Standard Contracts
Contract Type FiledAugust 14th, 2018
Oracle Exastack Remote Labs Addendum to theOracle Exastack Remote Labs Addendum • December 19th, 2014
Contract Type FiledDecember 19th, 2014This Oracle Exastack Remote Labs Addendum (this “addendum”) is between you and Oracle Slovensko spol. s r.o., Galvaniho Business Center IV., Galvaniho 17/A , 821 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, incorporated in Commercial Register within Municipal Court of Bratislava I, section 11027/B, file Sro; ID No: 35690721, VAT No.: SK2020309357 (“Oracle”) and shall be governed by the terms of the Oracle PartnerNetwork Agreement between Oracle and you (the “agreement”) and the terms set forth below. Definitions used in the agreement shall have the same meaning under this addendum, unless expressly stated otherwise. If there is a direct conflict or inconsistency between a term of this addendum and a term of the agreement with regard to the subject matter of this addendum, the terms of this addendum shall prevail.
Oracle Exastack Optimized AddendumOracle Exastack Optimized Addendum • October 13th, 2014
Contract Type FiledOctober 13th, 2014This Oracle Exastack Optimized Addendum (this “addendum”) is between you and Oracle Slovensko spol. s r.o., Galvaniho Business Center IV., Galvaniho 17/A , 821 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, incorporated in Commercial Register within Municipal Court of Bratislava I, section 11027/B, file Sro; ID No: 35690721, VAT No.: SK2020309357 (“Oracle”) and shall be governed by the terms of the Oracle PartnerNetwork Agreement between Oracle and you (the “agreement”) and the terms set forth below. Definitions used in the agreement shall have the same meaning under this addendum, unless expressly stated otherwise. If there is a direct conflict between a term of this addendum and a term of the agreement with regard to the subject matter of this addendum, the terms of this addendum shall prevail.
Partnership AgreementPartnership Agreement • December 27th, 2022
Contract Type FiledDecember 27th, 2022Lead Beneficiary Európske zoskupenie územnej spolupráce Pons Danubii s ručeným obmedzením, Námestie generála Klapku 1., 94501 Komárno, Slovakia
CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COORDINATOR AND THE PARTNERPartnership Agreement • October 14th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 14th, 2019
CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COORDINATOR AND THE PARTNERPartnership Agreement • October 20th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 20th, 2022
End User License Agreement for Software Use.End User License Agreement • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020This agreement on software use (the “Agreement”) executed by and between ESET, spol. s r. o., with its seat at Pionierska 9/A, 831 02 Bratislava, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I. Section Sro, Insertion No 3586/B, BIN: 31 333 535 (the “Provider”) and you, a physical or legal person, (the “End User”) entitles you to use the Software defined in Article 1 hereof. The Software defined in Article 1 hereof may be stored on a CD- ROM or DVD medium, sent via electronic mail, downloaded from the Internet, downloaded from servers of the Provider or obtained from other sources under the terms and circumstances discussed below.
ESA Contract No. 4000132355/20/NL/SC withEsa Contract • October 1st, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 1st, 2020the following has been agreed between the Agency and the Contractor hereinafter also referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”:
CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COORDINATOR AND THE CO-BENEFICIARYContract Between the Coordinator and the Co-Beneficiary • March 8th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 8th, 2022
COOPERATION PARTNERSHIPS (KEY ACTION 2) AGREEMENT NUMBER 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000032017Cooperation Partnership Agreement • September 22nd, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 22nd, 2022Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vazovova 5, 812 34, Bratislava, Slovakia hereafter referred to as "the Coordinator", represented by Oliver Moravčík,
NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTNon-Disclosure Agreement • October 4th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 4th, 2019
ContractParticipating Site Agreement • September 10th, 2012
Contract Type FiledSeptember 10th, 2012PARTICIPATING SITE AGREEMENT ZMLUVA O ÚČASTI KLINICKÉHO PRACOVISKA NA ŠTÚDII This Participating Site Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into on 27.06.2012 (“Effective Date”), Táto Zmluva o účasti klinického pracoviska na štúdii (ďalej ako “Zmluva”) sa uzatvára dňa 27.06.2012 (“Deň účinnosti”), by and between medzi Outcome Europe Sàrl, with and address at chemin du Glapin 6, 1162 St-Prex, Switzerland (hereinafter referred to as “Company”), Outcome Europe Sàrl so sídlom na chemin du Glapin 6, 1162 St-Prex, Švajčiarsko (ďalej ako „Spoločnosť“), and a FNsP F.D.Roosevelta, with address at Nám.L.Svobodu 1, 975 17 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (hereinafter referred to as “Clinician Site”), FNsP F.D.Roosevelta, so sídlom na Nám.L.Svobodu 1, 975 17 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (ďalej ako “Klinické pracovisko”), a and Dr. Mária Molnárová, with the address at FNsP F.D.Roosevelta, Nám. L.Svobodu 1, 975 17 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (hereinafter referred to as “Investigator”), Dr. Mária Molnárová,
Contract on Future Gas Storage Agreement – the Inverse StorageGas Storage Agreement • February 26th, 2018
Contract Type FiledFebruary 26th, 2018
Partnership Agreement forPartnership Agreement • February 17th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 17th, 2021
End-User License Agreement ("Agreement")End-User License Agreement • June 30th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJune 30th, 2021This Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and TECH-ARROW a.s. and it governs your use of the Application made available to you by TECH- ARROW a.s..
Data Processing AddendumData Processing Addendum • October 18th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 18th, 2022This Data Processing Addendum (DPA) forms part of the electronic agreement for the purchase of the Vendor Service as identified in such agreement ("Principal Agreement") between: (i) Quality Unit, s.r.o., Vajnorská 100/A, 83104 Bratislava, Slovakia (European Union) ("Vendor" or “Data
ERASMUS+ PROGRAMMECooperation Partnerships Agreement • December 12th, 2022
Contract Type FiledDecember 12th, 2022On the basis of and in accordance with Article 13 – Amendments or additions to the contract which have agreed on the new wording of the Article 5/Financing
Agreement on the transmission of invoices in electronic form concluded according to the provisions of § 269 paragraph 2 of the Law no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, as amended, and in accordance with § 71 et seq. Law no. 222/2004 Coll. on value...Agreement on the Transmission of Invoices in Electronic Form • September 7th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 7th, 2020Registered in the register of the District Court Registered in the Commercial Register of District Court Bratislava 1, section Sro, File No. 5417 / B Bank connection: 1423338016/1111 UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s.
AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION AND COSTS REIMBURSEMENTCooperation and Cost Reimbursement Agreement • October 3rd, 2018
Contract Type FiledOctober 3rd, 2018The WRI as the lead partner of the project “Technical assistance of the implementation EU Directive 91/271/EEC by municipalities in Moldova”, project number SAMRS/2017/RO/MD/1 financed by SlovaAid signed the Cooperation Agreement with Caroma Nord, NGO for the project implementation. Within this project, in accordance with Activity 3.3 “Study visit of the municipalities and waste water treatment representatives in Slovakia”, the study visit of 8 Moldovan experts (the names of participants - see Annex) will take place on 21 – 26 October 2018 in WRI, Bratislava. Taking into account the mutually useful cooperation, the Parties made this agreement as follows:
ContractClinical Trial Agreement • November 12th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 12th, 2021CLINICAL TRIAL AGREEMENT ZMLUVA O KLINICKOM SKÚŠANÍ (Janssen-Institution-Principal Investigator) (Spoločnosť Janssen – Inštitúcia – zodpovednýskúšajúci) This Clinical Trial Agreement (the “Agreement”) is Táto zmluva o klinickom skúšaní (ďalej len„zmluva“) sa by and between uzatvára medzi Janssen Research & Development (“Janssen”), a US corporation, with registered offices at 20 Route 202 South Raritan, New Jersey, 08869, USA Janssen Research & Development (ďalej len„spoločnosť Janssen“), Americká spoločnosť so sídlom na adrese 20 Route 202 South Raritan, New Jersey, 08869, USA and a Detska fakultna nemocnica s poliklinikou Banska Bystrica (“Institution”) with registered offices at Namestie Ludvika Svobodu 4, 974 09, BanskaBystrica, Slovak Republic Detská fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou Banská Bystrica (ďalej len „inštitúcia“) so sídlom na adrese Námestie Ludvika Svobodu 4, 974 09,Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika and a Branko Takac, MD, PhD (“Princi
ContractClinical Trial Agreement • June 13th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJune 13th, 2019DŇCLINICAL TRIAL AGREEMENT ZMLUVA O REALIZÁCII KLINICKÉHO SKÚŠANIA NOVO NORDISK SPONSORED CLINICAL TRIAL KLINICKÉ SKÚŠANIEFINANCOVANÉ SPOLOČNOSŤOU NOVO NORDISK TRIAL ID: NN9535-4352 Identifikačné číslo klinického skúšania: NN9535-4352 This Agreement shall become valid on the date of its signature by all parties and will be effective one day after the publication day according to § 47a section 1 of Act no. 40/1964 Coll. the Civil Code as amended, in the central registry of contracts Táto zmluva nadobúda platnosť dňom jej podpísania všetkými zmluvnými stranami a účinnosť dňom nasledujúcim po dni jej zverejnenia v zmysle § 47a ods. 1 zákona č. 40/1964 Zb. Občiansky zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov vcentrálnom registri zmlúv na By and between:Novo Nordisk Slovakia s.r.oROSUM, Bajkalská 19B, 821 01 Bratislava – mestská časť Ružinov, registered in Commercial register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, File Nr.: 45086/B Slovak RepublicIČO:
End-User License AgreementEnd-User License Agreement • June 5th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJune 5th, 2017This Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and WTools3D s.r.o. and it governs your use of the Application made available to you by WTools3D s.r.o..
ContractClinical Study Agreement • December 6th, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 6th, 2019CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT ZMLUVA O KLINICKOM SKÚŠANÍ Protocol # HTL0018318-S01 Protokol č. HTL0018318-S01 This Clinical Study Agreement (“Agreement”) concluded pursuant to Section 269 (2) of Act no. 513/1991 of Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended, dated as of the date of last signature and effective on the following day after the day of publication pursuant to section 47a par.1 of the Act no. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code as amended, in the central register of agreements on, as this is considered as mandatory publication of agreement pursuant to section 5a, par.1 of the Act no. 211/2000 Coll., on freedom access to information, as amended. The Sponsor (as defined below) agrees to disclose the Agreement according to the previous sentence concluded among Táto zmluva o klinickom skúšaní (ďalej len „zmluva“) uzatvorená podľa § 269 ods. 2 a nasl. zákona č. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník v platnom znení nadobúda platnosť k dátumu pripojenia posledného podpisu a účinnosť dňom na
Your agreement with the Slovak Wildlife SocietyConservation Programme Agreement • April 27th, 2016
Contract Type FiledApril 27th, 2016Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully before booking to take part in a conservation programme with us. Once a completed booking form has been accepted in writing by SWS (“the organisers”) all the persons named on the booking form ("the client(s)") will have entered a binding contract on the basis of these Terms & Conditions. If you have any questions about them please do not hesitate to contact us.
ContractClinical Trial Agreement • June 28th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJune 28th, 2019CLINICAL TRIAL AGREEMENT ZMLUVA O KLINICKOM SKÚŠANÍ Protocol # QL1205-002 Protokol č. QL1205-002 This Clinical Trial Agreement (“Agreement”) shall enter into force upon signature by all parties and it shall become effective on the following day after the day of publication pursuant to section 47a par.1 of the Act no. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code as amended, in the central register of agreements on, as this is considered as mandatory publication of agreement pursuant to section 5a, par.1 of the Act no. 211/2000 Coll., on freedom access to information, as amended. The Sponsor (as defined below) agrees to disclose the Agreement according to the previous sentence concluded (“Effective Date”) between Táto zmluva o klinickom skúšaní (ďalej len “zmluva”) nadobúda platnosť dňom jej podpísania všetkými zmluvnými stranami a účinnosť dňom nasledujúcim po dni jej zverejnenia v zmysle § 47a ods. 1 zákona č. 40/1964 Zb. Občiansky zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov v centrálnom registr
CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COORDINATOR AND THE CO-BENEFICIARY 1Cooperation Partnership Agreement • November 8th, 2022
Contract Type FiledNovember 8th, 2022Žilinská univerzita v Žiline (University of Žilina), Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia, 1D 00 397 563, hereafter referred to as "the Coordinator", represented by prof. Ing. Ján Celko, CSc.,
GRANT AGREEMENT No: 13310 0530Grant Agreement • March 25th, 2015
Contract Type FiledMarch 25th, 2015
AGREEMENT NUMBER [2020-1-SK01-KA203-078306]Erasmus+ Programme Strategic Partnerships Agreement • December 18th, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 18th, 2020
MASTER CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENTMaster Contract Services Agreement • November 9th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2021This Master Contract Services Agreement (“Agreement”) shall enter into force on the day of its signing by the parties and shall take effect on the day following its publication in the Slovakian Central Register of Contracts (“Effective Date”), between Alnylam Switzerland GmbH, a company having its principal place of business at Grafenauweg 4, 6300 Zug, Switzerland (“ALNYLAM”) and Medical Faculty - Comenius University, Spitalska 24, Bratislava, 01 813 7, Slovakia (“Vendor”). ALNYLAM and Vendor may also be referred to herein individually as a “Party,” and collectively, as the “Parties”.
CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COORDINATOR AND THE CO-BENEFICIARYStrategic Partnerships Agreement • December 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledDecember 19th, 2018This work prograrnme comes under the Agreement number 2018-1-SKOI-KA203-046318 concluded between the Coordinator and SAAIC - Slovak Academie Association for lnternational Cooperation.
END USER LICENCE AGREEMENTEnd User License Agreement • December 13th, 2023
Contract Type FiledDecember 13th, Business is licensed to You (End-User) by Bookinbio s. r. o., located and registered at Limbová 17, Prešov, Nižná Šebastová 080 06, Slovakia ('Licensor'), for use only under the terms of this Licence Agreement. Our VAT number is 2122127656.
CutLogic 2D End User License AgreementEnd User License Agreement • November 18th, 2024
Contract Type FiledNovember 18th, 2024TMachines, s.r.o. (hereinafter "Author") grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the CutLogic 2D software (hereinafter "Software") under the following terms:
Contract on Future Gas Storage AgreementFuture Gas Storage Agreement • November 21st, 2018
Contract Type FiledNovember 21st, 2018
Service ContractSubcontract • September 20th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2017cents) will be made at the end of Phase 2, within 30 days from the date of receipt of payment by the Museum of the second installment and receipt of an invoice from the Contractor referring to this contract.