Period of Use Vzorová ustanovení

Period of Use. 3.1. This Agreement is made for a fixed period, i.e. for the period of performing the subject matter for which the Equipment shall be used.
Period of Use. 3.1. This Agreement is made for a fixed period, i.e. for the period of performing the subject matter for which the Equipment shall be used. 3.2. The Lender may request the Equipment return before the end of the determined period of use as per Article 3.1. above if the Borrower uses the Equipment in contradiction with the purposes specified herein. 3.3. The Borrower has a right to terminate the loan agreement without stating any reason. The notice shall take effect by its delivery to the other Contracting Party.
Period of Use. 3.1. Loan period is agreed for definite period from the date of signature of this Agreement until the termination of both Studies. 3.2. The Lender may request the Equipment return before the end of the determined loan period as per Article 3.1. above if the Borrower uses the Equipment in contradiction with the purposes specified herein or for other legitimate reasons (e.g., without limitation, if the Equipment proves to be unsafe, regulatory authorities prohibit its use, or more suitable or upgraded versions become available, etc). 3.3.The Borrower has the right to terminate this Agreement without giving a reason. The notice period is 2 months and starts from the first day of the month following the delivery of the notice to other Party. IV.
Period of Use. 3.1. Tato smlouva se uzavírá na dobu určitou, a to po dobu provedení účelu smlouvy, k němuž se má věc užívat. 3.1. This Agreement is made for a fixed period, i.e. for the period of performing the subject matter for which the Equipment shall be used.
Period of Use. 3.1. This Agreement shall become effective on the date of delivery and acceptance of the Subjects of Loan or publishing in Contracts Registry, whichever happens earlier, and shall terminate on the completion of the clinical study, protocol no. M19-530. 3.2. The Lender may request the Subject of Loan return before the end of the determined period of use as per Article 3.1. above if the Borrower uses the Subject of Loan in contradiction with the purposes specified herein, however only subject to fact, that such return does not jeopardize performance of the Study. IV.