WOOD DESTROYING INSECT INSPECTION. Purchaser at Purchaser’s expense OR Seller at Seller’s expense will furnish a written report from a pest control firm dated not more than thirty(30) days prior to Settlement showing that all dwellings(s) and/or garage(s) within the Property (excluding fences or shrubs not abutting garage(s) or dwelling(s) and/or garage(s) within the Property (excluding fences or shrubs not abutting garage(s) or dwelling(s)) are free of visible evidence of active termites and other wood-destroying insects, and free from visible insect damage. Any treatment and repairs for damage identified in the inspection report will be made at Seller’s expense.
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WOOD DESTROYING INSECT INSPECTION. At the act of sale, SELLER shall provide a wood destroying 141 insect report prepared by a pest control company licensed by the State of Louisiana. The report, indicating no visible evidence 142 of active infestation, shall be dated no more than thirty (30) days prior to the act of sale. If either the PURCHASER’s 143 inspection or the wood destroying insect report indicates active infestation or damage from such insects, this Agreement may 144 be terminated, at PURCHASER's option, unless PURCHASER and SELLER agree that SELLER, at his expense, repairs such 145 damage and/or treats such infestation. The repairs of damage from and/or treatment of infestation shall be evidenced by a 146 new wood destroying insect report. 147 DEADLINES: TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, and all deadlines are final, except where modifications, changes, or 148 extensions are made in writing and signed by all parties to this agreement. 149 ACCEPTANCE: Acceptance must be in writing. Notice of this acceptance may be communicated by 150 facsimile transmission. The contract date of this agreement will be the date of final acceptance by the parties.
WOOD DESTROYING INSECT INSPECTION. If BUYER’S Lender(s) requires a wood-destroying insect 740 inspection report, BUYER will be solely responsible for arranging and paying for said inspection and the cost 741 of the treatment, if required. 742 743 If BUYER is prohibited by Xxxxxx(s) from paying the costs, then the costs will be paid by SELLER. 744 The responsible party will provide the inspection report to Lender(s) thirty (30) calendar days prior to Closing 745 Date and will provide notice of treatment to BUYER and Lender(s) prior to Closing Date. 746 747 31. NEW HOME ORIENTATION/WALK-THROUGH. SELLER and/or Seller’s Representative and BUYER and/or 748 Licensee assisting Buyer may do an orientation tour of the Property prior to Closing Date. Agreed upon items 749 from this tour will be completed by SELLER (Check one): By Closing or within calendar 750 days following the Closing Date, weather permitting, and with scheduling cooperation from BUYER. 751 752 DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES 753
WOOD DESTROYING INSECT INSPECTION.  (A) This Contract is contingent upon the Buyer(s) obtaining a satisfactory wood destroying insect inspection at the  Buyer’s or  Seller's expense by a New York State licensed home inspector or a Professional Engineer, showing Property to be free of infestation, to be obtained within 14 calendar days after the (check one)  Contract Date or after the  contract date on Buyer's Other Real Property. If said Wood Destroying inspection, at the Buyer’s sole discretion, is deemed unsatisfactory, Buyer and Seller shall have until the end of the 21st calendar day after the Contract Date (or the contract date on Buyer’s Other Real Property, if applicable) to reach an agreement, unless sooner terminated by Buyer. Failure to reach an agreement within said timeframe terminates this Contract. Upon termination of this Contract, Seller and Buyer agree to sign the Release form (Addendum I) (along with the Real Estate Agents involved in this transaction) at which time the Deposit shall be returned to the Buyer. The Buyer will supply Seller, if requested, a copy of the wood destroying insect inspection report.
WOOD DESTROYING INSECT INSPECTION. Buyer at Buyer's expense (except under VA financing, then at Seller's expense) may choose to obtain a wood-destroying insect (“WDI”) inspection of the Property by a licensed pest control firm. If Buyer elects to do so, Buyer will furnish to Seller a written report from the licensed pest control firm showing that all dwelling(s) and/or garage(s) within the Property are free of visible evidence of any live WDI, and free from visible WDI damage. Any treatment for live WDI and/or repairs for WDI damage recommended in the licensed pest control firm's report will be made at Seller's expense. Said treatment shall be completed by a licensed pest control firm and said repairs shall be completed by a contractor licensed in the appropriate jurisdiction. Seller will provide written evidence of such treatment and/or repair prior to Settlement which shall satisfy the requirements of this Paragraph.


  • Records Inspection TSD shall keep, and shall require its Permitted Sellers to keep, complete, true and accurate books of accounts and records for the purpose of determining the basis and accuracy of payments to be made under this Agreement. Such records shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals, showing Net Sales of Product on a country-by-country and Product-by-Product bases, and TSD’s or its Permitted Sellers’ usual internal practices and procedures, consistently applied. Such books and records shall be kept for at least five (5) years following the end of the calendar quarter to which they pertain. Such records will be open for inspection by PPD during such five (5) year period by independent accountants reasonably acceptable to TSD, solely for the purpose of verifying the basis and accuracy of amounts in the payment statements hereunder. Such inspections shall be made no more than once each calendar year, at reasonable time and on reasonable notice and shall be limited to information related to Products. Results of any such inspection shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of TSD. If any errors in favor of TSD are discovered in the course of such inspection, then within thirty (30) days of written request by PPD, TSD shall pay PPD those amounts that PPD would [*] Confidential treatment requested; certain information omitted and filed separately with the SEC. have received in the absence of such errors, plus interest pursuant to and in accordance with Section 6.1(b). Inspections conducted under this Section 6.5 shall be at the expense of PPD, unless a variation or error in favor of TSD exceeding [*] percent ([*]%) of the amount stated for the period covered by the inspection is established in the course of such inspection, whereupon all costs relating to the inspection for such period will be paid promptly by TSD.

  • Property Inspection The Servicer is required to inspect each Delinquent Mortgaged Property at such time and in such manner as is in accordance with Prudent Servicing Practices. The Servicer must prepare a Property Inspection Report following each inspection. All Property Inspection Reports must be retained by the Servicer and copies thereof must be forwarded to the Master Servicer promptly upon request. All expenses related to the foregoing shall be recoverable by the Servicer from the Principal or from Liquidation Proceeds, Insurance Proceeds, payments on the related Mortgage Loan or any other source relating to the related Mortgage Loan or the related Mortgaged Property. The foregoing shall not preclude the Servicer from recovering such expenses from the Borrower to the extent permitted by applicable law and the related Mortgage Loan Documents.

  • Property Inspections The Servicer shall conduct property inspections in accordance with the milestones of the repair and rehabilitation plan for such Mortgaged Property and prepare Property Inspection Reports on any Mortgaged Property involving property damage over $15,000. The Servicer shall furnish a copy of the repair and rehabilitation plan for such Mortgaged Property to the Master Servicer upon request.

  • Safety Inspection During inspection of County facilities conducted by the State Division of Occupational Safety and Health for the purpose of determining compliance with the California OSHA requirements, an OCEA designated employee shall be allowed to accompany the inspector while the inspector is in the employee's agency/department. The employee so designated shall suffer no loss of pay when this function is performed during the employee's regularly scheduled work hours.

  • Inspection Period Buyer shall be under no obligation to purchase the Property or otherwise perform under this Agreement unless Buyer determines the Property to be, in all respects, suitable for its intended purposes. The decision as to whether the Property is suitable for its intended purposes shall be the sole decision of Buyer, determined in the absolute discretion of Buyer, with Buyer’s decision being final and binding upon both Parties. Buyer shall have until , 20 , at : ☐ AM ☐ PM to notify Seller of its termination of this Agreement due to Buyer's determination that the Property is unsuitable for its intended purpose ("Inspection Period"). In the event Buyer elects to terminate this Agreement, Buyer shall provide written notice of termination to Seller prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period. In the event Buyer provides said notice of termination, Seller and any Escrow Agent shall be obligated to return the Escrow Money to the Buyer as provided in Section V hereof, and neither party shall have any further rights or obligations under this Agreement. In the event Buyer does not submit written notice of termination prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period, the Buyer shall be deemed to be satisfied with its inspections of the Property and this contingency shall be deemed to be fulfilled. The Seller, at no expense, shall fully cooperate with Buyer in obtaining any and all approvals required from any Federal, State, or Local Government ("Governmental Approvals") necessary for Buyer to satisfy their needs during the Inspection Period for the suitability of the Property. Said Governmental Approvals shall be obtained during the Inspection Period unless the Parties agree otherwise. Any additional agreements related to this Section must be done in writing and attached to this Agreement.

  • Goods Inspection The Commissioner of DAS, in consultation with the Client Agency, shall determine the manner and prescribe the inspection of all Goods and the tests of all samples submitted to determine whether they comply with all of the specifications in the Contract. If any Goods fail in any way to meet the specifications in the Contract, the Client Agency or the Commissioner of DAS may, in its sole discretion, either reject it and owe nothing or accept it and pay for it on an adjusted price basis, depending on the degree to which the Goods meet the specifications. Any decision pertaining to any such failure or rejection shall be final and binding.

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