Trvalá udržateľnosť Vzorová ustanovení

Trvalá udržateľnosť. 1. Vzhľadom na to, že odberateľ je držiteľom certifikátov preukazujúcich plnenie kritérií trvalej udržateľnosti, je potrebné, aby aj dodávateľ splnil kritériá trvalej udržateľnosti.
Trvalá udržateľnosť. 1. Vzhľadom na to, že Odberateľ je držiteľom certifikátov preukazujúcich plnenie kritérií trvalej udržateľnosti, je potrebné, aby aj Dodávateľ splnil kritériá trvalej udržateľnosti, v prípade, že Dodávateľ dodáva komoditu označenú v zmluve ako trvale udržateľnú. Parties to the Contract. Costs for analysing of the sample in the accredited laboratory shall be borne by the Party to the Contract whose arguments were not proved by the analysis. 12. In case the quality parameters of the supplied commodity fail to meet the required criteria or in case it has other defects, the Customer may assert claims from defects pursuant to the Contract and to these GCT; this provision is without prejudice to existence of the claims from defects prescribed by the applicable legislation. Article VIII Transfer of Title and Liability for Defects 1. The Supplier undertakes to ensure that upon transfer of title to the Customer, the commodity is in its exclusive ownership and free from any rights of third party. 2.Title to the commodity passes from the Supplier upon the Customer at the moment of accepting of the commodity by the Customer in the location of delivery. 3.The Parties to the Contract have furthermore agreed that in case of delivery of commodity intended for post- harvest treatment, title to the commodity passes from the Supplier upon the Customer at the moment of providing of the agreed services in accordance with these GCT. 4.The Supplier shall be liable for defects of the commodity existing at the time of passing of risk to the commodity upon the Customer (depending on the delivery parity agreed with respect to particular supply of the commodity). In case the Customer or contractual partner of the Customer discovers upon weighing or after unloading of the commodity in the location of unloading that the commodity has defects, it is considered that the commodity had defects at the time of its loading to the vehicle in the location of delivery. 0.Xx case under these GCT the right of the Customer to withdraw from the contract with the Supplier arises, at the same time also the right of the Customer to withdraw from any other contract concluded between the Customer and the Supplier arises.