Examples of A crime against humanity in a sentence
A crime against humanity has to be committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population.
A crime against humanity is defined to be, in a very literal sense, an offence committed against humanity as such.
A crime against humanity occurs when any act specified in the statute, including slavery or sexual slavery, is committed as part of a general or systematic attack against a civil population.
A crime against humanity To be able to respond appropriately to the wrongs suffered by a collective, we must first give the correct name to these wrongs.
A crime against humanity may be committed in peacetime or wartime.
A crime against humanity is committed, when a civilian population is the object of an attack that is ‘widespread or systematic’.
A crime against humanity is an enumerated base crime which is committed in the context of certain aggravating elements.
A crime against humanity can occur when there is no armed conflict.8 Thus, an attack is not limited to the conduct of armed hostilities or use of armed force.
A crime against humanity served as an extension of the crime of aggressive war, but referred to offenses committed against a civilian population rather than other wartime combatants.
A crime against humanity may not be committed in isolation or by an individual.