Examples of Abt Associates in a sentence
Enabling Equitable Health Reforms Project in Albania, Abt Associates Inc.
Bethesda, MD: Partnerships for Health Reform Project, Abt Associates Inc.
Offers received after the specified time and date will be considered late and will be considered only at the discretion of Abt Associates Inc.
The Sustaining Health Outcomes through the Private Sector Plus (SHOPS Plus) project led by Abt Associates awarded Afghan Social Marketing Organization (ASMO) a project that improves the delivery of high quality family planning and maternal and child health products to target populations in Afghanistan through the private sector.
Note: This proposed table will be negotiated and agreed upon with Abt Associates and LHSS.
Led by Abt Associates, Inc., in partnership with Training Resources Group, Inc., Broad Branch Associates, Development Alternatives Inc.
The U.S. Government and Abt Associates have a zero tolerance policy regarding trafficking in persons.
PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The Period of Performance for this grant will begin after the grant is approved by USAID and the grant agreement is fully executed and dually signed by both the Grantee and Abt Associates.
After the end of the Grant Agreement, USAID and Abt Associates retain the right, at their discretion, to examine all or a sample of the Grantee’s records or transactions related to this Grant Agreement where concerns of implementation irregularities arise.
Notwithstanding (i) payment, (ii) passage of title, or (iii) prior inspection or test, all items are subject to final inspection and acceptance or rejection by Abt Associates.