(1) DIRECTOR.—The term definition

(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Ad- ministrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

More Definitions of (1) DIRECTOR.—The term

(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Prop- erty and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Director of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education.
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Director of Native American Business Development appointed pursuant to section 4(a)(2).’’; and
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Executive Of- fice of the President.
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . ‘Director’’ means the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Di- rector of the Office of International Conferences of the Department of State.
(1) DIRECTOR.—The term . Director’ means the Director of the Office of Personnel Man- agement.