Wyoming Claim Sample Clauses

Wyoming Claim. “Wyoming Claim” means any Third Party Claim relating to the loss or wreckage of the Pride Wyoming that is, or is reasonably expected to be, covered solely by Pride’s (and not Seahawk’s) insurance policies.
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Related to Wyoming Claim

  • Pending Claims There are no (i) claims, demands, litigation, proceedings or governmental investigations pending or to Seller’s knowledge threatened, against Seller, the Manager or any Affiliate of any of them (collectively, “Seller Parties”) or related to the business or assets of the Hotel, except as set forth on Exhibit I attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, (ii) special assessments or extraordinary taxes except as set forth in the Title Commitment or (iii) pending or threatened condemnation or eminent domain proceedings which would affect the Property or any part thereof. To Seller’s knowledge, there are no other: pending arbitration proceedings or unsatisfied arbitration awards, or judicial proceedings or orders respecting awards, which might become a lien on the Property or any portion thereof, pending unfair labor practice charges or complaints, unsatisfied unfair labor practice orders or judicial proceedings or orders with respect thereto, pending charges or complaints with or by city, state or federal civil or human rights agencies, unremedied orders by such agencies or judicial proceedings or orders with respect to obligations under city, state or federal civil or human rights or antidiscrimination laws or executive orders affecting the Hotel, or other pending, actual or, to Seller’s knowledge, threatened litigation claims, charges, complaints, petitions or unsatisfied orders by or before any administrative agency or court which affect the Hotel or might become a lien on the Hotel (collectively, the “Pending Claims”).

  • Release of Pre-Closing Claims (a) Except as provided in Section 3.1(c), effective as of the IPO Closing Date, TODCO does hereby, for itself and each other member of the TODCO Group, their respective Affiliates, successors and assigns, and all Persons who at any time prior to the IPO Closing Date have been stockholders, directors, officers, agents or employees of any member of the TODCO Group (in each case, in their respective capacities as such), remise, release and forever discharge Transocean, each member of the Transocean Group and their respective Affiliates, successors and assigns, and all stockholders, directors, officers, agents or employees of any member of the Transocean Group (in each case, in their respective capacities as such), and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, from any and all Liabilities whatsoever to TODCO and each other member of the TODCO Group, whether at law or in equity (including any right of contribution), whether arising under any contract or agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, existing or arising from any acts or events occurring or failing to occur or alleged to have occurred or to have failed to occur or any conditions existing or alleged to have existed on or before the IPO Closing Date, including in connection with the transactions and all other activities to implement any Prior Transfers, the Separation, the IPO and any Distribution.

  • Resolution of Objections to Claims (a) Any Person who desires to seek indemnification under any part of this Article IX (each, an “Indemnified Party”) shall give written notice in reasonable detail (an “Indemnification Claim Notice”) to the party responsible or alleged to be responsible for indemnification hereunder (an “Indemnitor”) promptly upon the Indemnified Party’s discovery of the matter giving rise to the Indemnified Party’s claim and prior to the end of any applicable Claims Period. If the matter to which a claim relates shall not have been resolved as of the date of the Indemnification Claim Notice, the Indemnified Party shall estimate the amount of the claim in the Indemnification Claim Notice. Each Indemnitor to which an Indemnification Claim Notice is given shall respond to any Indemnified Party that has given an Indemnification Claim Notice (a “Claim Response”) within thirty (30) days (the “Response Period”) after the date that the Indemnification Claim Notice is given. Any Claim Response shall specify whether or not the Indemnitor giving the Claim Response disputes the claim described in the Indemnification Claim Notice. If any Indemnitor fails to give a Claim Response within the Response Period, such Indemnitor shall be deemed not to dispute the claim described in the related Indemnification Claim Notice. If any Indemnitor elects not to dispute a claim described in an Indemnification Claim Notice, whether by failing to give a timely Claim Response in accordance with the terms hereof or otherwise, then the amount of such claim shall be conclusively deemed to be an obligation of such Indemnitor.

  • Proceedings at Closing All proceedings to be taken and all documents to be executed and delivered by all parties at the Closing shall be deemed to have been taken and executed simultaneously, and no proceedings shall be deemed taken nor any documents executed or delivered until all have been taken, executed and delivered.

  • 506(c) Claims Until the Discharge of Senior Obligations has occurred, each Second Priority Representative, on behalf of itself and each Second Priority Debt Party under its Second Priority Debt Facility, agrees that it will not assert or enforce any claim under Section 506(c) of the Bankruptcy Code or any similar provision of any other Bankruptcy Law senior to or on a parity with the Liens securing the Senior Obligations for costs or expenses of preserving or disposing of any Shared Collateral.

  • Assets Reserved and Pending Claims (a) If, upon the occurrence of a Dissolution Event, there are any assets that, in the judgment of the Liquidating Trustee, cannot be sold or distributed in kind without sacrificing a significant portion of the value thereof or where such sale or distribution is otherwise impractical at the time of the Dissolution Event, such assets may be retained by the Company if the Liquidating Trustee determines that the retention of such assets is in the best interests of the Members. Upon the sale of such assets or a determination by the Liquidating Trustee that circumstances no longer require their retention, such assets (at their Fair Value) or the proceeds of their sale shall be taken into account in computing Capital Account on winding up and amounts distributable pursuant to Section 6.2(b), and distributed in accordance with such value.

  • Actions; Suits; Proceedings (a) There are no judicial, administrative, mediation or arbitration actions, suits or proceedings pending or, to the best of Borrower’s knowledge, threatened in writing against or affecting Borrower (and, if Borrower is a limited partnership, any of its general partners or if Borrower is a limited liability company, any member of Borrower) or the Mortgaged Property which, if adversely determined, would have a Material Adverse Effect.

  • Preferential Collection of Claims Against Company and Subsidiary Guarantors If and when the Trustee shall be or become a creditor of the Company, any Subsidiary Guarantor or any other obligor upon the Securities, the Trustee shall be subject to the provisions of the Trust Indenture Act regarding the collection of claims against the Company, such Subsidiary Guarantor or any such other obligor.

  • Litigation Control The Master Servicer, with respect to litigation involving non-Specially Serviced Mortgage Loans (other than any Non-Serviced Mortgage Loan), and the Special Servicer, with respect to litigation involving Specially Serviced Mortgage Loans and the enforcement of the obligations of a Mortgagor under the related Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan documents, and in each case where the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, contemplates availing itself of indemnification as provided for under this Agreement, shall, for the benefit of the Certificateholders, direct, manage, prosecute, defend and/or settle any and all claims and litigation relating to any action brought by the Mortgagor against the Trust or the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, with respect to any such Mortgage Loan (the foregoing rights and obligations, “Litigation Control”). Such Litigation Control shall be carried out in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Servicing Standard. Upon becoming aware of or being named in any claims or litigation, the Master Servicer or Special Servicer, as applicable, shall promptly notify the Controlling Class Representative (during any Subordinate Control Period or any Collective Consultation Period) and the Special Servicer (in the case of the Master Servicer) and the Master Servicer (in the case of the Special Servicer) of such claims or litigation, and the Master Servicer and the Special Servicer, as applicable, shall prepare and submit a notice of such claims or litigation to the 17g-5 Information Provider (subject to Section 5.7) (and the 17g-5 Information Provider shall promptly post same on the 17g-5 Information Provider’s Website pursuant to Section 5.7). The Special Servicer (with respect to Specially Serviced Mortgage Loans) and the Master Servicer (with respect to non-Specially Serviced Mortgage Loans), as applicable, shall, during any Subordinate Control Period or any Collective Consultation Period, consult with and keep the Controlling Class Representative advised of any material development concerning Litigation Control, including, without limitation, (i) any material decision concerning Litigation Control and the implementation thereof and (ii) any decision to agree to or propose any terms of settlement, and shall, during any Subordinate Control Period, submit (in written form) any such development or decision to the Controlling Class Representative for its approval or consent. During any Subordinate Control Period and subject to the Servicing Standard, the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, shall not take any action implementing any such material development or decision described in the preceding sentence unless and until it has provided such notice to the Controlling Class Representative and the Controlling Class Representative has not objected in writing within five (5) Business Days of receipt of such notice and all information that the Controlling Class Representative has reasonably requested with respect thereto. The Controlling Class Representative shall be deemed to have approved the taking of such action if such written objection has not been received by the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, within such 5-Business Day period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, determines that immediate action is necessary to protect the interests of the Certificateholders (as a collective whole) and Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, has confirmed (during any Subordinate Control Period) that the Controlling Class Representative has received written notice of such action, then the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, may take such action without waiting for the Controlling Class Representative’s response. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, with respect to any Litigation Control relating to a non-Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan that has either (i) been satisfied or paid in full, or (ii) as to which a Final Recovery Determination has been made, after receiving the required notice from the Master Servicer or Special Servicer set forth above that the Master Servicer or Special Servicer, as applicable, became aware of or was named in any such claims or litigation, the Controlling Class Representative (during any Subordinate Control Period) or the Special Servicer (during any Collective Consultation Period or Senior Consultation Period) may direct in writing that such Litigation Control be exercised by the Special Servicer; provided, that the Controlling Class Representative or the Special Servicer in accordance with the Servicing Standard, as applicable, has determined and advised the Master Servicer that the Master Servicer’s actions with respect to such obligations are indemnifiable under this Agreement, and accordingly, any loss, liability or expense (including legal fees and expenses incurred up until the date such Litigation Control is so transferred and is not otherwise paid to the Master Servicer pursuant to this Agreement) shall be payable by the Trust. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no advice, direction or objection of, or consent withheld by, the Controlling Class Representative shall (i) require or cause the Special Servicer or the Master Servicer, as applicable, to violate the terms of any Mortgage Loan document, any Intercreditor Agreement or similar agreement, applicable law or any provision of this Agreement, including the Master Servicer’s and Special Servicer’s obligation to act in accordance with the Servicing Standard and the related Mortgage Loan documents and to maintain the REMIC status of any REMIC created under this Agreement, or (ii) result in an Adverse REMIC Event with respect to any REMIC created under this Agreement or an Adverse Grantor Trust Event with respect to the Grantor Trust or have adverse tax consequences for the Trust Fund, or (iii) expose any party to this Agreement, any Seller, any Underwriter or Initial Purchaser, any Sub-Servicer or the Trust Fund or any of their respective Affiliates, officers, directors, partners, members, managers, employees or agents to any claim, suit, or liability for which this Agreement does not provide indemnification to such party or expose any such party to prosecution for a criminal offense, or (iv) materially expand the scope of the Master Servicer’s, the Special Servicer’s, the Certificate Administrator’s, the Trustee’s or the Trust Advisor’s responsibilities under this Agreement. In addition, neither the Master Servicer nor the Special Servicer will follow any such advice, direction or objection if given by the Controlling Class Representative, or initiate any such actions, that would have the effect described in clauses (i)-(iv) of the preceding sentence. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Master Servicer shall retain the right to make all determinations relating to any claims or judgments against the Master Servicer, including but not limited to the right to engage separate counsel in the Master Servicer’s reasonable discretion, the cost of which shall be subject to indemnification hereunder. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, (i) if any action, suit, litigation or proceeding names the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, in its individual capacity, or if any judgment is rendered against the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, in its individual capacity, the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, upon prior written notice to the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, may retain counsel and appear in any such proceeding on its own behalf in order to protect and represent its interests (but not to otherwise direct, manage or prosecute such litigation or claim); (ii) in any action, suit, litigation or proceeding, other than an action, suit, litigation or proceeding directly relating to the enforcement of the obligations of a Mortgagor, guarantor or other obligor under the related Mortgage Loan documents, or otherwise directly relating to one or more Mortgage Loans or Mortgaged Properties, neither of the Master Servicer nor the Special Servicer shall, without the prior written consent of the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, (A) initiate any action, suit, litigation or proceeding in the name of the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, whether in such capacity or individually, (B) engage counsel to represent the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, or (C) prepare, execute or deliver any government filings, forms, permits, registrations or other documents or take any other similar action with the intent to cause, and that actually causes, the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, to be registered to do business in any state (provided that neither the Master Servicer nor the Special Servicer shall be responsible for 342 any delay due to the unwillingness of the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, to grant such consent); and (iii) if any court finds that the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, is a necessary party in respect of any action, suit, litigation or proceeding relating to or arising from this Agreement or any Mortgage Loan, the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, shall have the right to retain counsel and appear in any such proceeding on its own behalf in order to protect and represent its interest, whether as Certificate Administrator, the Trustee or the Custodian, as applicable, or individually (but not to otherwise direct, manage or prosecute such litigation or claim). Nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted to preclude either the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer from initiating any Litigation Control related action, suit, litigation or proceeding in its name as a representative of the Trust Fund.

  • Purchaser Can Protect Its Interest Purchaser represents that by reason of its, or of its management’s, business or financial experience, Purchaser has the capacity to protect its own interests in connection with the transactions contemplated in this Agreement, and the Related Agreements. Further, Purchaser is aware of no publication of any advertisement in connection with the transactions contemplated in the Agreement.

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