Partner Agreement Version: 1 Page 5 of 21 24-06-04 4.2. Commercial Activities in Approved Locations 4.2.1. During the term of this Agreement, the Approved Locations shall be exclusively used for (i) the promotion, display and delivery of New Polestar...

Partner Agreement Version: 1 Page 1 of 00 00-00-00 Certain identified information marked with “[***]” has been omitted from this document because it is both (i) not material and (ii) the type that the registrant treats as private or confidential. PARTNER AGREEMENT — This partner agreement (the “Partner Agreement”) is entered between: Polestar Automotive Sweden AB, company number 559225-6258, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Sweden with its registered address at Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx 0, 000 00 Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (“Polestar”); and Volvo Car Retail AB, company number 556627-6175, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Sweden with its registered address at Box 466 191 24 Sollentuna, (“Partner”). Each a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1. Polestar’s ambition is to build a strong brand, offer a premium customer experience, and ensure a viable partner network. It is Polestar’s belief that Partner share these goals and ambitions and that Partner will use its best effort to realise these ambitions together with Polestar. 1.2. Based on the above, Partner is hereby appointed to perform the Operations (as defined below). The Operations and the Agreement will commence on the date of the last signature on this Partner Agreement (“Commencement Date”), unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. 1.3. By entering this Partner Agreement, Partner acknowledges that Customers will associate Partner with Polestar and the Polestar brand which requires a need for uniformity in the way Customers are approached and treated during the customer journey. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply: Affiliate With respect to a company, any other company from time to time directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with that company. For this definition, “control” means possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause Partner Agreement Version: 1 Page 2 of 00 00-00-00 direction of the management and policies of a company, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. Applicable Data Protection Legislation Applicable data protection laws, regulations, decisions, judgments and recommendations applicable - from time to time - to the processing of personal data under this Agreement, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the GDPR). Approved Locations The approved locations referred to in Section 4.1 AOI A non-exclusive geographical area of influence. Control means in relationship to a legal entity, the possession, directly or indirectly, by a legal and/or natural person of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a legal entity, whether; a) by means of the holding of shares or other securities, or the exercise of voting power, in or relating to that legal entity or any direct or indirect holding company of that legal entity; or b) by virtue of any powers conferred by the articles of incorporation, the articles of association, any contract and/or any other corporate documents relating to the legal entity or any direct or indirect holding company of that legal entity; and a “Change of Control”, means any transaction or undertaking, whether voluntary or compulsory, of which the object or effect is (or may be) to (a) change, transfer or assign, in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, either immediately or in time, the Control over and/or ownership of (shares or other securities in) the legal entity and/or a direct or indirect holding company of the legal entity; (b) transfer, assign or grant any other right in rem in respect of (part of) the shares or other securities in the legal entity or in (parts of) the business or the assets of the legal entity, whether or not as security, whether such transaction is effected for consideration or free of charge, by way of succession or otherwise; and/or (c) transfer or assign, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, either immediately or in time, the effective management of the legal entity to a third party. Customer An end customer (be it an individual or a legal entity) resident/established in the EEA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom including, for avoidance of doubt, leasing/financial companies, purchasing a Polestar Customer Offer. Commercial Policy Commercial terms and conditions attached to this Partner Agreement related to activities covered by one or more Specific Agreement(s). Courtesy Car A Polestar Vehicle [***] used for the purpose of keeping a Customer mobile while the Customer awaits its Polestar Vehicle. Partner Agreement Version: 1 Page 3 of 00 00-00-00 Demonstration Vehicle A Polestar Vehicle [***] prepared and registered for use on the road for demonstration to prospective Customers. Display Vehicle A New Polestar vehicle used for display purposes in an Approved Location or outside an Approved Location subject to Polestar’s prior approval. EEA European Economic Area, being at the date hereof the member states of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein. Genuine Polestar Parts All (i) components, (ii) replacement and exchange parts and (iii) new, replacement or exchange engines, batteries or other assembled components used for the repair, service or maintenance of Polestar Vehicles, [***] Genuine Polestar Parts also include software which controls or otherwise is related to the operation of various elements of a Polestar Vehicle's functionality (whether or not indispensable for the usage of the car). IPR’s Any patent, copyright, trade mark, service mark or trade name, utility model, right in software, right in design, right in databases, image right, moral right, right in an invention, right relating to passing off, domain name, right in confidential information (including trade secrets) or right of privacy, and all similar or equivalent rights in each case whether registered or not and including all applications (or rights to apply) for, or renewal or extension of, such rights which exist now or which will exist in the future in Sweden and all other countries in the world. New Polestar Vehicle A new Polestar branded car distributed by Polestar in the EEA, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. New Polestar Product A New Polestar Vehicle, or a new Polestar Accessory. Polestar Accessory An accessory distributed by Polestar. Polestar Affiliate An Affiliate of Polestar Performance AB. Polestar Group Polestar Performance AB and all its Affiliates. Polestar Customer Offer Any Customer offer related to a New Polestar Product offered by Polestar or another Polestar Affiliate, [***]. Polestar Product A Polestar Vehicle, a Genuine Polestar Part, or a Polestar Accessory. Polestar Vehicle A Polestar branded vehicle (either a New Polestar Vehicle or a Polestar Pre-Owned Vehicle). Polestar Pre-Owned Vehicle A Polestar Vehicle previously registered to a Customer. Principal Owner A person who directly or indirectly owns at least 25% of Partner’s shareholding. Standards Polestar’s requirements related to all areas of the Operations, and published on Polestar’s digital platforms made available to Partner and which may be amended by Polestar from time to time in accordance with Section 5.1.1. Partner Agreement Version: 1 Page 4 of 00 00-00-00 3. CONTRACTUAL FRAMEWORK 3.1. Partner and Polestar have agreed to enter this Partner Agreement to function as a framework agreement for the various specific agreements listed as Schedules 1-5 below (the “Specific Agreements”). By signing this Partner Agreement, the Parties will be considered to have agreed to the Specific Agreements as well. The Partner Agreement and the Specific Agreements are jointly referred to as the “Agreement”. 3.2. The Specific Agreements covered by the framework of this Partner Agreement are the following: Schedule 1, The Agency Agreement Schedule 2, The Service Agreement Schedule 3, The Polestar Pre-Owned Agreement Schedule 4, The Authorised Repairer Agreement Schedule 5, The Trademark Sublicense Agreement 3.3. In the event of inconsistencies or contradictions between this Partner Agreement and any of the Specific Agreements, the relevant Specific Agreement will prevail unless the context or circumstances clearly suggest otherwise. In the event of inconsistencies or contradictions between the Trademark Sublicense Agreement and any other Specific Agreement, the Trademark Sublicense Agreement will prevail. 4. PARTNER OPERATIONS 4.1. Approved Locations 4.1.1. [***]. 4.1.2. The Approved Locations must meet Xxxxxxxx’s Standards. Any material changes to the internal or external appearance of the Approved Locations shall not be made without giving Polestar at least 90 days prior notice and getting Polestar’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4.1.3. [***]

Schedule 1 – Non-genuine Agency Agreement Version: 1 Page 3 of 18 24-03-25 may at any point in time be used by Polestar Performance in audit situations as reference to verify the validity of issued access rights towards Polestar Performance’s IT systems, information or premises. 7.2 Polestar Performance might transfer relevant parts of the Partner’s personnel information to a third party, if that party hosts a service on behalf of Polestar Performance to which the Partner needs access. 7.3 The Partner is responsible for that the Partner’s personnel are given training to the extent reasonably necessary for providing the agreed services to Polestar Performance. 7.4 The Partner shall ensure that those of its personnel performing tasks for Polestar Performance are aware of the Partner’s confidentiality obligations under the Contract as well as the accepted use of information, facilities and systems. 7.5 The Partner further agrees that Polestar Performance is entitled to request and receive individual commitments from the Partner’s employees, consultants, sub-contractors and other representatives, stating that the individual in question has understood and will comply with certain obligations and accepted use of systems and facilities. 8. PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY 8.1 The Partner and any and all of its employees and sub-contractors shall, at all times, be aware of and comply with Polestar Performance’s safety and security arrangements whilst performing work on Polestar Performance’s premises. The Partner is responsible to inform itself, its employees and its sub-contractors of the safety and security regulations applicable on Polestar Performance’s premises from time to time. 8.2 The Partner shall adhere to all applicable laws and regulations and ensure that any required approvals are obtained from the relevant authorities when carrying out its assignment under the Contract. 8.3 The Partner shall adhere to the following provisions in order to secure Polestar Performance’s information or assets if they are processed or stored in the Partner’s premises: 8.3.1 Data centres hosting Polestar Performance business critical information, applications and infrastructure shall have appropriately physical and environmental protection in place, as set forth by applicable legislation, regulations and industry best practise (e.g. TIA-942). 8.3.2 The Partner shall have adequate perimeter and entry controls in line with local regulations and standards to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed access. 8.3.3 Supplies received or sent on behalf of Polestar Performance shall be protected from theft, manipulation or destruction. 8.4 Admission to Polestar Performance’s premises and property is subject to the following rules. 8.4.1 Local regulations for Polestar Performance premises shall be observed when the Partner performs services under the Contract. 8.4.2 When working within Polestar Performance’s premises, Partner personnel shall carry an ID card or a visitor’s badge visible at all times. 8.4.3 Application procedures and responsibility conditions for admission to Polestar Performance’s premises are stipulated by Polestar Performance and are to be handled according to Polestar Performance’s procedures, if no other arrangements are specifically agreed. 8.4.4 After completing its assignment under the Contract, or when the Partner’s personnel are transferred to other tasks, the Partner shall without delay inform Polestar Performance of the change, and return, or change the distribution of, Schedule 1 – Non-genuine Agency Agreement Version: 1 Page 4 of 00 00-00-00 keys, key cards, certificates, visitor’s badges and any other material handed out. 8.4.5 Keys or key cards shall be personally signed for use by the Partner’s personnel and keys or key cards shall be handled according to the written rules given on the receipt. 8.4.6 Loss of Polestar Performance’s keys or key cards shall be reported without delay to Polestar Performance according to the instructions defined in the Contract, or, if not specifically agreed, according to Polestar Performance’s general access rights procedures. 8.4.7 In the event of the Partner’s noncompliance with the Contract, Polestar Performance is entitled to deny, with immediate effect, access to Polestar Performance’s premises and to request all keys, key cards, etc., handed out to be returned without undue delay. 9. IT SECURITY (COMMUNICATIONS AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT) The Partner’s environment 9.1 In providing its services, the Partner shall utilize industry security best practices to protect, safeguard and secure the services as well as Polestar Performance’s information and IT systems against unauthorized access, use and disclosure. IT Systems, applications, platforms, infrastructure and networks operated by the Partner and related to its assignment under the Contract shall be configured in a consistent and accurate manner with approved security settings applied to ensure that IT systems and networks function as intended, are available when required and do not reveal unnecessary technical details. The Partner shall constantly monitor any attempted unauthorized access to, or use or disclosure of, any IT systems and Polestar Performance Information and shall immediately take all necessary and appropriate action in the event any such attempt is discovered. The Partner shall further notify Polestar Performance of any material or significant breach of security, data breach or other IT security incident. 9.2 The Partner shall, if not otherwise agreed, ensure that Polestar Performance’s information handled by the Partner is separated and secured from its other business partners’ information or access (i.e. not mixed with information not related to Polestar Performance). 9.3 The Partner shall at all times keep documentation as required by the Contract or by applicable law. Such documentation shall always be kept relevant and up-to-date. 9.4 The Partner shall not provide any services or software harmful to the handling of Polestar Performance’s information or system(s). 9.5 The Partner shall have a continuity plan for the IT environment used when providing services to Polestar Performance. 9.6 The Partner shall ensure segregation of duties in such a way that no single person can access, modify or use IT systems or assets without authorisation or detection. If duties for any reason cannot be appropriately separated or subdivided, the Partner shall implement compensating control measures in agreement with Polestar Performance. 9.7 The Partner shall have a formal and well defined change management process that as a minimum contains a formal "Request For Change" (RFC) procedure, a structured method of testing changes before moving them into production, a formal approval procedure for proposed changes, communication of change to all relevant persons and stakeholders and a defined set of procedures to recover from unsuccessful changes and unforeseen events. 9.8 All information relating to Polestar Performance which not obviously is of a public nature must, when handled by the Partner, be subject to the following rules. 9.8.1 Paper documents and removable media etc. shall be kept in safe control of an authorised person and handled according to security best practises such as Schedule 1 – Non-genuine Agency Agreement Version: 1 Page 5 of 00 00-00-00 storing them in a physically secured location (e.g. a locked, document fireproof safe, cabinet or container) when not in use and arrange for proper protection when sending or receiving them (in transit). 9.8.2 Voice communication shall be performed in a secure manner; e.g. neither shall analogue wireless telephone systems, unencrypted public IP telephony nor unencrypted communication radio be used, unless otherwise agreed. Communicating confidential Polestar Performance related information from public premises is not allowed. 9.8.3 Data communication of Polestar Performance information shall be performed in a secure manner (e.g. by using end-to-end encryption during transmission, using communication links trusted by Polestar Performance or using security measures in generally used software). Exception from this rule requires Polestar Performance’s written consent. 9.8.4 The Partner’s personnel are not allowed to deliberately try to access Polestar Performance related information not needed for the assignment agreed upon, or information to which such personnel are not granted access. If any of the Partner’s personnel gets unauthorised access to information, this shall promptly be reported to Polestar Performance. 9.8.5 The Partner shall further have a process in place to monitor that access to Polestar Performance related information is in line with the abovementioned requirements. 9.9 The Partner shall ensure that back-ups of the information processed on behalf of Polestar Performance by the Partner are taken and that such back-ups are restorable when the information is handled in the Partner’s environment. 9.10 Back-up copies shall be handled with the same confidentiality as the original data. Back- up copies shall be stored separately from the original data to prevent simultaneous destruction of both the original data and the back-up copy in a disaster situation. 9.11 The Partner shall ensure that its own environments used for functions specified in the Contract are monitored in such a manner that events violating information and/or IT security are detected and traceable to a specific person. 9.12 The Partner shall at all times keep audit trails as required by applicable law or as otherwise stated in the Contract. Polestar Performance’s environment 9.13 Equipment and IT functionality supplied by Polestar Performance shall only be used for performing the agreed assignment and shall at all times be handled according to Polestar Performance’s instructions. 9.14 The Partner shall protect any Polestar Performance assets in its care from accidental losses or theft. 10. ACCESS CONTROL General 10.1 The Partner shall have access to Polestar Performance’s IT systems, information, functions or premises only to the extent and under the requirements specifically agreed in writing between Polestar Performance and the Partner in each case. 10.2 The extent of access shall always be based on the principle “least privilege needed”. 10.3 The Partner is responsible to inform Polestar Performance without undue delay about any changes regarding those of its employees, consultants, subcontractors and other individuals working under its responsibility who have or will have access to Polestar Schedule 1 – Non-genuine Agency Agreement Version: 1 Page 6 of 00 00-00-00 Performance’s IT systems, information or premises (including such persons who function as contact persons for Polestar Performance). 10.4 Polestar Performance has the right to, at any point in time, revoke or initiate revocation of access rights to its information in case the Partner should not be compliant with these Security Requirements or with the Contract or for any other legitimate reason. Access rights management to Partner’s IT resources needed for the Contract 10.5 The Partner shall keep records of each change in its access rights. The time to retain these records is at least 2 years from the day the access right was changed. 10.6 The Partner shall upon request provide an up-to-date list of all individuals that have access to Polestar Performance’s information or functionality and which access rights are controlled by the Partner. 10.7 The Partner shall have a documented procedure and ensure that all access to Polestar Performance information or functionality is controlled on an individual basis and that all activities are logged according to applicable law and Polestar Performance’s instructions. 10.8 All access rights related to Polestar Performance information or functionality shall be revised at least every six months and all actions shall be reported to Polestar Performance. 10.9 All user IDs shall be personal and used only by the appointed individual(s). 10.10 The Partner shall have a documented procedure for management of all its personnel related to the Contract and their user IDs. 10.11 The Partner shall have a documented procedure for controlling administrator access rights. 10.12 The Partner is responsible for ensuring that any remote access to Polestar Performance’s IT resources utilised under the Contract is conducted in a secure manner. 10.13 Polestar Performance shall be informed of the use of remote access to Polestar Performance information. Access rights management for Polestar Performance’s IT resources needed to perform agreed task 10.14 Access rights to Polestar Performance’s IT resources shall only be granted to those of the Partners’ personnel assigned for the services as specified in the Contract. 10.15 Access rights to Polestar Performance’s IT resources are granted and revoked for the Partners’ personnel according to Polestar Performance’s procedures. 10.16 The methods to be used for remote access to Polestar Performance’s environment shall be specified in the Contract. No other form of remote access to Polestar Performance equipment or systems is allowed. 11. INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACQUISITION, DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE 11.1 Systems to be developed by the Partner shall be developed by using a structured and approved system development methodology to build required information security functionality into systems during development. 11.2 The Partner shall ensure that appropriate controls are designed into applications used for the delivery of IT related services to Polestar Performance, including own developed applications to ensure correct processing. These controls shall include authentication, session management, access control and authorisation, input validation, output encoding/escaping, cryptography, error handling, logging, data protection, communication security, http security and security configuration.

Certain identified information marked with “[***]” has been omitted from this document because it is both (i) not material and (ii) the type that the registrant treats as private or confidential. Partner’s Location and Organisation — Version Control Issued by: Polestar Date: The date of the Agreement Version: Two (2) Organisation 1. Company name: Volvo Car Retail AB Company number: 556627-6175 Place of Registration: Västra Götalands Län, Göteborg Kommun 2. Domain Name of Internet Website: xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx 3. Company registered office address: Xxx 000 000 00 Xxxxxxxxxx 0. Email address to be used for notifications by Polestar: [***] 5. Shareholders in the Company: Name Shareholding (%) Volvo Personvagnar Xxxxxx XX 100% Approved Locations 1. Functional designation (Trading Name): [***] 2. Adress [***] 3. Operations at Location Agent - Car Display X Agent - Test Drives X Service Provider - Handover X Pre-owned X Authorized repairer X 1. Functional designation (Trading Name): [***] 2. Adress [***] 3. Operations at Location Agent - Car Display X Agent - Test Drives X Service Provider - Handover X Pre-owned X Authorized repairer X 1. Functional designation (Trading Name): [***] 2. Adress [***] 3. Operations at Location Agent - Car Display X Agent - Test Drives X Service Provider - Handover X Pre-owned X Authorized repairer X 1. Functional designation (Trading Name): [***] 2. Adress [***] 3. Operations at Location Agent - Car Display X Agent - Test Drives X Service Provider - Handover X Pre-owned X Authorized repairer X Functional designation (Trading Name): [***] Adress [***] Operations at Location Agent - Car Display X Agent - Test Drives X Service Provider - Handover Pre-owned Authorized repairer Functional designation (Trading Name): [***] Adress [***] Operations at Location Agent - Car Display X Agent - Test Drives X Service Provider - Handover Pre-owned Authorized repairer Functional designation (Trading Name): [***] Adress [***] Operations at Location Agent - Car Display X Agent - Test Drives X Service Provider - Handover X Pre-owned Authorized repairer X Certain identified information marked with “[***]” has been omitted from this document because it is both (i) not material and (ii) the type that the registrant treats as private or confidential. Appendix 2 – Facility Milestones — Version Control Issued by: Polestar Date: The date of the Partner Agreement Version: 1 [***] Address of the Polestar Space (as stated in Appendix 1): [***] Facility Milestones 1. Final Layout (conceptual drawing) approved by the Parties: XX 2. Supplier quotations approved by Partner (digital signature): 3. Start of construction: 4. Construction complete / Space opening: [***] Type of Facility [***] Address of the Polestar Space (as stated in Appendix 1): [***] Facility Milestones 1. Final Layout (conceptual drawing) approved by the Parties: XX 2. Supplier quotations approved by Partner (digital signature): 3. Start of construction: 4. Construction complete / Space opening: [***]

Add Additional milestones and individual locations as and when needed Type of Facility [***] Address of the Polestar Space (as stated in Appendix 1): [***] Facility Milestones 1. Final Layout (conceptual drawing) approved by the Parties: XX 2. Supplier quotations approved by Partner (digital signature): 3. Start of construction: 4. Construction complete / Space opening: [***] Add Additional milestones and individual locations as and when needed Type of Facility [***] Address of the Polestar Space (as stated in Appendix 1): [***] Facility Milestones 1. Final Layout (conceptual drawing) approved by the Parties: XX 2. Supplier quotations approved by Partner (digital signature): 3. Start of construction: 4. Construction complete / Space opening: [***] Add Additional milestones and individual locations as and when needed Type of Facility [***] Certain identified information marked with “[***]” has been omitted from this document because it is both (i) not material and (ii) the type that the registrant treats as private or confidential. APPENDIX 3 – VCR side letter — This Appendix 3 constitutes an appendix to the Partner Agreement and its accompanying Schedules entered between Polestar Automotive Sweden AB and Volvo Car Retail AB (collectively, the “Agreement”). Any definitions used in the Agreement shall apply to this Appendix 3 unless anything else is specifically stated herein. [***].