CONCLUSION Vzorová ustanovení

CONCLUSION. (115) The compensation for the provision of the USO during the transitory regime in favour of ELTA amounts to State aid within the meaning of Article 107(1) TFEU.
CONCLUSION. (125) The compensation for the provision of the USO for the years 2015 to 2019 (or 2016-2020) in favour of ELTA amounts to State aid within the meaning of 107(1) TFEU.
CONCLUSION. (156) In view of the above, the Commission concludes that the State compensations in the form of direct grant for the delivery of the universal service for the transitory regime 2013-2014 or 2013-2015 are compatible with the TFEU under Article 106(2) TFEU, as they meet all the applicable conditions of the 2012 SGEI Decision.
CONCLUSION. (205) In view of the above, the Commission concludes that the State compensations for the delivery of the universal service over 2015-2019 (or 2016-2020) meet all the conditions of the 2012 SGEI Framework set out in its sections 2.1 to 2.8.
CONCLUSION. First, the Commission has decided, on the basis of the foregoing assessment, not to raise objections to the compensation of ELTA in the form of direct grant from the State budget for the delivery of the universal service during the transitory regime (2013-2014 or 2013-2015) on the grounds that it is compatible with the internal market under Article 106 (2) TFEU. Second, on the basis of the foregoing assessment, the Commission has decided to initiate the formal investigation procedure provided for in Article 108(2) TFEU in relation to the compensation fund and in particular the level of the financial contributions from providers of postal services foreseen by the draft Ministerial Decision ‘Determination of methodology of the procedure of sharing part of the net cost of universal postal service provision that burdens the Universal Service Provider and the postal operators during the period 2015-2019.’
CONCLUSION. Minor changes in the design were performed continuously during the enabling works with respect to the geology encountered and findings made during the work. In the cases where it was necessary to install the grouting pipes into clays, the results of the development of compensation effects were not so favourable as they were in a gravel-sand layer. This fact proved that installing the grouting pipes in the layers of fluvial deposits was beneficial. In general, it is possible to say that the task of eliminating sub- sidence to the maximum possible extent by compensation grouting under individual buildings, thus minimising negative effects on structures of the buildings to be compensated for subsidence, was accomplished. It was impossible to develop general technical spe- cifications and work procedures with unified grouting parameters prior to the works commencement to meat the above-mentioned requirement. As repeatedly mentioned above, it was necessary to evaluate a package of information on individual buildings to be compensated for and operatively adjust the grouting parameters. It was important to maintain continuity between the evaluation of information and changes in grouting parameters. This was achie- ved using outputs from the monitoring of the operations being in progress, original documents on the works, subsequent processing and comparing of individual measurement outputs with outputs from the grouting in progress. These activities required the perma-
CONCLUSION. From the above, the Commission considers, in the present state of its analysis, that the Measure is State aid within the meaning of Article 87(1) of the EC Treaty.
CONCLUSION. In light of the foregoing, the Commission’s preliminary view is that the continued application of the advance tax ruling granted to MJN GibCo (which was the corporate partner of a Dutch CV in receipt of royalty income) by Gibraltar and the resulting non-taxation of that royalty income as from 1 January 2014 constitutes a State aid measure according to article 107(1) TFEU and has doubts about the compatibility of such State aid measure with the internal market. The Commission, acting under the procedure laid down in article 108(2) TFEU, therefore requests the United Kingdom to submit its comments and to provide all such information as may help to assess the contested measure. This concerns in particular: — XXX XxxXx’x as well as MJT CV’s annual accounts (and directors’ reports) covering the period between 1 January 2014 and their respective dissolutions; — Confirmation that MJT CV was the only limited partnership held or partially held by MJN GibCo during the above period. In the absence of such confirmation, please provide the annual accounts of any such limited partnership for this period; — Copies of MJN GibCo’s corporate income tax returns (and the corresponding tax assessments) for the fiscal years covering the period between 1 January 2014 and the date of MJN GibCo’s dissolution; — an updated structure chart describing the ownership structure of the MJN Group (including MJN asia Pacific Holding LLC and MJN (asia Pacific) PTE Ltd Singapore) after the dissolution of both MJN GibCo and Xxxx Xxxxxxx Three CV; — an update on the status of the other entities involved in the corporate set-up illustrated in Recital (37).
CONCLUSION. (212) On the basis of the currently available information and the elements described above, the Commission seeks clarification and solicits comments concerning the amount of compensation under the 2016 amendments and in particular the compensation for the entirety of the following costs:
CONCLUSION. The comprehensive application of geotechnical methods contributed sig- nificantly to the success of the excavation of the large cavern for the one- vault metro station Kobylisy in complex geotechnical conditions. The geomechanical model of the geological environment allowed the defini- tion of sensitive spots which the design could respond to timely and opti- mally. The combination of the comprehensive geomonitoring and xxxxx- matical modelling allowed, through the observation method, operative and effective responses to the rock mass deformations while respecting Fig. 10 Mathematical model for the 3D-FEM calculation – for the tunnel mostly in shales Fig. 14 Cyrax 500 measurement set Fig. 11 Plastic regions in the massif Fig. 13 Longitudinal section through the station centreline – vertical displacements