(7) The term definition
(7) The term . Secretary’ means the Secretary
(7) The term student’ means, with respect to an institution of higher education, a national of the United States or an alien admitted for permanent residence who is admitted to attend an undergradu- ate program at such institution on a full-time basis. ‘‘(d) EXPIRATION.—Subsection (a) shall expire on Sep-
(7) The term generic drug submission’ means
More Definitions of (7) The term
(7) The term project’ means the project prescribed by section 2(a).
(7) The term . Osage Indians Act of 1925’ means the Act approved February 27, 1925, and entitled ‘An Act To amend the Act of Congress of March 3, 1921, enti- tled ‘‘An Act to amend section 3 of the Act of Con- gress of June 28, 1906, entitled ‘An Act of Congress for the division of the lands and funds of the Osage Indi- ans in Oklahoma, and for other purposes.’ ’’ ’ (43 Stat. 1008) [set out below].’’
(7) The term financing account’ means the
(7) The term . Postal Service’ means the United
(7) The term . United States assistance’ means— ‘‘(A) any assistance under the Foreign Assistance
(7) The term in-home care service’ means any
(7) The term thermal system insulation’ means material in a building applied to pipes, fittings, boil- ers, breeching, tanks, ducts, or other structural com- ponents to prevent heat loss or gain or water con- densation, or for other purposes.’’