XXXXX PLACEMENT. Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps adjacent to the road shoulder and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan. Purchaser is not required to remove stumps within waste areas if they are cut flush with the ground.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps outside of the clearing limits, as directed by the Contract Administrator and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan. Stumps must be positioned upright, with root wads in contact with the forest floor and on stable locations.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. Grubbed stumps shall be placed outside of the clearing limits, as directed by the Contract Administrator and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan. Stumps shall be positioned upright with root wads in contact with the forest floor and on stable locations.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps outside of the clearing limits, as directed by the Contract Administrator and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan. Stumps must be positioned upright, with root wads in contact with the forest floor and on stable locations. Organic debris is defined as all vegetative material not eligible for removal by Contract Clause G-010 PRODUCTS SOLD AND SALE AREA or G-011 RIGHT TO REMOVE FOREST PRODUCTS AND CONTRACT AREA, that is larger than one cubic foot in volume within the grubbing limits as shown on the TYPICAL SECTION SHEET.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps outside of the grubbing limits, on the downhill side of the road, and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. Contractor shall place grubbed stumps outside of the clearing limits on the downhill side of the road, and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan. Stumps must be positioned upright, with root wads in contact with the forest floor on stable locations.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. DRAFT Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps outside of the grubbing limits or as directed by the Contract Administrator. Stumps must be placed on stable locations. Purchaser is not required to remove stumps within waste areas if they are cut flush with the ground.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps outside of the clearing limits and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan. Stumps must be positioned upright, with root wads in contact with the forest floor on stable locations. K1000A2 0+00 to 30+00 K4120 0+00 to 5+00 K4130 0+00 to 8+90 K4135 0+00 to 16+05 K4138 0+00 to 6+25
XXXXX PLACEMENT. On the following road(s), Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps outside of the grubbing limits or as directed by the Contract Administrator. Stumps must be placed on stable locations. E343919M 0+00 to 15+93 New Construction E343919T 0+00 to 1+77 New Construction Purchaser is not required to remove stumps within waste areas if they are cut flush with the ground.
XXXXX PLACEMENT. On the following road(s), Purchaser shall place grubbed stumps adjacent to the road shoulder or as directed by the Contract Administrator and in compliance with all other clauses in this road plan. Purchaser shall place stumps in 6-foot high rows.