A N D definition

A N D. SILVERBACK ENTERPRISE GROUP, INC., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Delaware. (hereinafter referred to as “Silverback”).

Examples of A N D in a sentence

  • A T I C F A I ; 2 8 + Y E A R S W O R K E X P E R I E N C E I N B A N K I N G S E C T O R ; C O N T E N T W R I T E R F O R B U S I N E S S T I M E S A N D E C O N O M I C T I M E S ; E D I T E D 5 0 + B O O K S O N M A N A G E M E N T , E C O N O M I C S A N D B A N K I N G ; E D I T O R D R .

  • Back to Top alaska judicial council‌510 L Street, Suite 450, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 -1295 (907) 279-2526 FAX (907) 276-5046http://www.ajc.state.ak.us E-mail: postmaster@ajc.state.ak.us M E M O R A N D U M TO: Judicial Council FROM: Staff DATE: August 3, 2016 RE: Appellate Evaluation of Judges Eligible for Retention in 2016 I.

  • N A N D I T A R E D D Y A D V O C A T E P R I M E D I S P U T E E D I T O R M S .

  • R A J A N I K A N T H M A S S I S T A N T P R O F E S S O R ( S Y M B I O S I S I N T E R N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y ) - M A R K E T I N G M A N A G E M E N T I S S N : 2 5 8 2 - 2 9 4 2 E D ITO R IAL B O AR D E D I T O R N I L I M A P A N D A B .

  • Accountable We are accountable for what we do.Genuine Our actions will match our words.Open We are open and constructive in how we communicate and solve problems.Respectful We are respectful to each other at all times.Supportive We are supportive of each other.T H E M O U N T A L E X A N D E R S H I R E C O M M U N I T Y Mount Alexander Shire has much to offer, from a rich heritage to picturesque natural surroundings, a thriving local economy and a diverse cultural life.

More Definitions of A N D

A N D. Societe financiere Bourgie (1996) Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada and having its registered office at 0000 Xxxx-Xxxxxxxx Xxxx. West, Montreal, Quebec, Gestion Pierre Bourgie Inc., a corporation incorporated under Part IA of the Companies Act (Quebec) and having its head office at 000 Xxxxxx Xxxx., Town of Mount Royal, Quebec, Gestion Xxxxxx Bourgie Inc., a corporation incorporated under Part IA of the Companies Act (Quebec) and having its head office at 000 Xxxxxx Xxxx., Town of Mount Royal, Quebec, Pierre Bourgie, a businessman domiciled and residing at 0 Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx, Laval-surle-Lac, Quebec, Marc Bourgie, a businessman domiciled and residing at 0, Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx, Laval-sur-le-Lac, Quebec, Xxxxxx Bourgie, a businesswoman domiciled and residing at 00 Xxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx-xxx-xx-Xxx, Xxxxxx, (collectively, the "Guarantors") OF THE FIRST PART, A N D: Xxxxxxx Group Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of the Province of Quebec, formerly known as Xxxxxxx Enterprises (Canada) Inc., and having its head office at 000 Xxxxxx Xxxx., Town of Mount Royal, Quebec, (the "Purchaser") A N D: Xxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Louisiana and having its head office at 110 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, Louisiana, ("Xxxxxxx") OF THE SECOND PART. THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein set out and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:
A N D. Xxxxxx Electronic Engineering Ltd. Public Co. 00-000000-0 00 Xx'xxxx Xx., Xxxx Xx'xxxx 00000 tel. 00-0000000, fax 00-0000000 (hereinafter: the "LESSEE")
A N D. SPROTT ESG GOLD ETF (the “Trust” or the “Customer”) and SPROTT ASSET MANAGEMENT LP, a limited partnership formed under the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada, pursuant to the Limited Partnerships Act (Ontario) by declaration dated September 17, 2008, the sponsor of the Trust (the “Sponsor”)
A N D. BUKA VENTURES INC. a limited liability company having its registered office at Suva in the Republic of Fiji Islands (which together with its successors and assigns is hereinafter referred to as "the Assignee") of the third part
A N D. SILVERBACK TWO CANADA MERGER CORPORATION, a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”) A N D: TENROX INC., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
A N D. THE TIREX CORPORATION CANADA INC., a body politic and corporate, duly incorporated and having its office at 000 Xx. Xxxxxxx Xx., Montreal, Quebec H3C 1L5. herein acting through and represented by XXXXXXX X. XXXXX, its PRESIDENT, hereunto duly authorized as he so declares, Hereinafter called the "MANUFACTURER" OF THE SECOND PART
A N D. QELE RESOURCES INC. a limited liability company having its registered office at Suva in the Republic of Fiji Islands (which together with its successors and assigns is hereinafter referred to as "the Assignee") of the third part