EDUCATIONAL GRANT AGREEMENTEducational Grant Agreement • July 4th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJuly 4th, 2023This Educational Grant Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the following contractual parties as at the date of last signature herein and becomes effective as the date of publication of this Agreement in the Registry of Contracts in accordance with Article 3.3 of this Agreement (the “Effective Date”).
Smlouva o poskytnutí vzdělávacího grantu prostřednictvím GBT ČR S.R.O. EDUCational grant agreement through gbt čr S.R.O.Educational Grant Agreement • April 8th, 2024
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2024Tato smlouva o poskytnutí vzdělávacího grantu („Smlouva“) se uzavírá mezi následujícími smluvními stranami a nabude platnosti dnem podpisu poslední stranou této Smlouvy a účinnosti dnem zveřejnění této Smlouvy v Registru smluv v souladu s článkem 3.3 této Smlouvy („Datum účinnosti“). This Educational Grant Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the following contractual parties as at the date of last signature herein and becomes effective as the date of publication of this Agreement in the Registry of Contracts in accordance with Article 3.3 of this Agreement (the “Effective Date”).