Conclusion of the Agreement Vzorová ustanovení

Conclusion of the Agreement. This contract is concluded when the user clicks on the "Yes" button. This action by the user is deemed to be acceptance of the manufacturer's proposal.
Conclusion of the Agreement. This Agreement is concluded on the side of the Provider by delivering the installer, by the side of the Licensee the moment or the responsible representative the Licensee installs and starts using the SOFTWARE. This action by the Licensee is considered as acceptance of the Provider’s proposal. Domat Control System, s.r.o. U Panasonicu 376, 530 06 Pardubice
Conclusion of the Agreement. 4.1. Conclusion of the Agreement may occur exclusively upon Request by using remote communication means via Websites. Exact procedure of filing Request is specified on the Websites. For explanation of the filing procedure, the Client may use customer service of the Company available on phone number +000 000 000 000.

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