Final provisions Vzorová ustanovení

Final provisions. 10.1. The legal relationship between the Provider and the Client is governed by the legal regulations of the Czech Republic, the Agreement and these BTC. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, the Provider and the Client have agreed that the Municipal Court in Prague shall have the jurisdiction, if the territorial jurisdiction in the first instance proceeding is given to regional court, and that the District Court for Prague 6 shall have the jurisdiction, if the territorial jurisdiction in the first instance proceeding is given to district courts. 10.2. The Provider is entitled to change unilaterally the BTC. The Provider shall notify the Client in writing of any change in the BTC at least month one prior to the expected change to the BTC coming into effect, by sending and informative e-mail to the Client’s e-mail address stated in the header of the Agreement, whereas within the framework of the above-mentioned time specification, it must be made possible for the Client to familiarise himself/herself comprehensively with the content of such change to the BTC or by publishing the information on change of the BTC at the Provider’s webpage xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx. Such effectiveness of change to the BTC may occur at the earliest after expiry of the period which is mentioned in the previous sentence. The Client is entitled to reject any change of BTC in writing. If the Client rejects the proposed change to the Business Terms and Conditions (BTC) in writing, the Client and the Provider shall be entitled to give written notice of termination of the Contract, no later than the date on which the new BTC (or altered BTC) come into effect. 10.3. Appendix No. 1 constitutes an integral part of these BTC. 10.4. These BTC become effective as of 1.10.2022 and replace BTC_IND_NPP_220401.
Final provisions. 5.1. Term and termination of the Agreement: This Agreement is concluded for a definite period of time until 31 December 2025. This Agreement comes into force on the day of its signing by the representatives of both Contracting Parties and becomes effective on the day of its publication in the Register of Contracts under Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on the Register of Contracts, as amended. The Contracting Parties may withdraw from the Agreement without undue delay for the reason of material breach hereof, for which breach of rights and duties arising from point 3.1. or 3.2. hereof shall be considered among others. The Contracting Parties may terminate this Agreement by a notice without giving reasons with a 2-month notice period, which shall commence on the first day of the month following delivery of the written notice to the other Contracting Party. 5.2. Penalties: In case of a breach of obligations stipulated in point 3.1. hereof, the Agent shall lose the right to payment of the commission not yet paid. If such breach concerns a particular Interested Person or a particular number of Interested Persons, the Agent loses the right to payment of such part of the commission which corresponds to mediation of the contract with such Interested Person/Interested Persons. Applying of penalty under letter a) shall not affect the right to compensation for damage. 5.3. Confidentiality The Contracting Parties undertake that in case of termination of contractual relations for any reasons they shall be obliged to maintain necessary confidentiality for the period of at least two years from termination thereof concerning information and data which they obtained from mutual cooperation and they undertake not to use such information, data and knowledge in the same area of business for such period. 5.4. Governing law Legal relations between the Contracting Parties including possible disputes arising herefrom shall be governed solely by applicable provisions of Act No. 89/2012, Civil Code, as amended, and other generally binding legal regulations of the Czech Republic. 5.5. Changes of the Agreement Any and all changes hereof may be made only by written amendments numbered in ascending order and approved and signed by both Contracting Parties. 5.6. Language versions The Agreement is drawn up in two language versions and both of them have the same content. In the case of any contradiction between the versions or dispute on interpretation of the Agreement or individual provisions, t...
Final provisions. 1. Any modifications and amendments to the Contract herein shall be executed only with the consent of Parties to the Contract and in a written form. 2. Rights and obligations of Parties to the Contract not covered in this Contract shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Slovak Republic. 3. The Contractor undertakes to include the reward paid for the Work into his/her tax return declaration. 4. This Contract shall be made in 3 counterparts, one counterpart for the Contractor and two for the Client. 5. The Contract shall become valid after Parties to the Contract shall attach their signature to the Contract.
Final provisions. 5.1. The Card Holder consents to the content of the PTC AP and shall be obliged to adhere to them.
Final provisions. 1. The sublease agreement as well as these T&C themselves are governed by Czech law; the authoritative version of both is the Czech version.
Final provisions. 1. The External Entity acknowledges that its cooperation with MS in providing certain services and activities may also be governed by other special terms and conditions, or agreements, and undertakes to ensure compliance therewith.
Final provisions. 4.1. This Agreement may be amended or supplemented only by an explicit written agreement signed by authorised representatives of both Contracting Parties and such an amendment must take the form of a numbered Annex.
Final provisions. 12.1. Legal regime.
Final provisions. 6.1 This Contract shall shall come into force on the day of signature by both Parties and take effect on the day following its publication in central register of contracts pursuant to § 47a Act. No. 40/1964 Coll. the Civil Code as amended and pursuant to § 5a of the Act. No. 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information and Amendments of Some Acts as amended.
Final provisions. These General Business Terms and Conditions shall become valid and effective from 1.7.2015 and are published at xxx.xxxxx.xx/xx/xxx-xxxxxxxxxx.