Extent of Warranty Vzorová ustanovení

Extent of Warranty. The following is added as the first paragraph:
Extent of Warranty. The last sentence of the second paragraph (“The warranty for IBM Machine Components is voided by removal or alteration of Machine Components or parts identification labels”) is deleted. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “These warranties are customer’s exclusive warranties..” The following paragraph replaces the paragraph that begins “Unless otherwise specified in an Attachment or Transaction Document..”
Extent of Warranty. The following replaces the last paragraph
Extent of Warranty. The second paragraph is deleted. The following replaces the last paragraph:
Extent of Warranty. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “These warranties are customer’s exclusive warranties..” The following paragraph replaces the paragraph that begins “Unless otherwise specified in an Attachment or Transaction Document..” As applies to transactions initiated and performed in Taiwan and the Special Administration Regions “SARs” specified, phrases throughout this Agreement containing the word "country" (for example, "country of acquisition" and "country of installation") are replaced with the following:
Extent of Warranty. The following paragraph is added after the paragraph that begins “These warranties are customer’s exclusive warranties..” The following paragraph replaces the paragraph that begins “Unless otherwise specified in an Attachment or Transaction Document..”

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