0001047469-07-010095 Sample Contracts
AGREEMENTAgency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications (License for provision of long-distance and international telecommunications No. 29777 dt. ), represented by “ ”, acting in the name and on behalf of OAO Rostelecom on the grounds of the agreement concluded between , and OAO Rostelecom, No. dt. hereinafter referred to as “Rostelecom”, represented by , authorized to act by Power of Attorney dt. No. , on the one part, and , hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by authorized to act by , on the other part, as follows:
Standard Contracts
AGREEMENTTelecommunications • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications (License for provision of long-distance and international telecommunications No. 29777 dt. ), represented by “ ”, acting in the name and on behalf of OAO Rostelecom on the grounds of the agreement concluded between , and OAO Rostelecom, No. dt. hereinafter referred to as “Rostelecom”, represented by , authorized to act by Power of Attorney dt. No. , on the one part, and , hereinafter referred to as the “User”, represented by , authorized to act by , on the other part, as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 3 To the Contract on Network Connection between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom as amended by Agreement No. 6480/05-DO dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone) • Moscow
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company Industry JurisdictionRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and CenterTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC CenterTelecom General Director S.V. Pridantsev authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part,, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and separately referred to as “Party”:
AGENCY AGREEMENT No.6595/06-DO(59-06-23)Agency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryThis Agreement is entered into by Rostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director D.Ye. Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Central Telecommunications Company, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC CenterTelecom General Director S.V. Pridantsev, authorized to act by the Charter, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 7 To the Contract on Network Connection between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom as amended by Agreement No. 6480/05-DO dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director D. Ye. Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and CenterTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC CenterTelecom General Director S.V. Pridantsev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally referred to as “Party” have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter — Agreement) to the Contract on Network Connection as amended by Agreement No. 6480/05-DO dated January 01, 2006 (hereinafter — Contract), as follows:
AGENCY AGREEMENT NO. 35-06-23Agency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryThis Agreement is entered into by and between Rostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director D.Ye. Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “North-Western Telecom”, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director V.A. Akulich, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 2 To the Contract on Network Connection between OAO «Rostelecom» OJSC «Dalsvyaz» No. 1-DVF dated August 8, 2003Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Far Eastern Telecommunications Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anton Alekseyevich Alekseyev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and separately referred to as “Party” signed this Additional Agreement (hereinafter – Agreement) on the following addenda to Appendix No. 9 (version No. 2) to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter – Contract):
AGREEMENT NO. 1Agency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone) • Moscow
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Agreement is entered into by and between Rostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director D.Ye. Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Uralsvyazinform”, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anatoly Yakovlevich Ufimkin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 2 to Contract on connection of telecommunication networks as amended by Agreement No.1097-05 dated December 27, 2005 , between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC VolgaTelecomAdditional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and VolgaTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OAO VolgaTelecom General Director Sergey Valeryevich Omelchenko, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 5 to Contract on connection of telecommunication networks as amended by Agreement No.1097-05 dated December 27, 2005, between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC VolgaTelecomAdditional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and VolgaTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OAO VolgaTelecom General Director Sergey Valeryevich Omelchenko, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to Appendix No. 9 to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1 to Contract on Connection of Telecommunication Networks between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC Dalsvyaz No. 1-DVF dated August 08, 2003Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Far East Telecommunications Company, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anton Alekseyevich Alekseyev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1 to Contract between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC North- Western Telecom No.03-01-1035 (747-05-23) dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “North-Western Telecom”, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Vladimir Aleksandrovich Akulich, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to Contract No. 03-01-1035 (747-05-23) entered into by the Parties on January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 4 To the Contract on Network Connection between between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC Sibirtelecom No.1-01 dated August 1, 2003 as amended by the Agreement dated December 28, 2005Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Sibirtelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director A.I. Nikulin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to Contract on Network Connection No. 1-01 dated August 01, 2003 as amended by the Agreement dated December 28, 2005 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 5 To the Contract on Network Connection between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom as amended by Agreement No. 6480/05-DO dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and CenterTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC CenterTelecom General Director S.V. Pridantsev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and separately referred to as “Party” signed this Additional Agreement (hereinafter — Agreement) on the following addenda to Appendix No. 9 (version No. 2) to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter — Contract):
Additional Agreement No. 8Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Uralsvyazinform”, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anatoly Yakovlevich Ufimkin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) to the Contract on Network Connection No. UF-D-MRK-01/03 dated August 01, 2003 as amended by the Agreement dated January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 4 to Contract on connection of telecommunication networks as amended by Agreement No.1097-05 dated December 27, 2005, between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC VolgaTelecomAdditional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and VolgaTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC VolgaTelecom General Director Sergey Valeryevich Omelchenko, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 3Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone) • Moscow
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company Industry JurisdictionRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and, Far East Telecommunications Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anton Alekseyevich Alekseyev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and separately referred to as “Party”:
Additional Agreement No. 1Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and North-Western Telecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Vladimir Aleksandrovich Akulich, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to Contract No. 747-05-23 entered into by the Parties on January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 6Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and VolgaTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OAO VolgaTelecom General Director Sergey Valeryevich Omelchenko, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection No. 1097-05 dated December 27, 2005 between OAO Rostelecom and OAO VolgaTelecom (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1 To the Contract on Network Connection between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom as amended by Agreement No. 6480/05-DO dated January 1, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications (OAO Rostelecom), hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Central Telecommunication Company, Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC CenterTelecom), hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC CenterTelecom General Director S.V. Pridantsev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 2 to Contract on Connection of Telecommunication Networks No. 1 dated August 01, 2003 between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC STC as amended by the Agreement dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Southern Telecommunications Company, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Aleksandr Vladimirovich Andreyev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection No. 1 dated August 01, 2003 as amended by the Agreement dated January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
AGENCY AGREEMENT No. 55-06-23Agency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryThis Agreement is entered into by Rostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director D.Ye. Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Southern Telecommunications Company”, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director G.A. Romsky, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1 To Contract between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom No. 6479/05-DO(749-05-23) dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Central Telecommunication Company, Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC CenterTelecom), hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director S.V. Pridantsev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract No. 6479/05-DO(749-05-23) entered into by the Parties on 01.01.2006 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1 to Contract on Network Connection in the version dated January 01, 2006 between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC STCAdditional Agreement to Contract on Network Connection • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Southern Telecommunications Company”, an Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Georgy Alekseyevich Romsky, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments in the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
AGENCY AGREEMENT No. 36-06-23Agency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryThis Agreement is entered into by Rostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director D.Ye. Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and VolgaTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director S.V. Omelchenko, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1 To Agency Agreement between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC Dalsvyaz No. 33-06-23 dated June 09, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Far East Telecommunications Company”, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anton Alekseyevich Alekseyev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Additional Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments in the Agency Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”), as follows:
Incorporation Agreement No. 3 to Agreement on Introduction of Amendments to Agreement No. 03-01-01 No. dt. 1 November 2006Incorporation Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and North Western Telecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Vladimir Aleksandrovich Akulich, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Additional Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Interaction No. 03-01-01 dated August 01, 2003 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 8 To the Contract on Network Connection No. CF-00-00-1100 (6480/05-DO) dated August 01, 2003 between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom as amended by the Agreement dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecssom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and CenterTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC CenterTelecom General Director S.V. Pridantsev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection No. CF-00-00-1100 (6480/05-DO) dated August 01, 2003 as amended by he Agreement dated January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 2 To Agreement between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC Dalzvyaz No.753-05-23 dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Dalsvyaz”, an Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anton Yuryevich Kolpakov, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Additional Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Agreement No. 753-05-23 entered into by the Parties on January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Agreement”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 6 To the Contract on Network Connection between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom as amended by Agreement No. 6480/05-DO dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and CenterTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC CenterTelecom General Director S.V. Pridantsev, authorized to act by Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1 To Agreement between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC Dalsvyaz No.753-05-23 dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Far Eastern Telecommunications Company”, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Anton Alekseyevich Alekseyev, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Additional Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments in the Agreement No. 753-05-23 entered into by the Parties on January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Agreement “), as follows:
Additional Agreement No. 1Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and VolgaTelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by OJSC VolgaTelecom General Director Sergey Valeryevich Omelchenko, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract on Network Connection (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
AGREEMENTAgency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications (License for provision of long-distance and international telecommunications No. 29777 dt. ), represented by “ ”, acting in the name and on behalf of OAO Rostelecom on the grounds of the agreement concluded between , and OAO Rostelecom, No. dt. hereinafter referred to as “Rostelecom”, represented by
Additional Agreement No. 2 To Contract between OAO Rostelecom and OJSC CenterTelecom No. 6479/05-DO(749-05-23) dated January 01, 2006Additional Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryRostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director Dmitry Yevgenievich Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and Central Telecommunication Company, Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC CenterTelecom), hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director Vaagna Artavazdovich Martirosyan, authorized to act by the Charter, on the other part hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and severally, as “Party”, have entered into this Additional Agreement (hereinafter, “the Agreement”) on the incorporation of the below-listed amendments to the Contract No. 6479/05-DO(749-05-23) entered into by the Parties on January 01, 2006 (hereinafter, “the Contract”), as follows:
AGENCY AGREEMENT No. 33-06-03Agency Agreement • December 17th, 2007 • Open Joint Stock Co Long Distance & Internat Comm Rostelecom • Telephone communications (no radiotelephone)
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2007 Company IndustryThis Agreement is entered into by and between Rostelecom, Open Joint-Stock Company for Long-Distance and International Telecommunications, hereinafter, “Rostelecom”, represented by OAO Rostelecom General Director D.E. Yerokhin, authorized to act by the Charter, on the one part, and “Far East Telecommunications Company”, Open Joint-Stock Company, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, represented by General Director A.A. Alekseyev, authorized to act by the Charter, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, as follows: