
THIS WEB-BROKER AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between
defined below) responsible for the management and oversight of the Federally-facilitated
Exchanges (“FFEs”) and the operation of the Federal eligibility and enrollment platform
relied upon by certain State-based Exchanges for their eligibility and enrollment functions
(SBE-FPs), including the CMS Data Services Hub (“Hub”), and ,
(hereinafter referred to as Web-based Entity or “WBE”), an Agent or Broker that uses a
non-FFE Internet website in accordance with 45 CFR 155.220(c)(3) to assist Consumers,
Applicants, Qualified Individuals, and Enrollees in applying for Advance Payments of the
Premium Tax Credits (“APTCs”) and Cost-sharing Reductions (“CSRs”) for Qualified
Health Plans (“QHPs”), and/or in completing enrollment in QHPs offered in the individual
market through the FFEs or SBE-FPs, and provides Customer Service (CMS and WBE
hereinafter referred to as the “Party,” or collectively, as the “Parties”).
1. Section 1312(e) of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) provides that the Secretary of the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) shall establish procedures
that permit Agents and Brokers to enroll Qualified Individuals in QHPs through an
Exchange, and to assist individuals in applying for APTCs and CSRs, to the extent
allowed by States. To participate in an FFE or SBE-FP, Agents and Brokers,
including WBEs, must complete all necessary registration and training requirements
under 45 CFR 155.220.
2. To facilitate the eligibility determination and enrollment processes, CMS will provide
centralized and standardized business and technical services (“Hub Web Services”)
through an application programming interface to WBE that will enable WBE to
establish a secure connection with the Hub. The application programming interface
will enable the secure transmission of key eligibility and enrollment information
between CMS and WBE.
3. To facilitate the operation of the FFEs and SBE-FPs, CMS desires to: (a) disclose
Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”), which is held in the Health Insurance
Exchanges Program (“XXX”), to WBE; (b) provide WBE with access to the Hub Web
Services; and (c) permit WBE to create, collect, disclose, access, maintain, store, and
use PII from CMS, Consumers, Applicants, Qualified Individuals, and Enrollees—or
these individuals’ legal representatives or Authorized Representatives—to the extent
that these activities are necessary to carry out the functions that the ACA and
implementing regulations permit WBE to carry out.
4. WBE is an entity licensed as an Agent or Broker and desires to gain access to the
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc.

4. Facilitating the collection of standardized attestations acknowledging
the receipt of the APTC or CSR determination, if applicable;
5. Assisting with the application for and determination of certificates of
6. Assisting with filing appeals of eligibility determinations in
connection with the FFEs and SBE-FPs;
7. Transmitting information about the Consumer’s, Applicant’s,
Qualified Individual’s, or Enrollee’s decisions regarding QHP
enrollment and/or CSR and APTC information to the FFEs and SBE-
8. Facilitating payment of the initial premium amount to the appropriate
9. Facilitating an Enrollee’s ability to disenroll from a QHP;
10. Educating Consumers, Applicants, or Enrollees on insurance
affordability programs and, if applicable, informing such individuals
of eligibility for Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program
11. Assisting an Enrollee’s ability to report changes in eligibility status to
the FFEs and SBE-FPs throughout the coverage year, including
changes that may affect eligibility (e.g., adding a dependent);
12. Correcting errors in the application for QHP enrollment;
13. Informing or reminding Enrollees when QHP coverage should be
renewed, when Enrollees may no longer be eligible to maintain their
current QHP coverage because of age, or to inform Enrollees of QHP
coverage options at renewal;
14. Providing appropriate information, materials, and programs to
Consumers, Applicants, Qualified Individuals, and Enrollees, to
inform and educate them about the use and management of their
health information, and services and options offered through the
selected QHP or among the available QHP options;
15. Contacting Consumers, Applicants, Qualified Individuals, and
Enrollees to assess their satisfaction or resolve complaints with
services provided by WBE in connection with the FFEs, SBE-FPs,
WBE, or QHPs;
16. Providing assistance in communicating with QHP Issuers;
17. Fulfilling the legal responsibilities related to the efficient functions of
QHP Issuers in the FFEs and SBE-FPs, as permitted or required by
WBE’s contractual relationships with QHP Issuers; and
18. Performing other functions substantially similar to those enumerated
above and such other functions that CMS may approve in writing
from time to time.

Statement of Applicability:
These standards and implementation specifications are established in accordance with Section
1411(g) of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) (42 U.S.C. § 18081(g)), the Federal Information
Management Act of 2002 (“FISMA”) (44 U.S.C. 3541), and 45 CFR 155.260. All capitalized
terms used herein carry the meanings assigned in Appendix B, “Definitions.” Any capitalized
term that is not defined in Appendix B has the meaning provided in 45 CFR 155.20.
The standards and implementation specifications that are set forth in this Appendix A are
consistent with the principles in 45 CFR 155.260(a)(1) through (a)(6).
The FFEs will enter into contractual agreements with all Non-Exchange Entities, including
WBE that gain access to Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) exchanged with the FFEs
and SBE-FPs, or directly from Consumers, Applicants, Qualified Individuals, or Enrollees, or
these individuals’ legal representatives or Authorized Representatives. That agreement and its
appendices, including this Appendix A, govern any PII that is created, collected, disclosed,
accessed, maintained, stored, or used by Non-Exchange Entities in the context of the FFEs and
SBE-FPs. In signing that contractual agreement, in which this Appendix A has been
incorporated, Non-Exchange Entities agree to comply with the standards and implementation
specifications laid out in this document and the applicable standards, controls, and applicable
implementation specifications within the privacy and security standards as established by the
FFE under 155.260(a)(3) and as applicable to non-Exchange entities under 155.260(b)(3)
while performing the Authorized Functions outlined in their respective agreements.
Non-Exchange Entities must meet the following privacy and security standards:
(1) Individual Access to PII. In keeping with the standards and implementation specifications
used by the FFE, Non-Exchange Entities that maintain and/or store PII must provide
Consumers, Applicants, Qualified Individuals, and Enrollees—or these individuals’ legal
representatives and Authorized Representatives—with a simple and timely means of
appropriately accessing PII pertaining to them and/or the person they represent in a
physical or electronic readable form and format.
a. Standard: Individual Access to PII. Non-Exchange Entities that maintain and/or store
PII must implement policies and procedures that provide access to PII upon request.

a. Standard: Informed Consent. The Non-Exchange Entity may create, collect,
disclose, access, maintain, store, and use PII from Consumers, Applicants, Qualified
Individuals, and Enrollees—or these individuals’ legal representatives or
Authorized Representatives—only for the functions and purposes listed in the
Privacy Notice Statement and any relevant agreements in effect as of the time the
information is collected, unless the FFE, SBE-FP or Non-Exchange Entity obtains
informed consent from such individuals.
i. Implementation Specifications.
1. The Non-Exchange Entity must obtain informed consent from
individuals for any use or disclosure of information that is not
permissible within the scope of the Privacy Notice Statement and
any relevant agreements that were in effect as of the time the PII was
collected. Such consent must be subject to a right of revocation.
2. Any such consent that serves as the basis of a use or disclosure must:
a. Be provided in specific terms and in plain language;
b. Identify the entity collecting or using the PII, and/or making
the disclosure;
c. Identify the specific collections, use(s), and disclosure(s) of
specified PII with respect to a specific recipient(s); and
d. Provide notice of an individual’s ability to revoke the consent
at any time.
3. Consent documents must be appropriately secured and retained for
ten (10) years.
(4) Creation, Collection, Disclosure, Access, Maintenance, Storage, and Use Limitations. In
keeping with the standards and implementation specifications used by the FFE, Non-
Exchange Entities must ensure that PII is only created, collected, disclosed, accessed,
maintained, stored, and used, to the extent necessary to accomplish a specified purpose(s)
in the contractual agreement and any appendices. Such information shall never be used to
discriminate against a Consumer, Applicant, Qualified Individual, Enrollee, Qualified
Employee, or Qualified Employer.
a. Standard: Creation, Collection, Disclosure, Access, Maintenance, Storage, and Use
Limitations. Other than in accordance with the consent procedures outlined above,
the Non-Exchange Entity shall only create, collect, disclose, access, maintain, store,
and use PII:
1. To the extent necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the
2. In accordance with its published Privacy Notice Statement and any
applicable agreements that were in effect at the time the PII was
collected, including the consent procedures outlined above in Section
(3) above; and/or
3. In accordance with the permissible functions outlined in the
regulations and agreements between CMS and the Non-Exchange

b. Standard: Non-discrimination. The Non-Exchange Entity should not, to the greatest
extent practicable, collect PII directly from the Consumer, Applicant, Qualified
Individual, or Enrollee, when the information is likely to result in adverse
determinations about benefits.
c. Standard: Prohibited Uses and Disclosures of PII.
i. Implementation Specifications.
1. The Non-Exchange Entity shall not request Information regarding
citizenship, status as a national, or immigration status for an
individual who is not seeking coverage for himself or herself on any
2. The Non-Exchange Entity shall not require an individual who is not
seeking coverage for himself or herself to provide a Social Security
Number (SSN), except if an Applicant’s eligibility is reliant on a tax
filer’s tax return and their SSN is relevant to verification of
household income and family size.
3. The Non-Exchange Entity shall not use PII to discriminate, including
employing marketing practices or benefit designs that will have the
effect of discouraging the enrollment of individuals with significant
health needs in QHPs.
(5) Data Quality and Integrity. In keeping with the standards and implementation
specifications used by the FFE, Non-Exchange Entities should take reasonable steps to
ensure that PII is complete, accurate, and up-to-date to the extent such data is necessary
for the Non-Exchange Entity’s intended use of such data, and that such data has not been
altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner, thereby ensuring the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of PII.
a. Standard: Right to Amend, Correct, Substitute, or Delete PII. In keeping with the
standards and implementation specifications used by the FFE, Non-Exchange
Entities must offer Consumers, Applicants, Qualified Individuals, and Enrollees—
or these individuals’ legal representatives or Authorized Representatives—an
opportunity to request amendment, correction, substitution, or deletion of PII
maintained and/or stored by the Non-Exchange Entity if such individual believes
that the PII is not accurate, timely, complete, relevant, or necessary to accomplish
an Exchange-related function, except where the PII questioned originated from
other sources, in which case the individual should contact the originating source.
i. Implementation Specifications.
1. Such individuals shall be provided with instructions as to how they
should address their requests to the Non-Exchange Entity’s
Responsible Official, in writing or by telephone. They may also be
offered an opportunity to meet with the Responsible Official or their
delegate(s) in person.
2. Such individuals shall be instructed to specify the following in each

a. The PII they wish to correct, amend, substitute or delete; and
b. The reasons for requesting such correction, amendment,
substitution, or deletion, along with any supporting
justification or evidence.
3. Such requests must be granted or denied within no more than ten
(10) working days of receipt.
4. If the Responsible Official (or their delegate) reviews these materials
and ultimately agrees that the identified PII is not accurate, timely,
complete, relevant, or necessary to accomplish the function for
which the PII was obtained/provided, the PII should be corrected,
amended, substituted, or deleted in accordance with applicable law.
5. If the Responsible Official (or their delegate) reviews these materials
and ultimately does not agree that the PII should be corrected,
amended, substituted, or deleted, the requestor shall be informed in
writing of the denial, and, if applicable, the availability of any appeal
procedures. If available, the notification must identify the appropriate
appeal authority including that authority’s name, title, and contact
b. Standard: Verification of Identity for Requests to Amend, Correct, Substitute or
Delete PII. In keeping with the standards and implementation specifications used by
the FFE, Non-Exchange Entities that maintain and/or store PII must develop and
implement policies and procedures to verify the identity of any person who requests
access to, notification of, or modification—including amendment, correction,
substitution, or deletion—of PII that is maintained by or for the Non-Exchange
Entity. This includes confirmation of an individuals’ legal or personal authority to
access, receive notification of, or seek modification—including amendment,
correction, substitution, or deletion—of a Consumer’s, Applicant’s, Qualified
Individual’s, or Enrollee’s PII.
i. Implementation Specifications.
1. The requester must submit through mail, via an electronic upload
process, or in-person to the Non-Exchange Entity’s Responsible
Official, a copy of one of the following government- issued
identification: a driver’s license, voter registration card, U.S. military
card or draft record, identification card issued by the federal, state, or
local government, including a U.S. passport, military dependent’s
identification card, Native American tribal document, or U.S. Coast
Guard Merchant Mariner card.
2. If such requester cannot provide a copy of one of these documents,
he or she can submit two of the following documents that
corroborate one another: a birth certificate, Social Security card,
marriage certificate, divorce decree, employer identification card,
high school or college diploma, and/or property deed or title.
c. Standard: Accounting for Disclosures. Except for those disclosures made to the
Non-Exchange Entity’s Workforce who have a need for the record in the

performance of their duties, and the disclosures that are necessary to carry out the
required functions of the Non-Exchange Entity, Non-Exchange Entities that
maintain and/or store PII shall maintain an accounting of any and all disclosures.
i. Implementation Specifications.
1. The accounting shall contain the date, nature, and purpose of such
disclosures, and the name and address of the person or agency to
whom the disclosure is made.
2. The accounting shall be retained for at least ten (10) years after the
disclosure, or the life of the record, whichever is longer.
3. Notwithstanding exceptions in Section (1)a.10, this accounting shall
be available to Consumers, Applicants, Qualified Individuals, and
Enrollees—or these individuals’ legal representatives or Authorized
Representatives—on their request per the procedures outlined under
the access standards in Section (1) above.
(6) Accountability. In keeping with the standards and implementation specifications used by the
FFE, Non-Exchange Entities should adopt and implement the standards and
implementation specifications in this document in a manner that ensures appropriate
monitoring and other means and methods to identify and report Incidents and/or Breaches.
a. Standard: Reporting. The Non-Exchange Entity must implement Breach and
Incident Handling procedures that are consistent with CMS’ Incident and Breach
Notification Procedures1 and incorporate these procedures in the Non-Exchange
Entity’s own written policies and procedures.
i. Implementation Specifications. Such policies and procedures would:
1. Identify the Non-Exchange Entity’s Designated Privacy Official,
if applicable, and/or identify other personnel authorized to access
PII and responsible for reporting and managing Incidents or
Breaches to CMS;
2. Provide details regarding the identification, response, recovery,
and follow-up of Incidents and Breaches, which should include
information regarding the potential need for CMS to immediately
suspend or revoke access to the Hub for containment purposes.
3. Require reporting of any Incident or Breach of PII to the CMS IT
Service Desk by telephone at (000) 000-0000 or 0-000-000-0000
or via email notification at
within one hour after discovery of the Incident or Breach.
b. Standard: Standard Operating Procedures. The Non-Exchange Entity shall
incorporate privacy and security standards and implementation specifications,
where appropriate, in its standard operating procedures that are associated with
functions involving the creation, collection, disclosure, access, maintenance,
storage, or use of PII.
1 Available at xxxx://

i. Implementation Specifications.
1. The privacy and security standards and implementation
specifications shall be written in plain language and shall be
available to all of the Non-Exchange Entity’s Workforce members
whose responsibilities entail the creation, collection, maintenance,
storage, access, or use of PII.
2. The procedures shall ensure the Non-Exchange Entity’s cooperation
with CMS in resolving any Incident or Breach, including (if
requested by CMS) the return or destruction of any PII files it
received under the Agreement; the provision of a formal response to
an allegation of unauthorized PII use, reuse, or disclosure; and/or the
submission of a corrective action plan with steps designed to prevent
any future unauthorized uses, reuses, or disclosures.
3. The standard operating procedures must be designed and
implemented to ensure the Non-Exchange Entity and its Workforce
comply with the standards and implementation specifications
contained herein, and must be reasonably designed, taking into
account the size and the type of activities that relate to PII
undertaken by the Non-Exchange Entity, to ensure such compliance.
The Non-Exchange Entity shall complete an annual SPA assessment as described below. The SPA
assessment shall include the following:
• Documentation of existing security and privacy controls;
• Identification of potential security and privacy risks; and
• Corrective action plan describing approach and timeline to implement security and
privacy controls to mitigate potential security and privacy risks.
(1) Assessment Options. The following options are acceptable approaches for completing the
SPA assessment:
a. The Non-Exchange Entity may contract with a third party with experience
conducting information system privacy and security audits to perform the SPA
b. The Non-Exchange Entity may utilize internal information system staff resources to
perform the SPA assessment, provided such staff have no direct responsibility for the
security or privacy posture of the information system that is the subject of the SPA
c. The Non-Exchange Entity may reference existing audit results that address some or
all of the SPA assessment’s requirements. Such existing audit results must have been
generated using one of the methods described above in the first two assessment
options. In addition, such existing audit results must have been produced within 365
days of completion of the SPA assessment. If existing audit reports do not address all

of the annual SPA assessment. The signatories on the SPA personally attest to its accuracy
and authenticity.
(8) Submission of SPA to CMS. The SPA must be submitted electronically in a format specified
by CMS or by mail to CMS at the address in Section V above by July 1, 2017.
(9) CMS Verification of SPA. CMS will review the Non-Exchange Entity’s SPA assessment,
and for any critical security or privacy control that the Non-Exchange Entity claimed as not
applicable, CMS, in its sole discretion, will determine if the claim is justified. If CMS
determines such controls are applicable, CMS may require a supplementary assessment of
such controls and an amended SPA submission from the Non-Exchange Entity. If the SPA
assessment indicates that the Non-Exchange Entity does not meet any critical control, CMS
may require remedial action. A Non-Exchange Entity that does not complete a SPA
assessment or any required supplemental assessment or remedial actions may be subject to
the Termination with Cause provision (Section IV, b) of this agreement.

This Appendix defines terms that are used in the Agreement and other Appendices.
Any capitalized term used in the Agreement that is not defined therein or in this
Appendix has the meaning provided in 45 CFR 155.20.
(1) Affordable Care Act (ACA) means the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (Public Law 111-148), as amended by the Health Care and Education
Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-152), which are referred to
collectively as the Affordable Care Act.
(2) Access means availability of a SORN Record to a Subject Individual.
(3) Advance Payments of the Premium Tax Credit (APTC) has the meaning
set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(4) Agent or Broker has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(5) Applicant has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(6) Application Filer has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(7) Authorized Function means a task performed by a Non-Exchange Entity that
the Non- Exchange Entity is explicitly authorized or required to perform based
on applicable law or regulation, and as enumerated in the Agreement that
incorporates this Appendix B.
(8) Authorized Representative means a person or organization meeting the
requirements set forth in 45 CFR 155.227.
(9) Breach is defined by OMB Memorandum M-07-16, Safeguarding and
Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information (May 22, 2007),
as the compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition,
unauthorized access, loss of control or any similar term or phrase that refers to
situations where persons other than authorized users or for an other than
authorized purpose have access or potential access to Personally Identifiable
Information (PII), whether physical or electronic.
(10) CCIIO means the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight
within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
(11) Certified Application Counselor means an organization, staff person, or
volunteer meeting the requirements set forth in 45 CFR 155.225.
(12) CMS means the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

(13) CMS Companion Guides means a CMS-authored guide, available on the CMS
website, which is meant to be used in conjunction with and supplement relevant
implementation guides published by the Accredited Standards Committee.
(14) CMS Data Services Hub (Hub) is the CMS Federally-managed service to
interface data among connecting entities, including HHS, certain other Federal
agencies, and State Medicaid agencies.
(15) CMS Data Services Hub Web Services (Hub Web Services) means business
and technical services made available by CMS to enable the determination of
certain eligibility and enrollment or federal financial payment data through the
Federally-facilitated Exchange website, including the collection of personal and
financial information necessary for Consumer, Applicant, Qualified Individual,
Qualified Employer, Qualified Employee, or Enrollee account creations;
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) application submissions; and Insurance
Affordability Program eligibility determinations.
(16) Consumer means a person who, for himself or herself, or on behalf of another
individual, seeks information related to eligibility or coverage through a
Qualified Health Plan (QHP) or Insurance Affordability Program, or whom an
agent or broker (including Web-brokers) registered with the applicable FFE,
Navigator, Issuer, Certified Application Counselor, or other entity assists in
applying for a QHP, applying for APTCs and CSRs, and/or completing
enrollment in a QHP through an FFE for individual market coverage.
(17) Cost-sharing Reductions (CSRs) has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(18) Customer Service means assistance regarding Health Insurance Coverage
provided to a Consumer, Applicant, or Qualified Individual including but not
limited to responding to questions and complaints and providing information
about Health Insurance Coverage and enrollment processes in connection with
the FFEs.
(19) Day or Days means calendar days unless otherwise expressly indicated in the
relevant provision of the Agreement that incorporates this Appendix B.
(20) Designated Privacy Official means a contact person or office responsible for
receiving complaints related to Breaches or Incidents, able to provide further
information about matters covered by the notice, responsible for the development
and implementation of the privacy and security policies and procedures of the
Non-Exchange Entity, and ensuring the Non-Exchange Entity has in place
appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy and security of PII.
(21) Enrollee has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(22) Enrollment Reconciliation is the process set forth in 45 CFR 155.400(d).

(23) Exchange has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(24) Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE) means an Exchange (or
Marketplace) established by HHS and operated by CMS under Section
1321(c)(1) of the ACA for individual or small group market coverage,
including the Federally-facilitated Small Business Health Options Program
(FF-SHOP). Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM) has the same
meaning as FFE.
(25) Federal Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is an analysis of how
information is handled: (i) to ensure handling conforms to applicable
legal, regulatory, and policy requirements regarding privacy; (ii) to
determine the risks and effects of collecting, maintaining and
disseminating information in identifiable form in an electronic information
system; and (iii) to examine and evaluate protections and alternative
processes for handling information to mitigate potential privacy risks, as
defined in OMB Memorandum M-03-22, OMB Guidance for
Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002
(September 26, 2003).
(26) Health Insurance Coverage has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(27) Health Insurance Exchanges Program (XXX) means the System of Records
that CMS uses in the administration of the FFE. As a System of Records, the
use and disclosure of the SORN Records maintained by the XXX must comply
with the Privacy Act of 1974, the implementing regulations at 45 CFR Part 5b,
and the “routine uses” that were established for the XXX in the Federal Register
at 78 FR 8538 (February 6, 2013), and amended by 78 FR 32256 (May 29,
2013) and 78 FR 63211 (October 23, 2013).
(28) HHS means the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
(29) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) means the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-
191, as amended, and its implementing regulations.
(30) Incident, or Security Incident, means the act of violating an explicit or implied
security policy, which includes attempts to gain unauthorized access to a system
or its data, unwanted disruption or denial of service, the unauthorized use of a
system for the processing or storage of data; and changes to system hardware,
firmware, or software characteristics without the owner’s knowledge, instruction,
or consent.
(31) Information means any communication or representation of knowledge,
such as facts, data, or opinions in any medium or form, including textual,
numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative, or audiovisual.

(32) Insurance Affordability Program means a program that is one of the following:
(1) A State Medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act.
(2) A State children’s health insurance program (CHIP) under title XXI of
the Social Security Act.
(3) A State basic health program established under section 1331 of the
Affordable Care Act.
(4) A program that makes coverage in a Qualified Health Plan through the
Exchange with Advance Payments of the Premium Tax Credit
established under section 36B of the Internal Revenue Code available to
Qualified Individuals.
(5) A program that makes available coverage in a Qualified Health Plan
through the Exchange with Cost-sharing Reductions established under
section 1402 of the Affordable Care Act.
(33) Issuer has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 144.103.
(34) Non-Exchange Entity has the meaning at 45 CFR 155.260(b)(1), including, but
not limited to QHP issuers, Navigators, Agents, and Brokers.
(35) OMB means the Office of Management and Budget.
(36) Personally Identifiable Information (PII) has the meaning contained in OMB
Memoranda M-07-16 (May 22, 2007) and means information which can be
used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as their name, Social
Security Number, biometric records alone, or when combined with other
personal or identifying information that is linked or linkable to a specific
individual, such as date and place of birth and mother’s maiden name.
(37) Qualified Health Plan (QHP) has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(38) Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Issuer has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR
(39) Qualified Individual has the meaning set forth in 45 CFR 155.20.
(40) Responsible Official means an individual or officer responsible for managing a
Non- Exchange Entity or Exchange’s records or information systems, or another
individual designated as an individual to whom requests can be made, or the
designee of either such officer or individual who is listed in a Federal System of
Records Notice as the system manager, or another individual listed as an
individual to whom requests may be made, or the designee of either such officer
or individual.
(41) Security Control means a safeguard or countermeasure prescribed for an
information system or an organization designed to protect the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of its information and to meet a set of defined
security requirements.

(42) State means the State that has licensed the Agent, Broker, or Issuer that is a
party to this Agreement and in which the Agent, Broker or Issuer is operating.
(43) State-based Exchange on the Federal Platform (SBE-FP) means an
Exchange established by a State that receives approval under 45 CFR
155.106(c) to utilize the Federal platform to support select eligibility and
enrollment functions.
(44) State Partnership Exchange means a type of FFE in which a State assumes
responsibility for carrying out certain activities related to plan management,
consumer assistance, or both.
(45) Subject Individual means that individual to whom a SORN Record pertains.
(46) System of Records means a group of Records under the control of any
Federal agency from which information is retrieved by name of the individual
or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular
assigned to the individual.
(47) System of Records Notice (SORN) means a notice published in the Federal
Register notifying the public of a System of Records maintained by a Federal
agency. The notice describes privacy considerations that have been addressed
in implementing the system.
(48) System of Record Notice (SORN) Record means any item, collection, or
grouping of information about an individual that is maintained by an agency,
including but not limited to that individual’s education, financial transactions,
medical history, and criminal or employment history and that contains that
individual’s name, or an identifying number, symbol, or the identifying
number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual,
such as a finger or voice print or a photograph, that is part of a System of
(49) Web-broker means an agent or broker who uses a non-Federally-facilitated
Exchange Internet website to assist Consumers, Applicants, Qualified
Individuals, and Enrollees in the QHP selection and enrollment process as
described in 45 CFR 155.220(c).
(50) Web-Based Entity means a Non-Exchange Entity that performs direct
enrollment under this agreement.
(51) Workforce means a Non-Exchange Entity’s or FFE’s employees, agents,
contractors, subcontractors, officers, directors, agents, representatives, and any
other individual who may create, collect, disclose, access, maintain, store, or use
PII in the performance of his or her duties.

(1) Web-based Entity (“WBE”) must complete testing for each Hub-related
transaction it will implement, and shall not be allowed to exchange data with CMS
in production mode until testing is satisfactorily passed, as determined by CMS in
its sole discretion. Successful testing generally means the ability to pass all
applicable HIPAA compliance standards, or other CMS-approved standards, and
to process electronic data and information transmitted by WBE to the Hub. The
capability to submit these test transactions will be maintained by WBE throughout
the term of this Agreement.
(2) Transactions must be formatted in accordance with the Accredited Standards
Committee Implementation Guides adopted under HIPAA, available at
xxxx://, as applicable and appropriate for the type of
transaction. CMS will make available Companion Guides for the transactions,
which specify necessary situational data elements.
(3) WBE agrees to abide by the applicable policies affecting electronic data
interchange submissions and submitters as published in any of the guidance
documents related to the CMS FFE or Hub, as well as applicable standards in
the appropriate CMS Manual(s) or CMS Companion Guide(s), as published on
the CMS website. These materials can be found at
and xxxx://
(4) WBE agrees to submit test transactions to the Hub prior to the submission of any
transactions to the FFE production system and to determine that the transactions
and responses comply with all requirements and specifications approved by the
CMS and/or the CMS contractor.2
(5) WBE agrees that prior to the submission of any additional transaction types to the
FFE production system, or as a result of making changes to an existing transaction
type or system, it will submit test transactions to the Hub in accordance with
paragraph (1) above.
(6) If WBE enters into relationships with other affiliated entities, or their authorized
designees for submitting and receiving FFE data, it must execute contracts with
such entities stipulating that that such entities and any of its subcontractors or
affiliates must utilize software tested and approved by WBE as being in the
2 While CMS owns data in the FFE, contractors operate the FFE system in which the enrollment and financial
management data flow. Contractors provide the pipeline network for the transmission of electronic data,
including the transport of Exchange data to and from the Hub and WBE so that WBE may discern the activity
related to enrollment functions of persons they serve. WBE may also use the transported data to receive
descriptions of financial transactions from CMS.

proper format and compatible with the FFE system. Entities that enter into
contract with WBE and access PII are required to maintain the same or more
stringent security and privacy controls as WBE.
(7) WBE agrees that CMS may require successful completion of an Operational
Readiness Review to the satisfaction of CMS, which may occur before WBE is
able to submit any transactions to the FFE production system or at any time
during the term of this Agreement. The Operational Readiness Review will assess
WBE’s compliance with CMS’ regulatory and contractual requirements, to
include the critical privacy and security controls. This Agreement may be
terminated or access to CMS systems may be denied for a failure to comply with
Operational Readiness Review or if, at the sole discretion of CMS, the results are
unsatisfactory. WBE must attest that its systems are in compliance with
applicable critical privacy and security controls under Section II.b.3 of the
Agreement as a condition of executing this agreement.

Self- Attestation for Year:
(e.g., January 2017 – December 2017)
Date Completed:
System Security Officer
Signature Date
Privacy Officer
Signature Date
Business Owner
Signature Date