CHECK-IN / CHECK - OUT Vzorová ustanovení

CHECK-IN / CHECK - OUT. V den sjednaného příjezdu do hotelu je klientovi (účastníkům akce) hotelem umožněno ubytování od 14:00 hod. (check-in). V den odjezdu je (jsou) klient (účastníci akce) povinen (povinni) uvolnit pokoj nejpozději do 10:00 hod. (check-out).
CHECK-IN / CHECK - OUT. The client receives an accommodation card upon his arrival. He is informed about the price per room and other related services. The client shows his accommodation card on repeated arrivals on request. The client is entitled to check-in until 7pm at the latest. The accommodation provider undertakes to book the room for the client till the above mentioned time if not stipulated otherwise. If not stipulated otherwise the client is entitled to use the booked room till 11am on the day of departure. If the client wants to stay in the room after 11am the accommodation provider can prolong the booking and charge the client for an additional night.