(1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means an Execu- tive agency, as defined under section 105 of title 5, United States Code.
(1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means an execu- tive agency, as that term is defined in section 102 of title 31, United States Code.
(1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means an
More Definitions of (1) AGENCY.—The term
(1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means each element of the intelligence community as determined by the Director of National Intelligence.
(1) AGENCY.—The term . Agency’ means the
(1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means— ‘‘(A) any Executive agency, the United
(1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means any
(1) AGENCY.—The term . Agency’ means the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Secu- rity Agency.
(1) AGENCY.—The term . Agency’ means, as
(1) AGENCY.—The term agency’ means any agency or other organizational unit of the Department of Health and Human Services, other than the Indian Health Service.