Jurisdiction Vzorová ustanovení

Jurisdiction. 1. Any eventual disputes based on the provision of services on part of the company, including all related services of the company, are governed by Czech legislation, and shall be resolved by the general court of the company, regardless of the seat/residence of the ordering party. The priority is to resolve disputes through reconciliation.
Jurisdiction. (1) For all legal disputes arising out of or in connection with this legal relationship, including the question of its formation, validity, invalidity, interpretation, performance and termination as well as its pre- and post-contractual effects, the exclusive jurisdiction of the court having subject-matter jurisdiction in Vienna (the Commercial Court/Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx) is agreed, unless otherwise provided by mandatory law. 18. Applicable law (1) This legal relationship as well as all rights and obligations of the Parties in connection with or arising from the legal relationship shall be governed by Austrian law, with the exception of the non-mandatory reference provisions and the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 11/4/1980 (UN Sales Convention). 19.
Jurisdiction. The following paragraph pertains to jurisdiction and is added to section 1.15 as it applies for the countries identified in bold print below:
Jurisdiction. Any problem arising from the execution of the present policy will be presented to the respective Czech Court and solved in terms of Czech law.
Jurisdiction. Any dispute between the Buyer and the Supplier arising from these General Conditions of Purchase shall be settled by a respective court of the Czech Republic local County Court in Usti nad Orlici or Regional Court in Hradec Kralove in accordance with the Czech Civil Procedure Act.
Jurisdiction. The parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.

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  • NA DŮKAZ TOHO že Xxxxxx s obsahem této Smlouvy souhlasí, rozumí jí a zavazují se k jejímu plnění, připojují své podpisy a prohlašují, že tato Smlouva byla uzavřena podle jejich svobodné a vážné vůle.