(1) The term . Board’ means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
(1) The term . Board’ means the Board of
Examples of (1) The term in a sentence
For the purposes of présente convention: 1 The term "" investment shall be interpreted as any kind of assets invested by a natural or legal person of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other contracting party, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the latter, regardless of the legal form the legal framework adopted or chosen.
More Definitions of (1) The term
(1) The term . Federal agency’ means any
(1) The term hovering vessel’ means any vessel which is found or kept off the coast of the United States within or without the customs waters, if, from the history, conduct, character, or location of the ves- sel, it is reasonable to believe that such vessel is being used or may be used to introduce or promote or facili- tate the introduction or attempted introduction of merchandise into the United States in violation of the laws respecting the revenue.
(1) The term . Director’ means the Director of
(1) The term entered’ means entered, or with- drawn from warehouse for consumption in the cus- toms territory of the United States.
(1) The term eligible grantee’ means a local government or municipality, peoples’ utility district, irrigation district, and cooperative, nonprofit, or limited-dividend association in a rural area.
(1) The term antitrust dispute’ means a dis-
(1) The term . State licensing agency’ means any agency designated by the Secretary of Education under section 2(a)(5) of the Randolph-Sheppard Act (20 U.S.C. 107a(a)(5)).