363 Sale definition
Examples of 363 Sale in a sentence
On and effective as of the Effective Date, and as partial consideration for the assets sold pursuant to the 363 Sale and Settlement, (a) JPMC shall pay all obligations of WMB, WMB’s subsidiaries or JPMC under the Revolving Notes set forth on Exhibit “V” annexed hereto, together with all interest which has accrued thereon from and after September 25, 2008, and (b) the JPMC Entities shall forgive all obligations of the WMI Entities, which shall thereupon be deemed to be fully discharged and cancelled.
Each of, and collectively, (i) the Master Transaction Agreement, (ii) the Section 363 Sale Order and (iii) the related manufacturing agreements, asset purchase agreements, organizational documents, finance support agreements and all other related documentation.
On and effective as of the Effective Date, and pursuant to the 363 Sale and Settlement, WMIIC shall be deemed to have sold, transferred and assigned to JPMC, or its nominee, any and all of WMIIC’s right, title and interest in and to JPMC Wind Investment Portfolio LLC.
The Plaintiffs could have made overbreadth arguments if given appropriate notice before the 363 Sale hearing, and to that extent they were prejudiced.
In several respects, New GM is right, but in material respects New GM extends existing law too far, or fails to recognize the holdings or implications of existing precedent.Over-extension of existing law is the problem with respect to New GM’s first point: its contention that the Plaintiffs’ claims should attach to the 363 Sale Proceeds.