Contact details Vzorová ustanovení

Contact details. Seller’s contact details: E-mail: Xxxx.xx@xxxxx.xx Shop U Svitavy 0, 000 00 Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Contact details are also listed in the online shop in the section Contacts. The Buyer may purchase goods (conclude the Purchase Contract) through the online shop in accordance with the procedure described in Article II of the Terms and Conditions or outside the online shop in accordance with the procedure described in Article III of the Terms and Conditions. All goods which are listed in the online shop cannot be ordered through the online shop. Such goods may only be ordered in accordance with the procedure set out in Article III of the Terms and Conditions; the provisions of Article II of the Terms and Conditions shall not apply in such a case. The other provisions (i.e. Article I and Article IV et seq. of the Terms and Conditions) shall apply to all orders, regardless of whether they are placed through the online shop or not. The Terms and Conditions are a part of all Purchase contracts, including the Complaints Procedure and the Privacy Policy, which together form an Annex to and an integral part of the Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions also include a sample form for the Consumer's withdrawal from the contract pursuant to Section 1829 of the Civil Code. Provisions in the Purchase Contract that deviate from the Terms and Conditions or the Complaints Procedure shall prevail over the provisions of the Terms and Conditions or the Complaints Procedure. If the Buyer has concluded a framework purchase agreement with the Seller for the supply of goods, in such case the Purchase Contract is a partial purchase contract concluded on the basis of the framework purchase agreement. The provisions of the Framework Purchase Agreement take precedence over any deviating provisions of the Terms and Conditions or the Complaints Procedure (e.g., but not exclusively, the provisions of paragraphs 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 8.3, 8.4 of the Terms and Conditions do not apply). However, this does not apply to the provisions of paragraphs 2.5, 2.6, 4.2, 4.4 and 6.1 of the Terms and Conditions. These provisions of the Terms and Conditions, even if they deviate from the Framework Purchase Agreement, take precedence over the deviating provisions of the Framework Purchase Agreement. The Purchase Contract shall be concluded in written form; an electronic version is permitted. The Contract can only be concluded in English or Czech language. The contractual documentation will be archived in...
Contact details. Seller’s contact details: E-mail: Xxxx.xx@xxxxx.xx Shop U Svitavy 0, 000 00 Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Contact details are also listed in the online shop in the section Contacts.