Section 5.2 Sample Clauses
Section 5.2. 29 It is further recognized that this Agreement does not alter the responsibility of either party to meet with the 30 other party to advise, discuss or consult regarding matters concerning working conditions not covered by 31 this Agreement. 35 A R T I C L E V I 36 37 ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATION 38
Section 5.2. 26 It is further agreed and understood that the District will consult with the Association, and meet with the 27 Association upon its request, in the formulation of any changes being considered in existing benefits, 28 policies, practices and procedures.
Section 5.2. 9 It is further agreed and understood that the District will consult with the Association, and meet with the 10 Association upon its request, in the formulation of any changes being considered in existing 11 benefits, policies, practices and procedures directly related to work assignments of positions within the 12 unit.
Section 5.2. 11 It is further recognized that this Agreement does not alter the responsibility of either party to meet with 12 the other party to advise, discuss or consult regarding matters concerning working conditions not 13 covered by this Agreement.
Section 5.2. 38 It is further agreed and understood that the District will inform the Association and meet with the 39 Association at a reasonable time and place for discussions regarding substantive changes in wages, 40 hours, benefits and working conditions. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1 ARTICLE VI 2 3 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE
Section 5.2. 22 It is further agreed and understood that the District will consult with the Association, and meet with the 23 Association upon its request, in the formulation of any changes being considered in existing benefits, 24 policies, practices, and procedures.
Section 5.2. 23 It is further agreed and understood that the District will consult with the Association, and meet with the 24 Association upon its request, in the formulation of any changes being considered in existing benefits, 25 policies, practices and procedures relating to classified employees.
Section 5.2. 31 It is further recognized that this Agreement does not alter the responsibility of either party to meet with 32 the other party to advise, discuss or consult regarding matters concerning working conditions not 33 covered by this Agreement. 34 37 A R T I C L E V I 38 39 ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATION 40 41 Section 6.1. 42 The Association will designate a Conference Committee of three (3) members who will meet with the 43 Superintendent of the District and/or the Superintendent's designated representatives on a mutually 44 agreeable basis to discuss appropriate matters.
Section 5.2. 36 It is further agreed and understood that the District will inform the Association, and meet with the 37 Association at a reasonable time and place for discussions regarding substantive changes in wages, 38 hours, benefits, and working conditions. 39 40 Section 5.3. 41 Any settlements of full contract openers or limited contract openers reached in meetings between the 42 representatives of the Association and the representatives of the board will be reduced to a tentative 43 written agreement and placed upon the agenda of the first available board meeting for ratification 44 following ratification by the Association (PSEA) retroactive to the first day of the new agreement. 45 3 4 5 Section 6.1.
Section 5.2. 10 It is further recognized that this Agreement does not alter the responsibility of either party to meet with 11 the other party to advise, discuss or consult regarding matters concerning working conditions not 12 covered by this Agreement. 16 A R T I C L E V I 18 ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATION 19 20 Section 6.1. 21 The Labor/Management committee is designed to allow the parties to meet at mutually scheduled 22 times to discuss appropriate matters that do not require negotiations. The committee shall consist of 23 the Association President and up to four (4) members chosen by the Association, and the District 24 Human Resources Manager and up to four (4) management representatives chosen by the District. 25 Committee meeting times shall be mutually agreed upon between the parties.