upon a wood destroying insect inspection. The Buyer(s) waive the right to said test.
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  • Records Inspection Payor shall keep, and shall require its Permitted Sellers to keep, complete, true and accurate books of accounts and records for the purpose of determining the basis and accuracy of payments to be made under this Agreement. Such records shall be kept in accordance with GAAP, showing Net Sales on country-by-country and Licensed Product-by-Licensed Product basis, and Payor’s or its Permitted Sellers’ usual internal practices and procedures (which shall be commercially reasonable), consistently applied. Such books and records shall be kept for at least [*] ([*]) years following the end of the Calendar Quarter to which they pertain. Such records will be open for inspection by Payee during such five (5) year period by independent accountants reasonably acceptable to Payor, solely for the purpose of verifying the basis and accuracy of amounts in the payment statements hereunder. Such inspections shall be made no more than [*] each Calendar Year, at reasonable time and on reasonable notice and shall be limited to information related to Licensed Products. Results of any such inspection shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of Payor. If any errors in favor of Payor are discovered in the course of such inspection, then within thirty (30) days of written request by Payee, Payor shall pay Payee those amounts that Payee would have received in the absence of such errors, plus interest pursuant to and in accordance with Section 6.1(c). Inspections conducted under this Section 6.5 shall be at the expense of Payee, unless a variation or error in favor of Payor exceeding [*] percent ([*] %) of the amount due for the period covered by the inspection is established in the course of such inspection, whereupon all reasonable, documented costs relating to the inspection for such period will be paid promptly by Payor. In the event of overpayment to Payee, any amount of such overpayment shall be fully creditable against amounts payable for the immediately succeeding Calendar Quarter.

  • Environmental Inspection at End of Agreement Term A. At Authority’s discretion, at least one hundred and twenty (120) days before the expiration or early termination of the Term as provided herein, Company will conduct an environmental inspection and examination of the Company Premises. At its discretion, Authority may complete environmental reviews to determine if recognized environmental conditions exist that could warrant soil and groundwater sampling. If warranted by the findings of Company or Authority’s inspection or if requested by Authority, a compliance audit or site assessment will be performed within the aforementioned time period by a qualified professional acceptable to Authority who will report the findings to Authority. The cost for professional consulting or engineering services required for such audit will be at the expense of Company. If a site assessment is conducted, Company agrees to pay all associated laboratory and testing fees incurred to test and analyze samples collected during the site assessment process. The Authority may also choose to conduct the compliance audit or site assessment. If the results of the assessment indicate that the Company Premises have been impacted by the release of Hazardous Substances, Company will immediately take such action as is necessary and will provide a substantial guaranty in a form and content acceptable to Authority that Company will clean up the contamination at its own expense, at no expense to Authority, and in accordance with Applicable Laws to the extent that it is obligated to do so by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this Article.

  • Property Inspection The Servicer is required to inspect each Delinquent Mortgaged Property at such time and in such manner as is in accordance with Prudent Servicing Practices. The Servicer must prepare a Property Inspection Report following each inspection. All Property Inspection Reports must be retained by the Servicer and copies thereof must be forwarded to the Master Servicer promptly upon request. All expenses related to the foregoing shall be recoverable by the Servicer from the Principal or from Liquidation Proceeds, Insurance Proceeds, payments on the related Mortgage Loan or any other source relating to the related Mortgage Loan or the related Mortgaged Property. The foregoing shall not preclude the Servicer from recovering such expenses from the Borrower to the extent permitted by applicable law and the related Mortgage Loan Documents.

  • Property Inspections The Servicer shall conduct property inspections in accordance with the milestones of the repair and rehabilitation plan for such Mortgaged Property and prepare Property Inspection Reports on any Mortgaged Property involving property damage over $15,000. The Servicer shall furnish a copy of the repair and rehabilitation plan for such Mortgaged Property to the Master Servicer upon request.

  • Inspection Checklist (check one) ☐ In order to avoid disagreements about the condition of the Premises, at the time of accepting possession of the Premises, Tenant will complete the Inspection Checklist incorporated herein by reference and attached hereto as Exhibit B and record any damage or deficiencies that exist at the commencement of the Term. Landlord will be liable for the cost of any cleaning or repair to correct damages found at the time of the inspection. Tenant will be liable for the cost of any cleaning and/or repair to correct damages found at the end of the Term if not recorded on the inspection checklist, normal wear and tear excepted. ☐ The Tenant is NOT required to complete an inspection checklist.

  • Inspection Period Buyer shall be under no obligation to purchase the Property or otherwise perform under this Agreement unless Buyer determines the Property to be, in all respects, suitable for its intended purposes. The decision as to whether the Property is suitable for its intended purposes shall be the sole decision of Buyer, determined in the absolute discretion of Buyer, with Buyer’s decision being final and binding upon both Parties. Buyer shall have until , 20 , at : ☐ AM ☐ PM to notify Seller of its termination of this Agreement due to Buyer's determination that the Property is unsuitable for its intended purpose ("Inspection Period"). In the event Buyer elects to terminate this Agreement, Buyer shall provide written notice of termination to Seller prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period. In the event Buyer provides said notice of termination, Seller and any Escrow Agent shall be obligated to return the Escrow Money to the Buyer as provided in Section V hereof, and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations under this Agreement. In the event Buyer does not submit written notice of termination prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period, the Buyer shall be deemed to be satisfied with its inspections of the Property and this contingency shall be deemed to be fulfilled. The Seller, at no expense, shall fully cooperate with Buyer in obtaining any and all approvals required from any Federal, State, or Local Government ("Governmental Approvals") necessary for Buyer to satisfy their needs during the Inspection Period for the suitability of the Property. Said Governmental Approvals shall be obtained during the Inspection Period unless the Parties agree otherwise. Any additional agreements related to this Section must be done in writing and attached to this Agreement.

  • Obligation to Notify Owner of Existing Hazardous Materials The Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner and the Design Professional, both orally and in writing, of the presence and location of any physical evidence of, or information regarding the presence of Hazardous Materials at the Site of which it becomes aware. If the Contractor encounters Hazardous Materials on the Site the Contractor shall (i) immediately stop performance of Work or that portion of the Work affected by or affecting such Hazardous Materials; (ii) secure the contaminated area against intrusion; (iii) not disturb or remove the Hazardous Materials; (iv) not proceed, or allow any subcontractor or supplier to proceed, with any Work or other activities in the area affected by such Hazardous Materials until such materials have been properly remediated and until directed in writing to do so by the Owner; and, (v) take any other steps necessary to protect life and health and the surrounding environment. The Contractor shall be entitled to adjustment of the Contract Time and the Contract Sum pursuant to Section 5, Part 2 of these General Conditions in order to compensate for the impact of any required demolition, re-work, shutdown, delay, protection of work, disruption, and start-up resulting from the encountering of such Hazardous Materials on the Site for which the Contractor is not responsible.

  • Safety Inspection During inspection of County facilities conducted by the State Division of Occupational Safety and Health for the purpose of determining compliance with the California OSHA requirements, an OCEA designated employee shall be allowed to accompany the inspector while the inspector is in the employee's agency/department. The employee so designated shall suffer no loss of pay when this function is performed during the employee's regularly scheduled work hours.

  • Independent Review and Inspection The Owner may undertake independent inspection of the installation of the Work. Such independent inspector shall operate on behalf of the Owner and shall act to protect the best interests of the Owner.

  • REMOVAL OF RECORDS FROM PREMISES Where performance of the Contract involves use by the Contractor (or the Contractor’s subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, agents or subcontractors) of Authorized User owned or licensed papers, files, computer disks or other electronic storage devices, data or records at Authorized User facilities or offices, or via remote access, the Contractor (or the Contractor’s subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, agents or subcontractors) shall not remotely access, modify, delete, copy or remove such Records without the prior written approval of the Authorized User. In no case, with or without the written approval of the Authorized User, can the Authorized User data be accessed, moved or sent outside the continental United States.

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