(12) The term definition

(12) The term . Phase II’ means—
(12) The term  administrative costs’ means
(12) The term  shared service’ means a centralized business or mission capability that is provided to multiple organizations within an agency or to multiple agencies.’’.

More Definitions of (12) The term

(12) The term . Program plan’ means a health
(12) The term  shoreside processor’ means any per- son or vessel that receives unprocessed fish, except catcher/processors, motherships, buying stations, res- taurants, or persons receiving fish for personal con- sumption or bait.
(12) The term  shared service’ means a cen-
(12) The term . State’ means a State of the
(12) The term  seniority’ means longevity in
(12) The term  resident eligible caregiver’ means an individual who—
(12) The term  designated entity’ means an entity designated by the Attorney General under section 3(f)(2)(A).’’.